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"Okay baby, see you when I get home." I smiled giddily, Andrew wined and continued to speak saying all these flattering words but at the same time annoying me about his day, regardless he is making me all bubbly inside and distracting me from the little project I was creating.

I couldn't stop smiling and I just needed him to see him, to put the cherry on the top. "Andrew, I have to go" I whined. I didn't. I just needed an excuse to hang up so he didn't hear me blush, I also just needed to finish this before he came back from getting us some takeout.

"No wait, I need to get your order dumbass." He said with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes as with a somewhat flattering smile. "Okay, whats seems to be the most delicious.

"There is kebabs, burek and some Maznik, but most delicious is probably the chips and burgers.." My eyes had widened as the sound of it, but looking down at my belly healthier options needed to be made. "is there Maznik with spinach?"
Andrew hummed as if he was looking then spoke to the man. I bit my lip regretting my order so quickly I imposed and asked for a kabab instead. Besides, a girl gotta eat.

Andrew and I spoke as he waited for the food, but at the same time with him gone, I had twenty minutes or less to prepare. I put the phone on speaker and set it down as I began to set up the surprise.

Roses were leading to the balcony and candle lights set around the hotel room, and with the main surprise upon the table laid the present that I was dying for him to open.

"What is all that tussling?" Andrew asked confused, my eyes widened. Quickly I came up with an excuse, "It's me taking off my clothes, about to get into the shower." I said with a sad kind of sigh.

"Now?" he replied almost as if he was hurt, my wicked smile formed onto my face as if I pushed a button. "Yes, now"

I heard him huff a breath, "But I'm not there." he stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Rolling my eyes I shrugged with a cheeky petty grin and played along with this scenario and quickly skipped to the bathroom, "Shame, isn't."

To think already six months into our marriage and we still act as if it was three weeks dating; all giddy and appended. I didn't want anything to change, it is better if we were to be crazy and stupid in love rather than some serious couple thinking of the future. With Andrew and I, we made a serious promise to go with the flow, relax and see what life will shit on us; at least that's what Andrew had said, and of course, who am I to disagree at such wise wisdom. It was all about keeping the spark alive, with that a fire always had to be lit.

As for action like this. I didn't know if this meant to be sexy or stating facts, regardless it had given me a mix of butterflies.

"Don't tease me right now." he had said lowly as if it was a threat and warning.
I giggle feeling my cheeks heat up, sexy it is then. 

"Where is the fun if I don't"

Andrew let out a tsk, "oh, you're really, asking for it, huh?"

I hummed and shrugged even though he couldn't see me I made sure to make it perfectly observe that I was taking off my clothes, giving him high hopes and descriptive words of all the things I'm doing and what I would do when he came home.

"The things I will do to you, Tiana."

"And what do you want with me, Andrew?" By the imagination and the sinful thoughts in my head, I wasn't so hungry for the food anymore.

Andrew laughed on the other line where I could hear the man call out his name to collect the order. My heart had sunk, not only wasn't I ready for the surprise to give him but the surprise he was about to show me.

"You'll see baby girl." and just like that, he had hung up. I had gasped with disbelieve. He threw words into my head and left me hanging.

To be fair, I was lighting the fire.

Regardless I giggled in excitement and quickly threw on a robe and rushed out the bathroom to finalise finishing touches. 
I set the table on the balcony, lit up the fairy lights, then placed his present in his plate and closed it up with a silver plate cover. This was one of the most exciting and happiest nights of my life.

Maybe he was a little bit late, or maybe I was a little too early to gather my surprise before he could arrive I was bouncing on my toes as my heart was leaping out of my chest. Excitement, happiness and a whole of adrenaline burst through my body as I kept my pace waiting on my husband.

Waiting amongst the shimmering stars out on the balcony, I sat on the table with my white hotel robe and like royalty my legs richly crossed with my hands placed either side of me. By now, Andrew should come home so quickly I had brushed down my wet hair and flashed my leg a little more.

This was no game anymore.

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