No Tea Tonight PT6

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A/N: Sorry I'm a day late

Footsteps slapping marble floors echoing through the silence was the only noise to tell Magnus he wasn't walking through nothing. The walls and floors were both white marbles, seemingly glittering. The roof, well it looked like the ultimate blackness was dripping down. Black droplets fell from the ceiling sizzling as it dropped through the air and landing as smoke, disappearing, hitting the marble ground.
Caleb said nothing, did nothing, but walk. And walk. And walk. Seemingly forever. Normally Magnus would look around but there was nothing to look at. Eventually, Caleb stopped and looked at Magnus, "Tell me, how have you been?"
Magnus' eyebrows rose, "Why would you care?"
"Ouch," Caleb held a hand to his fake heart, "That hurts. We were friends once. Remember, back when we were all together?"
"There was never a 'we'. There was (Y/N) and I and there was (Y/N) and their...projects." Magnus said.
A dangerous smirk rose on Caleb's face, "But now theirs no Magnus and (Y/N). only (Y/N) and I. how are you holding up? With chairman as your only friend?" The warlock glowered at the boy, cat eyes momentarily flashing, "Look. You can't even control your magic now. so weak,"
"At least I have magic. You're only alive because (Y/N) wouldn't let them burn you," Magnus stepped closer to the boy. He was short, fluffy hair, and purple skin with a septum piercing. Magnus could breathe too hard and he'd fall over. But he was still smirking, "If it was up to me I'd have left you behind the first time you messed up,"
"You act like I don't have magic," Caleb chuckled, "I have more magic than you could ever need. Let me show you," Caleb tossed something in front of Magnus and he had no time to react.
A weightless feeling took over Magnus like driving fast over a hill unexpectedly. The only thing he felt was cold liquid wrapping around his limbs and turning to ice. His eyes began to readjust, and he could finally see through his cat eyes. he was in another white room this time walls made of crystals. He looked at his limbs and saw something that looked like metal wrapped around him. Cold.
"And for the record," Caleb's voice was the only sound he could hear, "if you had left me, (Y/N) would have never forgiven you,"

Magnus hadn't had an official roommate for decades, maybe a century, before he had asked (Y/N) to move in. For the first time in decades, maybe a century, Magnus was in love. Real love. He woke up lucky to see (Y/N) still laying there, sleeping.
He had no issue letting one of his spare rooms be turned into (Y/N)'s study. Clients, friends, and business partners met with (Y/N) in that study. Magnus always left it well alone, knowing it was there's even if it was in his house. He never had a reason to be in there.
One night though it was different.
Magnus knew Caleb and Gino had been visiting. Although Magnus had no issues with Gino he was wary of Caleb. He was an infrit and probably insecure. Well, that's what (Y/N) said. Even still he agreed to leave them be.
When he returned from a quick shopping spree he couldn't see the trio anywhere. After checking every room, he figured they must be in (Y/N)'s study. Magnus saw the door shut and knew he should leave them be. Eventually, it was midnight though and Magnus didn't sleep unless (Y/N) had had their tea and was going to be beside him.
He knocked on the door. No answer. The room had a silencing spell over it but Magnus knew (Y/N) would've lifted it to respond. But they didn't. he knocked again. No answer. He held his hand over the handle and paused.
Magnus had always said he wouldn't go in without asking but something felt wrong. Sometimes breaking a promise is necessary. So, he did.
The room was messy. (Y/N) was messy but this was excessive. Gino was passed out on the sofa in the room and Magnus rushed over. He didn't look like he just fell asleep. When he went to check for a pulse he heard Caleb, "He's been doing this a lot," Caleb was standing by (Y/N)'s desk. "He's not been well,"
Caleb was right about that. Gino's veins shown from his near-transparent skin. He wasn't the healthy sprightly boy he normally did, "What did you do?" Magnus asked, "Where's (Y/N)?"
"They went to get him something. I'm not sure." Caleb said, dropping something back in the desk before walking over.
"What was that?"
"What was what?" Caleb asked. Magnus eyes narrowed as he stood up fully, "I didn't do anything,"
"Move," Magnus said, walking over to the desk, "Now," he flashed his cat eyes.
"Magnus!" both boys looked to the doorway to see (Y/N) standing there, "What the hell are you doing? Caleb's been looking for you,"
Magnus eyebrows furrowed, "I was in our room,"
(Y/N) walked over to Gino, ignoring Magnus, "He took not well," they said before whispering, "I don't think he'll make it much longer."
"What happened?" Magnus asked, eyes still watching Caleb.
"A curse, a demon. I'm not sure. Is everything alright?"
Caleb went to speak but Magnus cut in front, "Can we talk?"
After he'd explained everything (Y/N) insisted he was just worried for his brother, "They're not brothers, "Magnus reminded (Y/N).
"Sometimes it's the family you find that matters,"
Magnus held back an eye roll "I don't want that in my house. It's evil,"
(Y/N) glared. "I thought it was our house?"

"What did you take from that desk?" Magnus asked.
"It's not what I took. It's what I left," Caleb said. "I should go. People to hurt, demons to meet. Enjoy the show,"
And then he was alone.

They were shadowhunters, they ben trained. But this, this was hard. Demons seemed to surround them from every angle. They weren't fully armoured either, but the trio tried.
As Alec ripped his sword out the stomach of a slime demon, goop spraying onto him, he noticed the boy in the cloak just standing there. He flung the demons off him and ran over to the boy, pinning him to the wall. "Call them off!" He held, blade to his throat.
Cold eyes stared back at him. All the tiny blood vessels on his face had turned grey-black, no colour on his skin. Dark matted hair fell on his forehead. Alec held his breath as he pushed the blade closer. The blackness in his veins seemed to run away from the angelic blade.
Alec pressed the side of the blade against the kids' skin, hearing his skin hiss but the black veins fade. The boy's face finally showed emotion; pain. Alec winced as he pressed the blade to the other side. The darkness ran again, his eyes going from black to pale brown.
The kid raised his arm and Alec got ready to drop him and duck the magic. But suddenly he heard demonic yells. He looked at the demons contorting in pain, running from his siblings. The demons tried their best to get back in the cage that they were ripping at each other's flesh to get in first.
Alec saw his siblings panting and holding their stands, confusion on their faces. He turned back to the boy, lowering his blade, "Who are you?"
The kid panted, "Gino," his voice was hoarse and held a frail Italian accent, "Gino Wayland,"

Clary was used to the abnormal, but she still didn't understand the dark tanks lining the shelves. Her and Jace had been knocked out and next thing she knew she was in a small dark dirt room with things looking like an IV drip sticking out of her arms. It was agony.
She'd been yanked from her restraints and shown to Jace. She had no time to think before being flung through a portal. It was all too quick. When she woke up she was here. A dingy storage room of sorts.
Shelves lined the walls and tables with scattered papers were in the centre of the room. The shelves were crammed full of jars and vials. Different coloured liquids and gases seemed to fill them, some still bubbling. Dark tanks were the most popular item.
Clary held her hand up to one of them but pulled it back when she felt the cold. It seemed to freeze her blood. She looked over the papers and saw various languages scattering the pages.
A loud creaking sound caught her attention and she looked up. One of the few empty tanks began to fill, drop by drop. And she was forced to listen to the screams.


Magnus tried to hold back his screams but as the icy feeling entered his veins he couldn't hold back, his cat eyes shining. He looked down at his veins to see them slowly turning black while a shimmering black liquid began to drip from his arms.
He looked up and through the screams saw the floor and walls slowly but surely turning to a black crystal. Impossibly black.
His eyes grew heavy, falling shut. He tried his magic, but it hurt more. All he could do was scream when it got worse.
They say life flashes before your eyes when you're dying but all Magnus could see was (Y/N), distorted by the crystal walls, banging on the other side. As if (Y/N) was just on the other side, trying to get in, trying to scream at him.

"Magnus!" (Y/N) screamed, pounding on the glass, not caring when it began to break and cut their hands, "The light! Stop looking! Magnus! Ahmm-" A hand covered (Y/N)'s mouth.
The coldness of the room was exaggerated by the warm breath on the back of (Y/N)'s neck, "That's enough of that," Caleb murmured, ignoring (Y/N) muffled screams.

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