Magnus*No Tea Tonight PT4

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"Rent," The landlord said when the door opened.

The warlock held back a groan, "Extension?" They tried with an awkward smile.

He rolled his eyes. he was your classic sleaze bag, wife beater and all. Off course it was stained and barely covered his stomach. The stench was so strong your nose would involuntarily twitch, "You've been here 8 weeks and paid 5. If it's not in my mailbox tomorrow I'm changing the lock. Got it, Cory?"

"Yup," (Y/N) put on an apologetic face, "Promise,"

He rolled his eyes and walked away to no doubt chap the next door asking the same. The warlock shut the door and stormed over to the couch, sending a small flame at Caleb. "Ow!" He shot up.

"Came down," (Y/N) rolled their eyes, "It didn't even singe. Now has that new apartment come through yet? We need out of here,"

He scratched his head, "Dunno. didn't check,"

"I did not leave my home for you for you to be a complete screw-up,"

"I am not a screw-up!" He stood from the couch, "You chose to come,"

"Yeah like I had much of a choice!"

"Did I drag you!"

"You didn't have to!" (Y/N) screamed. "That's what friends do. And I'm getting sick of putting my neck out for you,"

"Stop being so dramatic." Cal said, sitting back down, "It's because of me you've travelled the world,"

"It's because of you I can't show my face in the downworld. It's because of you that Magnus is gone. It's because you wanted-"

"I get it!" Cal cut them off. "But Magnus wasn't my fault. It was that demon,"

"Who summoned him?"

Isabelle almost regretted binge watching an entire series, or two, instead of sleeping. Everyone else had left to do their assigned task and she was sat in front of a computer screen. Coffee in one hand, her head in the other. It was tedious to look through the photos, to say the least.

It wasn't till a notification popped up things got interesting. She'd left the search for Marvin's Bookshop open in a separate tab and it was only now eventually done. There were only 3 results. Izzy clicked the first. It had been abandoned a couple years back and turned into a yin fen den. Great. Note the sarcasm.

She clicked on the second. Marvin's bookshop to be investigated after the leak of highly demonic materials. Izzy's face contorted into confusion. Demons in a bookshop?

The last one. Marvin's bookshop report. Owner: Marvin Mystic, 653-year-old warlock. Mundane?: No. sells warlock supplies, spell books, and other downworlder related items. No items to confiscate, legal. Inventory reports being sent in weekly. Marvin has been approved by Clave. Address, 784 Lenox Road, Brooklyn, New York. Licensed till 2009.

Isabelle stared at the report. It was in Brooklyn? Maybe it was the sleep or the sheer cockiness of Isabelle, but she decided to check it out herself. It had been shut down after a yin fen den was found in 2013 so it should be fine.

The door put up little resistance to Isabelle's stele. The entire outer building now had graffiti all over it but no mundane damage to the inside. She shut the door behind her and pulled out her witchlight. Books were strewn across the room, there were stains on the carpets, and it clearly hadn't been cleaned up since the yin fen bust.

the windows had been boarded up and there was no hope for electric so the witchlight had to do. Isabelle inspected the front room. It seemed like a typical bookstore. Not even a trace of the downworld to the untrained eye.

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