Lightwoods*Snacks PT2

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"I thought you said the lights didn't turn off," He said, panicking.

"They don't," I said, standing up. "Get ready,"

"For what?"

"I don't know but I want to have a chance when we find out,"

The fact the lights were off was bad enough, but this silence felt worse. I was standing, back pressed against the wall in the corner furthest from the door. When he went to talk, I shushed him. I heard a couple people start to talk but him and I shushed them too.

Darkness never used to bother me, but I used to be in control. I started counting in my head. 1, 2, 3, 4...67...143...210...240 seconds before the first sound. Someone was walking down the corridors. This place wasn't soundproof, they probably wanted us to all hear the screams.

These feet scuffling was different than normal. there was 6 no 8 of them. Maybe 10. Then I heard them mess with the locks. Sebastian never had trouble with the locks, neither did his friends. It was instant. "Do you think they're here to help?" someone whispered.

"Yeah right," someone shot back, "probably another psycho,"

"Can't be much worse,"

"Will you all shut up," I whisper yelled, "you're gonna get us killed- "

"Did you hear that?" a voice said from the corridors. A cold sweat ran down my spine. "Try this door," the lock rattled against the metal. I couldn't fight, I was barely standing, and I hate to admit it was mostly with the walls support. I'd been beaten, tortured, left exhausted and hungry. I can't fight. I'd never felt less like a shadowhunter.

I heard a clang and the door slid open. A bright white light filtered into the room. It moved as if it was a torch. Did this place not have power? I heard footsteps and I held my breath. 4 people came into the room.

Vaguely I could see them holding lights up to the cells and checking who was there. I grimaced as light-filled my eyes. A shadowhunter stood at my cell door, holding a witch light and seraph blade. He looked at me for maybe a second, "Another shadowhunter," he yelled.

"I've got one here too," a voice called back.

He looked at me, totally calm "Were going to get you out,"

The shadow hunters called out what species they had found as if it really mattered, we were all prisoners, then started trying to get us out. The doors originally were locked by runes, but Sebastian had switched to an electric system.

Watching the shadow hunters get pissy when the cells wouldn't open was weirdly entertaining. "Hey buddy," I called. He ignored me, "it's not going to work,"

"How would you know? you've clearly not got out," he spat back.

"Hey!" The guy I'd been talking to yelled, "Lay off! Just because you don't know what you're doing,"

"Fine then," he grumbled, "Got any suggestions kid?"

"Yeah," I spat, "put the power on dumbass. It's electric,"

"Sure, this is just some mundane system,"

"They're light," Another called from a different cell, "We were here when he installed it,"

"They have these key fobs to open the doors," another said.

The Shadowhunter glared at me before turning to talk to someone, "Go put the power on,"

It took a while for them to figure out the power system but eventually, the lights began to flicker, and they turned on. Someone walked in and suddenly that shadowhunter was back. "You find the key fobs?" I asked.

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