Preference 5* PDA

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Jace: He loves it. He always want's to be touching you in some way. Whether its holding your hand or an arm round the waist. You're not the biggest fan but you don't really stop him unless it gets intense.

Clary: She's more conservative than you. She will still loosely hold your hand but she isn't the type of person to shove it in others faces. Unless someone's hitting on you, then she's a little spitfire.

Alec: He gets embarrassed easily. He also wants to be professional but you love making him flustered by kissing him or lightly trailing your fingers up his arm. He always holds you by tha hand or waist tightly if he thinks dangers near.

Magnus: Magnus see's no problem with randomly coming up to you and kissing you mid conversation. He always puts his arm round your waist. He will stand slightly behind you and breathe lightly on your neck, driving you insane. You want to look proper and independent since you are a new shadowhunter so you don't want to show too much.

Isabelle: You guys don't really care. You kiss or touch/hold each other if you want too but don't really have an preference on it.

Simon: You two make fun of people for making out in public. Holding hands is fine for you.

Maia: She gets flustered easily so she doesn't really do it. You however don't care and can be slightly clingy so you always want to hug her.

Jordan: He likes to kiss you no matter where you are. You don't really care. If you go out you don't really hold hands though. It gets gross and sometimes sweaty so you'd rather just share a pair of earphones.

Camille: She loves it but you can get flustered easily. She wants everyone to be jealous of her/you. Like Jordan you don't really hold hands but instead link arms. However around vamps she will hold back a lot. A past werewolf lover of hers was killed by a vampire because of that and she doesn't want it to happen again. However if a vamp comes to close she will step forward slightly while gripping your wrist.

Raphael: Neither of you like it. You don't find it necessary and frankly gross. You think it should stay between you.

Tessa: She doesn't like it. She grew up in the late 1800's and its still slightly in the back of her mind. When you're out she likes to be proper. When she'sor you are introducing each other you hold her by her waist to make sure they get the point.

Jem: Ever since he was turned back to a normal shadowhunter you refuse not to be in contact with him. You have to be holding hands or having an arm around his waist or shoulder. He thinks its sweet and doesn't mind. He is a gentleman so he won't be kissing you in public but he will kiss you on your check or forehead randomly. Before he was a silent brother you didn't really do it. Sometimes he'd have his arm round your waist and vice versa but not often. Also Will would always tease him for it.

Will: Will did not give a second thought about it. If he wanted to hug, kiss or hold you he would. After his curse turned out not to be real he always wanted to show his love for you. He was still somewhat of a gentleman so he wouldn't make out with you in public. Whenever you kissed his check or hold his hand he would ALWAYS make a suggestive comment. But that's the Will you fell in love with so you would just roll your eyes. If the joke was too provocative you would threaten him with a duck. No joke.

Shadowhunter imagines and preferencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora