8 - Falling

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Three weeks and two days Later

Tia's Perspective

"Hey beautiful" I snap my head up from my text book and turn to Nickola with a smile; he holds two take away cups. He takes a seat in front of me and places my cup of coffee in front of me, I smile widely my hand instantly goes to reach the warm goodness but it was snatched away from my reach. Nickola leans across the table with a smirk and taps lightly on his cheek. "A thank you would be nice"

I smile brightly and lean to place a kiss on his cheek where he only turns his head making me kiss his lips. I pull away with a bright blush spread on my cheek and I slap his cheek lightly for making me blush. Nickola only laughs as his bright green eyes beam with happiness.

"You're too easy" he teased, I groan in annoyance and reach to grab my coffee.

Nickola only grins. "You're welcome beautiful" he said, resting back in his chair he eyes me for a moment and I look away down to my books trying to distract myself from the nervous butterflies and his stare.  I look back up and raise my eyebrows "what?" I ask taking another sip of my coffee, Nickola only shakes his head and rests his arms behind his head. I tilt my head to study him for a moment, another visionary of Andrew flashed before me; I let out a small laugh and shake my head before I hallucinate anymore; two years, three weeks and two days later Andrew seems to crawl back into my mind showing his stupid, sexy face into my vision. I mean you would think his gone by now, but he hasn't, he never left.

"Is it a crime to stare at a beautiful girl in a café?" I shake my head with a shrug, hiding the blush and smile on my face. "You don't like me" I say. Nickola only nods his head as he reaches for my hand. "No, beautiful; I like you a lot"

Nickola and I have become extremely close these past weeks, we hung out every day keeping each other fun and comfortable company I have learnt to deal with Nickola's annoying flirty lines and realised whatever he says is in a joking manner. Nickola somehow made me feel and think differently about myself. He makes me feel what I use to feel for what I had for Andrew; But Andrew isn't here and now looking at Nickola, he makes me feel... so much happier.

"Why can't I figure you out you out, beautiful?" He asked softly. I give him a gentle squeeze and smile up at him with a smile and stare into those almost transparent green eyes; I shake my head slowly. "You'll figure me out eventually Nikka."

I smile at him remembering when I gave Nickola the nickname, it made his eyes twinkle with unbelievable happiness, it made him blush and I teased him all day because of it. I can remember the giddiness well up inside him because of the way he was smiling and smirking all day, he was always tried to find some new ways to touch me, to grasp my attention and even try to make a smile appear on my face; and fuck it works.

Apart of me never wanted to let out a smile or a small giggle because I deep down I still loved Andrew but I could feel my emotions running low. And I hate the feeling.

Nickola smiled widely at the nickname and I find myself smiling as well; it's hard not to notice the sudden happiness in his eyes. It's hard not to notice the pure care and kindness he has towards me. Nickola raises my hand towards his lips gently placing a small peck on my knuckles giving me a full spark of happiness and an another heatwave through my cheeks.

He looks into my eyes again as he sips on his coffee and it's hard not to notice that he has truly fallen for me. I know, because I look at him the same way, I know because it was how Andrew looked at me; regardless when I look at Nick I know that I 'am slowly falling too.

"Can I take you somewhere?" Nickola asked. I smile nodding my head, he smiled and pulled me out from my chair dragging me out side. "Wait, my coffee" I turn back, when suddenly scooped me up in his arms as if I were a light feather. I yelp in surprise wrapping my arms around his neck in surprise. "Nickola!" Nickola laughed and pushed the door open with his foot; the cool breeze met my skin making my hair fly from face when suddenly I was dipped meeting Nickola's lips. "Hey you'er self"

I laugh and push his face away "Put me down you dick" I say, in order for myself to regain my composure. Nickola sighs and places me to my feet and smirks at me stepping closer as his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me close to his chest "But I wanted to give you something beautiful". My breath hitched when he inched closer "w-what?".

What surprised me the most is when he reached to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear; His figure tips glide on my skin causing me to close my eyes as my hart quickens. Only Andrew ever did this to me, it was only Andrew that caused the the goosebumps and tingly feeling whenever he touched me, it was only him that ever made me feel so helpless when creased my cheek. 

Tears well up in my eyes as the wanted memories flash before me. Emotions running low, huh?  I shut my eyes tightly gently wrapping my figures around Nickola's wrists, pulling his hand down from my cheek. 

"Let's go" I say with a smile. Nickola's eyes soften and fill with concern, but he didn't say anything only makes a silly face making me laugh hysterically; as if he knew I needed it and just like that, Nickola knew how to make me forget, he knew how to make me smile.

* * *

Anonymous Perspective.

My eyebrows knit together in anger and I feel my hands become clammy against the large camera. I zoom up getting a better focus on Tia and Nickola; she laughs throwing her head when Nickola pulled from her face. I grip on the camera tight and pull it away from my face as I look angrily through the tinted window

I can see the way Nickola looks at her, I see the way, he laughs I can see his feeling towards her. I know because I use to look at her that way too, I use to be the one to make her laugh, to make her happy. I shake my head again and hit the steering wheel with force. You fucked up! I hit the wheel making some sort of animal noise come out of me. I start the car and zoom away intently.

I knew I couldn't trust him but he was the only suitable asshole for the job. I had some sort of hope that this plan will work out perfectly; but it didn't and nothing is going to plan. This is all going to shit, all going to nothing. I gave Nikola two simple rules and two simple incrustations; earn Tia's trust, make her fall for you, but don't even think about falling for Tia.

I tsk and shake my head pulling out the m9 from the glove compartment reloading it with a click. Now that I look at it; the rules have been broken and Nickola will pay the price.

I bang on the front door, busting it open. "Andreja?" I sing, I reload the gun to give her a warning there was a slam in the bedroom, so I run up the steps, searching the room. "Someone is going to die today" I smirk to myself

Another slam was herd from the bottom of the kitchen and I growl slamming the gun to the wall running to the kitchen seeing the door was wide open, rushing out I aim the gun to find nothing;

You can run. But you can't hide

* * *

Author's Note : 

Anonymous Perspective ?!    WHAAT

once again, the characters are for you to imagine!  because everyone has their own type and representation on what their guy should look like, I'am not a girl to judge. 

So, my point is. As long as 'Andrew' is good to his girl then its all good to me.

Introducing, Andrew Harvey

As your sexy baby crush

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