Why Wait?*Alec

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Requested by sbunt10 Sorry it took so long.

Alec x female!Reader

"But mum I don't wanna go!" I whine, unpacking the suitcase she was already packing for me.

"You have to honey. Plus, your brothers going with you! Most shadowhunters don't get that luxury." I could tell she was holding herself together by a thin string. "We need to have strong connections with other families. A war's coming and we don't want to be left trying to defend ourselves."

I sit, defeated on my bed. "You really think Valentines coming back? Like for real?" Ever since the uprising, my parents had been sceptical of valentine's defeat. My brother was 2 at the time while my mum had just gotten pregnant with me. They always said he was too cynical and smart not to have a backup plan.

"We've heard whispering in the downworld. Plus, one of your vampire friends even asked what would happen. If that's not early signs I don't know what is. Besides even if it's not valentine theirs still circle members out there." She started repacking what I had taken out.

"Is that why we're going to New York?"

She scowled slightly "Maryse was a slippery one at the academy. Especially after she started dating Robert" she spat his name.

I pursed my lips "I'm starting to think you just don't like the Lightwoods."

She rolls her eyes "They weren't the best people if you catch my drift," her packing became a lot more aggressive "That Robert had something out for your father. Especially after we- "she stopped abruptly as she saw my smirk "Just don't get involved with that Lightwood boy. Keep an eye from a distance. Lightwoods are nothing but trouble."

"C'mon, time to go." My brother woke me up, standing in my doorway.

I groaned and rolled over "Nah. Think I'll stay."

"Do not make me drag you out of bed." I glanced at him, stuck out my tongue and buried myself in my duvet. I didn't trust that smirk on his face.

"Put me down!" I screech. I feel the vibrations from my brothers laugh as he carried me over his shoulder.

"Can you grab our bags, Jeff?" He laughed.

I couldn't see Jeff, but I knew he was grinning. "Of course, boss. Guess little (Y/N) isn't a morning person?" He teased.


"Not even slightly." My brother spokes over my objection. "Time to go sis."

He starts walking to the portal. As he was stepping through I rushed out "What the hell! I'm not even dressed!" The first part of my sentence was in (Y/H/T) while the last was in New York in front of 10 or so strangers.

"Hello," My brother grinned. "Aren't you going to say hello (Y/N)?" He asked, wiggling his shoulder.

"Put me down or I swear to the angel you won't be able to have kids!"

"So aggressive." He sighed before putting me down not so gracefully.

I turned and punched his shoulder as hard as I could. "Excuse me, could we not have a little profession?" An arrogant voice said. I looked up to find out the owner of the voice. Why are all the rude ones hot? I internally question.

"So, you two are (Y/B/N) and (Y/N) Darkhollow? Id expect no less." She muttered the last part. A middle-aged woman with a stiff looking personality walked forward to greet us. "I'm Maryse Lightwood."

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