Preference 31*Your Bridesmaids/Groomsmen

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I put in bridesmaids and groomsmen. If for example you are reading Jace's and your a guy you could still have both in your wedding party.


Bridesmaids: Izzy, Clary

Groomsmen: Alec, Simon, Raphael, Magnus

Magnus and Alec walked down together. Then Simon and Raphael and Izzy and Clary walked you down. Alec, Izzy and Magnus were on Jace's side and Clary, Simon and Raphael were on yours.


Bridesmaids: Lydia, Izzy

Groomsmen: Jace, Alec

Alec and Izzy walked down together (it would be awkward if Alec walked Lydia down), then Lydia and Jace. Luke walked Clary down the aisle. Izzy and Lydia were on your side and Jace and Alec were on Clary's.


Bridesmaids: Izzy, Clary

Groomsmen: Magnus, Raphael, Jace

Jace and Clary went first then Izzy and Raphael. Magnus gave you away. Clary and Raph were on your side and Jace and Izzy were on Alec's.


Bridesmaids: Clary, Maia

Groomsmen: Alec, Your brother (if you don't have one you do now. If you need a name for this new brother then its Ethan)

Maia and Alec walked down (Although obviously not dating, just because) then Clary and your brother.


Bridesmaids: Clary, Maia

Groomsmen: Simon, Jordan, Alec, Magnus

Jordan and Maia walked down, then Simon and Clary, then Magnus and Alec. Robert gave Izzy away. Jordan, Simon and Magnus were on your side and Clary, Alec and Maia were on Izzy's


Bridesmaids: Rebecca, Clary, Emma

Groomsmen: Ty, Julian, Jace, Mark

Ty walked Rebecca down, then Clary and Jace, then Emma and Julian. Mark walked you down and threatened Simon slightly. Or completely. You couldn't have a shadowhunter ceremony so you had a mundane one and hid it from Si's family, even though they saw your runes they didn't know. Even though you only had the oldest Blackthorns in the bridal party Livy was the flower girl and ring bearer and half way through the ceremony  Drusilla and Octavian came up to the alter (this is when Oct was two and Drus was seven) and stood next to you. You and Si just laughed while Mark picked up Oct, and put him on his hip, and grabbed Drus hand and made her stand next to him. It wasn't very proper but it was a definite Blackthorn wedding. Helen and Aline even showed up at the party afterwards, surprising you.


Bridesmaids: (Y/B/F), Lillian

Groomsmen: Simon, Jordan

Jordan walked your best friend down (you couldn't ask him to walk a vamp) then Simon and Lillian followed. Luke walked Maia down the aisle.


Bridesmaids: Tessa, Izzy

Groomsmen: Jem, Simon

Tessa walked Jem down then Si and Izzy. Simon was Jordans bestman. Magnus walked you down the aisle.


Bridesmaids: Izzy, Maia

Groomsmen: Jace, Alec

Even though they were weary of Camille they still wanted to be in your wedding. Izzy and Alec walked down then Maia and Jace.


Bridesmaids: Nerissa, Seelie Queen

Groomsmen: Magnus and Alec

You extended an invite to your sister and queen, not expecting them to reply, but to your surprise and joy they did. It was an honour and fear to have the queen at your wedding. Magnus and Alec walked down (Magnus was Raph's best man) then the Queen went herself and your sister escorted you down the aisle.


Bridesmaids: (Y/B/F)

Groomsmen: Jem, Magnus, Alec

Jem and your best friend walked down then Magnus and Alec. Tessa wanted to go down the aisle herself.


Before he was turned into a brother

Bridesmaids: Tessa, Charlotte, Sophie, Cecily

Groomsmen: Will, Henry, Gideon, Gabriel

I think its obvious but Will (best man) and Tessa went first, then Cecily and Gabriel, then Sophie and Gideon and finally Charlotte and Henry walked you down the Aisle


Bridesmaids: Tessa, Sophie, Cecily, Charlotte

Groomsmen: Gideon, Gabriel, Magnus

Although Jem had been turned at this point he was the silent brother that was at the ceremony. Cecily and Gabriel then Magnus and Tess, then Gideon and Sophie. Will wanted to 'change gender roles' and walk down the aisle. You stood at the top while Charlotte walked your fiancé down. Although Jem was now Brother Zachiria he was still the best man, even though he couldn't accept.

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