Jace Lightwood*Found

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(Y/N) was dead. Everyone knew that in the New York Institute.(Y/N) had been a fierce shadowhunter, one of the best. They trained beside the Lightwood and Jace Wayland when he came to New York. (Y/N)'s parents had died in battle before their death, most of their family was gone but a few distant cousins.

When you heard the name (Y/N) the shadowhunters thought of many words to describe them; fierce, tough, kind, loving, Lightwood, brave and to Jace; first love. It's true. Jace had dated (Y/N) since the age of fourteen till they died untimely at sixteen. Yes, they were slightly older than him but they didn't care. They had each other and the rest of the world could go screw itself if it had an issue with it.

The Lightwoods thought of the word friend. If it wasn't for Izzy's fear of commitment she wouldn't have pushed back their parabiti ceremony a week. It was changed to the day after (Y/N) died on that mission. That mission. It might as well have been a suicide mission. The paperwork had been miss filed and the amount of demonic activity was wrong. It had said mild but when Jace got an emergency call he knew it was high.

(Y/N) was regarded as the best female shadowhunter of their generation. It was unlike her to phone for help but they still got the call. When Jace answered the phone he couldn't bear to hear it. The sound of demon shrieks and (Y/N)'s screams stabbed his heart. He quickly got Alec and Izzy and they geared up in record time.

They sped off to the scene. When they arrived they quickly had to jump into battle due to a number of demons. After they had gotten rid of the twelve demons they looked for (Y/N). They were nowhere to be seen. Jace looked down to the ground and saw something shine from the corner of his eye. When he walked over he saw a bracelet. Your bracelet. You weren't supposed to wear jewellery on missions but Jace had given it to you and you refused to take it off. He picked it up and noticed the demon blood on it. It was snapped in half and around the break was shadowhunter blood. (Y/N)'s blood.

As Jace held it he got teary-eyed. His parabiti walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "We can track her with it." Jace nodded and quickly spun to face Alec.

"Let's do it." No matter how many times they tried to track her they never got a trace. Izzy had found (Y/N)'s phone and saw a new video was on it. They could barely watch it. It was (Y/N) in mid-battle with demons surrounding her. She fought bravely and effectively but not well enough. They saw a demon sneak up behind her and had to look away as she screamed in agony. It was most likely after the call since it wasn't right next to her. The video ended as something crushed the phone's camera. They suspected it was a brick that fell as it was an abandoned alleyway.

That had been almost a year ago. They hadn't gotten over it but they managed. Clary was here now and Valintine was a good distraction as well as Sebastion. They had just found out about Sebashton and had entered his apartment. They found the real Sebashtons body and were still searching for it. Some other shadowhunters Jace and the Lightwoods barely knew were taking inventory of everything in it.

One of the shadowhunters who always liked Jace had come over to them as they were coming back from a normal mission. "Hey Jace, look at this. It looks cool right?"

Jace being bored glanced at it but did a double take. He quickly snatched it out of the girl's hand. "Where did you get this?" He asked aggressively.

"At Se-Sebashtons flat. I was taking in-"

"Leave. Now." The girl instantly scurried away and the Lightwood siblings and Clary were taken aback.

"Jace! That's no way to talk to people." Clary said angrily. The little redhead had gained a crush on the arrogant boy but didn't like how he treated people. Jace didn't discourage her crush as it was yet another distraction.

"Look at this." Jace showed Alec and Izzy the cool metal he held. It was a dagger which blade was crafted from black nickel and had white quarts handle.

"It's engraved," Izzy said in awe of the familiar metal.

"What does it say?" Clary asked, confused to the big deal.

Jace looked at the dagger he held as he spoke. "Amor exitium adducere, et pax." His voice caressed each word with pain yet as if remembering pure happiness. "Love can bring destruction and peace."

"That's beautiful. It surprising Johnathan had that considering how heartless he is." Clary said as she ran her finger down the cool blade Jace was holding.

"It isn't his," Jace said with anger. "it's too perfect to be his." Jace looked into his sibling's eyes. "It's hers. It's (Y/N)'s."

"Jace, you need to let her go," Izzy said softly as she placed a hand on his arm.

Jace pulled back quickly and turned to Alec. "We need to track her. We need too."

Alec glanced at Izzy and sighed. "Ok, once. But if it doesn't give a signal I'm sorry." Jace nodded and the parabiti began.

Clary tried to ask what was going on but was cut off by Izzy telling her 'shut up. This is important'. Clary had never been told to shut up by Izzy and obediently did. The parabiti were oblivious to the world around them as they tracked. It was a couple moment later when they pulled back.

Alec and Jace looked into each other's eyes for a second before running out the door with Izzy quickly following. Luckily they hadn't ungeared from their mission. As Clary went to go after them she was stopped by Maryse questioning her.

Jace, Alec and Izzy got to Johnathan's apartment quickly. They ran in and quickly scanned the room. The clave had just said to stop searching the flat and go back to work. Alec and Jace headed to the room where Sebashton had been kept. When in their they took out a witchlight and surveyed the whole room. They didn't understand. She was here. She had to be.

They were almost about to try tracking again when Jace leaned back against the wall. He leaned against it and slumped down with his head in his hands. He flung his head back against the wall in frustration and quickly moved as it went through the wall. The wall wasn't solid. Jace spun to face the wall on his knee's and ripped the 'wall' apart. The top part was normal but at the bottom of the wall, it wasn't a wall but merely thin plasterboard with hinges attaching it to the wall. A secret door.

Once the hole was big enough Jace crawled through. He got up once through the door and pulled out his witchlight. It took his eyes a second to adjust but once they did he was happy yet horrified. (Y/N) was lying in a metal framed bed with bruises on her body. Jace quickly ran over and checked for a pulse. There was.

Alec and Izzy were quickly in the room and had the same thoughts as Jace; 'what the hell?' and 'thank the angel'. (Y/N) was taken back to the institute. It turned out the demon didn't kill her like they presumed. The video was a fake. (Y/N) had been kidnapped by Valintine at first, who had injected her to be untrackable for a period of time, then Johnathan who had harboured her in a secret room.

He was a cruel capture in Jace's eyes. He fed her and let her live but still would test his demonic side on her. Apparently, he wanted to know the effect it would have on a shadowhunter. She had been fed lies about her friends and family but said she doubted most of them. She still, however, believed the fact Jace had moved on.

When he heard that Jace insisted he hadn't, couldn't. Jace refused to leave her sick bed for the whole of her stay in the infirmary. He went with her to the clave's questionings and when she refused to not participate in the final battle in Edom he stayed by her side.

After Johnathan's demon blood was removed she was there. He apologised with the little time he had. (Y/N) told him he didn't do it to her, the demon blood did. Jace never left her side again. Their marriage rune a year later ensured that. Jace would say how grateful he was for that dagger. The dagger had been crafted by the couple together as a way to celebrate their first-year anniversary. It had also saved (Y/N). Jace cherished that dagger almost as much as he did her. They would later use it to cut their wedding cake.

Valintine had taken (Y/N) from Jace but he no longer cared. He only cared that he had her back.

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