10 - Almost Home

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Is it possible to feel this happy to feel this excited, I'm so happy right now no one can understand, unless you are happy then you can understand this feeling. I don't remember being this happy since Mama and Tato came back from their business trip after three months and being without them was like loneliness had taken over my world; But being away from your family for two years is like the world has opened up a sink whole swallowing down you along with the loneliness.

It was almost a five-hour drive back home, and I become very anxious as we reach closer to the neighbourhood; I haven't called or texted the girls or Andre to let them know I was coming; I have told them I would be arriving in two months from today. But things changed when asshole Jarred cheated on my two greatest friends.  Thanks to Nickola, Jarred would not be unconscious and bloody; Nickola was like the Halk in that room. No one should mess with your sister's brother.

I smile happily and take Nickola's hand in mine as I talk about my family, friends and my precious childhood he listened without one single interruption and laughed to all my embarrassing moments; jerk, yes but I liked to see him smile and it always made me flutter. Nickola opens the windows with a laugh as I stick my head out happily.

I watch the passing houses and street lights zip past; we arrive in a small suburb where we are surrounded by a beautiful view of mountains and gardens. It's so beautiful, everywhere you look there where flowers everywhere, children were playing soccer or hide 'n' seek around the area and there where people chatting, and what made it even better everything is in walking distance. I forgotten how beautiful it got in the spring all the flowers and leaves shimmer brightly as the cool mist of air finds a way to make you shiver but what always made me smile is when the sun was peering from behind the mountains beaming into my room. 

"Thank you for coming with me" I say to Nickola. His greens eyes locked with mine and he smiled reaching for my hand. "Always beautiful" he said softly kissing my knuckle. I smile widely at him and he intertwines our fingers together creating tingles in up my arm.  Looking back to the beginning of our relationship I was depressed and venerable; I took out all my emotions on Nickola but all he has ever done is stuck through my hell, sticking by me through all of it. And honestly now, I feel so much happier.

The car comes to a stop, and I look through my window seeing my front door and garden, I take a sharp breath seeing that the lights are on behind the blinds.  Andre must be home with Mama and Tato, I see a few tall figures walk past the living room window, I gasp and duck under so I won't be seen. Nickola laughed "why are you hiding, I thought you were excited to see your family"

I shift my head towards him with a nervous laugh. "To be honest I'm fucking terrified, Nick" Not terrified because of my family, terrified because Andrew might be inside; alongside with Maria, Liv, Diana and Ray. I' am so terrified to see my ex that I still truly love after two years I' am terrified to witness his possible change and differences; I 'am not at all ready to see his face, or his smile that I once loved. I cannot face him after I left or the promises that he had broken. 

Nickola ducked as well so that he is eye level with me, all I see is his beautiful grin eyes filled with humour and a wonderful smile that puts me into another set of butterflies making me suddenly forget about my fear.  "Their you're family beautiful, they'll be so happy to see you after two whole years -" He said softly.

"-and besides, I'll be with you every step of the way" he said inching closer, I take a breath as if I am about to sinking to the bottom of the ocean but instead I' am sinking into another state of unwanted love. Nickola places a soft kiss on my lips spreading a zap through my entire body; and just like that Nickola made everything feel so much better.

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