Magnus Bane*Left at the club

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Also I know its a terrible title. If you have a better one please tell me, because I hate this one.

Stupid Lauren! Ok, maybe some backstory would help. I and Lauren were hanging out at her house when she got the idea to go clubbing. I HATE clubbing. I'm really shy and don't like crowded spaces but she didn't listen. Now I'm left at the bar standing awkwardly next to her as some guy with a scar on his neck hits on her. "Hey, do you wanna get out of here?" Lauren turned to me and winked before going to leave with this stranger.

"Don't you dare," I warn quietly. She signalled the guy to wait a minute. Oh hell, no is she going.

"Come on. Its just one small hook up. Lighten up." She pushed my shoulder.

"I don't care if you fuck the full football team. You did not just drag me to some club only to leave me twenty minutes later."

She rolled her eyes. "What? I wanted to check out the infamous pandemonium. Quit being a wet blanket. Such a mundane."

"I'm not dull." I crossed my arms as she smirked. "I'm not!"

"Really? Fine then. While I go hook up with that fine guy, you should go talk to the man in glitter. He's been checking you out." She winked and sauntered away. I glanced at the man she was talking about. He had tan skin, glittery black hair with blue through it. He wore a sparkly black shirt unbuttoned to the last four and yellow skinny jeans. I looked away as quickly as I could. Yes, he was hot but it's not like he was checking me out. Lauren just wanted an escape. Every time I talk to a guy its because one of the idoit's at school thinks its fun to pick on me. Lauren is one of my few friends.

I bring my glass to my lips. Bittersweet alcohol. I quickly finish my drink and decide to get another one before leaving. I couldn't exactly phone my parents to pick me up. They'd murder me. I want to ask the strangely pale barman for another drink but I can't bring myself to. I sigh and decide to get it over with since I'll probably never see him again. "Excuse me." He didn't hear me. Ugh.

"Would you like another?" I flinch at the new silky voice. I turn to see the same man as earlier. I nod, not meeting his eyes. He signalled the barman in seconds. "Another (Y/D). In fact, make it two." The man behind the bar sprung into action. The drinks were next to us in seconds. "Put it on my tab."

"It's fine. I can buy my drink." I reach for my money.

"I don't doubt that sweetness. I'm merely being nice."

My face heats up. I don't know if its anger or embarrassment. "Look, get it over with." I roll my eyes and look away.

"Get what over with."

"Whatever insults you conjured up. I can't be bothered tonight."

He looked confused and slightly hurt. "I don't know if you understand. I don't wish to insult you, darling. Quite the opposite." I rolled my eyes and chugged my drink.

"Fine then." I began to push myself through the sweaty crowd. After a minute or so of manoeuvring through the see of people, I finally reach the door. I walk out into the cool crisp air of the alleyway. Even the alleyway had people in it. I walk into a side street with no one else in it.

I lean against the wall and pull out my phone to order an Uber. As I start to type in my passcode I hear someone's shoes tapping the pavement. I look up to see the man. "Are you ok buttercup? You look flushed."

"I-I'm fine." I looked around. Maybe an empty street wasn't the best thing. "What do you want?" I mumble.

"Nothing. Just wanted to talk to a pretty person. Is that a crime." He took a slight step forward and I flinched.

"Don't lie. Just either hit me or walk away." I couldn't meet his beautiful eyes. No one just wants to talk to me.

"I don't think you quite understand flirting my darling. I don't want to hit you. Why would I?" held back tears. I've fucked up. "Do people hit you?" his eyebrows raised and his eyes glistened slightly.

"Sometimes. Its mostly insults though." Why am I telling a stranger this?

"Who does?" he looked almost angry, almost concerned.

"Just some guys from school. It's no biggie."

"Of course it is!" he paused for a moment. "Is that why you ran away? You thought I was like them. Trust me, I'm a lot more mature than that."

"Sorry." We stayed silent for a minute. "I guess its hard to believe people are nice nowadays. Humanities pretty messed up." I looked up and caught a glimpse of gold cat eyes. They were normal after a second. "Unless your not human that is..."

He flinched back. "Of course I am. I'm perfectly mundane." I raise an eyebrow.

"Mundane means dull or earthly. Not human. Your eyes, they changed. They were like from my childhood."

"You've seen the downworld before?"

"If that's what you call those...cretures. That's what they bully me about. I see things." I looked away. It's hard to admit that sort of thing. I heard a car horn honk. 'Your uber has arrived'. "I've got to go."

He grabbed my wrist as I began to walk away. He placed a piece of paper in my hand. Where did he even gets that from? "My names Magnus. Call me if you want to know about those things you see. Or if you ever just want to talk." He winked and walked away.

The car honked again. I walked over and got in. I looked over the paper he had given me. His phone number. I took my phone out and added it to it. I'd maybe text him tomorrow. Just to find out about those creatures. Nothing else. I think.

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