Requested-George Lovelace*Secret Boyfriend

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Your parents, Mayrse and Robert Lightwood, thought you would be better training in the shadowhunter academy. They weren't wrong, you had learned a lot. Along the way though you did find a boyfriend. George Lovelace. You had briefly knew Simon before the whole memory thing and now you went to the academy with both. On Si's first day he and you talked and became friends since he had vague memories of you. And because of your new found friendship you visited his room which he shared with George. You became closer and he eventually asked you out.

You said yes, after a week of debating over it. Your siblings were protective to say the least. Izzy always taught you your worth the world and that no one is good enough, ever. Your dad, Robert, said if you get a boyfriend he better treat you right or he'll kill him. Mayrse always said that you were her baby and that the standards were high. Alec however was by far the most protective. A few of his rules are:

No dating till twenty five

No boys alone in your room

No ones ever good enough

I'll shoot them between the eyes if they touch you

No sex till after marriage, if ever

No kissing


He gets final say in who you date.

And that's just the short list. It was always hard when you had a crush. If your siblings heard you and your friends talking about 'that cute boy' they would jump to action. Since you were at the academy you had more space and chances. You actually starting going out with George a month into knowing him and had kissed by your first date. And by date you mean you kicked Simon out his room and you two ate food and talked.

You would talk to your other friends about your and George's relationship but never with family. All of your letters only talked about Si, you didn't want to explain why your friends with a boy that isn't Izzy's boyfriend.

School was on break and you were going to New York, because of family, and so was Simon. The issue came when Simon invited George since 'he's my friend and you boyfriend so why not?' This caused you slight panic since George was not very subtle. He loved PDA and making dirty jokes, mostly at your expense though it was funny, and loved teasing you. Normally it was funny if he did a 'that's what she said' or 'so that's what that was last night' and so forth but not around family. Especially the Lightwood family.

You had already unpacked and Si and George had decided to share a room so they were in their. You were in the kitchen talking to Izzy when the 'dynamic duo', as you liked to call the, walked in. Simon kissed Izzy's cheek and walked over to Clary. George, even though you asked him to keep your secret private, slung his arm round your shoulders. Alec instantly started glaring. He cleared his throat and George looked up. "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean? Cant I hug my bestie?" He gave you a side hug with an extra squeeze. You suppressed a groan.

"No. And since when did you have male friends?" Simon raised his hand with an annoyed look on his face. "You don't count."

"Why not?"

"You were literally a rat for a period of time." Simon grumbled something and Alec turned back to you and raised an eyebrow.

"Calm down archer," You rolled your eyes and subtle moved away from George. "we have classes together. Sorry I made friends. Unlike you." I gave him a grin while he scowled.

He turned to Izzy. "I don't like it."

"Don't worry, my rooms in between theirs." Jace said. "I'll know if anything happens."

You groaned and put your face in your hands. "You are soo embarrassing."

The whole of the next two days George would make sly jokes and got 'too close to you'. Each time you glared so Alec was slightly happy with you glaring. Izzy and Clary would say 'You're too cute' and Jace would stand/sit in between you to calm Alec down. Simon actually said it was quite funny how your siblings were more protective than your dad.

You and George hadn't had a minute alone since your arrival so George got Simon to distract your siblings. You had just got out the shower and changed into your pyjamas when he knocked in your door. "C'mon. I'm kidnapping you."

He grabbed your hand and pulled you out the door while you laughed. You crept round the corner, making sure your siblings weren't there. When you saw them walk out of the corridor George looked at you with a grin. "What are yo-" You were cut off by him throwing you over his shoulder and running down the corridor.

You laughed while he carried you. He didn't know directions so you had to point out the way. You both eventually got to your old 'secret place'. Aka a spare room you had put a sofa in and a permanent blanket fort. He sat you down on the couch before flinging himself down next to you. "Hey." He tapped his cheek for a kiss but you shook your head.

"Bugger off!" He looked at you curiously. "I told you to be secretive!"

"Cant help myself. Besides what are we gonna do when we have little Lovelace's running round the institute."

You slapped his shoulder. "In your dreams."

"Oh every night." He put his arm round your shoulder with a grin. Not any grin, his 'I'm gonna say something that a teacher really shouldn't hear' grin. "Or at least the process. Hey wanna-"

You started hitting his shoulder and eventually pinned him down to the couch, straddling him. "Well if you want to that ba-"

"I swear to the angel, George-"

"I'm no angel." He grinned while you sighed and leaned back. You ended up sitting crossed legged on top of his legs. He wasn't happy with the position so sat up and made you sit with your legs over his.

You put your head into the crook of his neck and sighed. "I just wish I could hold your hand and not get scolded."

"Babe." He gave you a sympathetic look and started playing with your fingers.

"Alec is praised for finally coming out and dating a guy. No one crosses Izzy since Simon sacrifice. Jace literally risked his life for some random ginger and its fine. He pinned after Clary without any objections. Well mostly. But if I want to hug the person I love or sit next to them its inappropriate."

"You love me?" He looked hopeful.

You gave a small smile. "Yeah. I do."

"I love you too."

"No joke?"

"Our love is the only thing I wont joke about." He raised the your intertwined hands and kissed his own.

"Aren't you suppose to kiss my hand?"

"I don't know where you've been!" You laughed and cuddled in closer. "Plus you still owe me a kiss."

"Do I?" You laughed. He nodded and pointed to his cheek. You rolled your eyes and went to kiss it but he turned his head last second and he caught your lips. "Twat."

"Hey do you want to know what I just realised?" You said catching his attention. He raised an eyebrow for you to continued. "You and Simon basically have kids already. I mean Jon Cartwright Jr doesn't look after himself?"

"You jealous?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Very." You closed the small gap and kissed him. It lasted briefly but it didn't matter. You stayed up talking all night. And by all night you mean until Simon texted you saying he and the gang were looking for you. Aka eleven o'clock.

Everyone decided to watch a movie, I mean it was your idea but still, and were on the couches in the makeshift living room. Even though you and George were in the opposite sides of the room you kept sneaking glances. That night you decided to tell your siblings about George. You hoped you would still have a boyfriend by the end of it but you loved him and wanted everyone to know.

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