15 - Guest?

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Tia's Perspective.

"No everything is under control" I hear someone hiss. I hum in response, not at all paying attention and bury my head further into my soft feathered pillow ignoring the voices and the sun beaming through the window. "No! We had a deal" He said I bit loudly; I groan to shut him up and duck my head under the covers letting the darkness consume me only to feel a very rough ping hit my head, my hand instantly reached for my head.

What happened last night

"Okay. Fine. Give me a two weeks and you get what you want"

Considering the throbbing pain in my head and the constant annoying whispers, I'm wide a - wake under my covers, the light still seems to seep through and bunch it closer to my eyes; it feels so good to be back home in my bed, I smile knowing that I'm once again home with my family and my best friends, I smile knowing that I once again saw Andrew. I smile widely bunching the cover closely to my face as my cheeks light up with fire.

Wait a second!

In an instant my eyes snap open and jump out of bed only to collide with a head. "OWE" Nickola and I both cry. Nickola falls back onto the bed with his hands on his forehead I gasp and shoot up from the bed with a pounding pain in my head. I cry in pain and bring my hands to my head mirroring his action. "Nickola" I whine, rubbing my head. I look up at him to see his black hair messy and his green eyes hooded with what seems with regret. 

I jump up ignoring the throbbing in my head and the complete pain in my body, I scurry towards Nickola. "Nickola. Are you okay? I'm so so sorry" I say cupping his cheeks and examine his face "I'm sorry". He chuckles slightly gently holding my wrists as I turn his head to check for anymore injuries; instead of injuries I find a purple scar which is the size of a ten cent penny I tilt my head and rub my thumb gently feeling a bump and small wrinkles around it. "What happened?" I ask breathlessly.

"It's nothing beautiful" he said, with another chuckle. I laugh and stroke his jaw looking at him worriedly silently begging for him to tell me, Nickola only shook his head with a convicting smile but I see the pain he is hiding. I know better than to interfere with his life but something so viewing as a gunshot I needed to know, no. I wanted to know. 
Why didn't he want to tell me?
What's he hiding?

Suddenly in a swift I was pulled down, letting out a shirk I land with a soft thud on the bed as Nickola hovers on top, his green eyes stare down into mine my heart to beat ten times fast. "It's nothing beautiful" he smiles. I smile worriedly and touch his forehead gently, he doesn't wince or cry in pain he only stares at me with a sad smile. "Nick-"

He leaned lower so that his small fridge and warm minty breath tickled my head sending shivers down my spine. "Completely fine" he says softly. I smile, licking my lips quickly as my eyes flicker to his plumped lips and just like that he kisses me softly sending sparks through my body. This may be the first time my body had ever reacted when Nickola kissed me I sigh in defeat and he pulled away slowly and I find myself wanting more.

"It's twelve thirty Beautiful. And your parents made breakfast" Nickola says, my eyes drift away from his and I shake my head in order to wipe the stupid creepy grin and the stupid blush that was on my face, so I nod with agreement as Nickola smirked and jumped of the bed. Why is it that every guy I fall for either seems too good to be true or not good at all; Alexander was one of them and we were strong for a while until the devil had taken over his body and left me into a pit of hopelessness. But his not here now and his gone forever thanks to my angel where he was discised as my Knight in shining Armor; he saved me, kept my happiness and loved me so much that it was as if I was the only thing that he ever seen. But now I realise his too good to be true.

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