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The reader is trans male or a part of a trans community that may choose to wear a binder (i.e. non-binary, gender fluid, etc)

Trans Reader X Magnus

(Y/B/N) = your birth name

Happy Pride Month!!!!!

Everything was bliss. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, Magnus agreed to change out of his bright neon green shirt with glitter accents into a silk black button down with black glitter details. Perfect.

The way I grew up made me feel like this picture-perfect day wouldn't be possible. My boyfriend of 4 months had surprised me this morning when he showed up to my house, bagel, and coffee in hand. Yum. after eating, and convincing Magnus to stop at his flat to put on a more 'casual' shirt, we decided to go to my favourite café for a date then a walk in the park. Cliché but cute.

Hand in hand, Magnus and I walked down the street towards the café without a care in the world. No one said anything, no one gave us dirty looks, and no one yelled a slur. The world was progressing, and it was chill for a guy to not date a girl.

Magnus had a way to make any topic interesting. Shoelaces, history of pineapples, matches. His voice was entrancing. Part of the reason for this was his seemingly constant name dropping. "The first time I met Marlin you wouldn't believe what she said. She came up to me, out of the blue and- "Magnus paused and looked over to a random table I hadn't noticed. "Can I help you?" Magnus asked, eyebrow raised and a cold stare.

My blood ran cold when I saw who sat at the table. I didn't always look like this. Growing up I didn't wear a binder and resorted to baggy jumpers that barely helped. Not only my chest was different but back then I also could only wear 'girls' clothes or my parents got mad.

Here I sat in 'boys' clothes, binder, and a boyfriend who didn't know how I was born being stared at by someone who used to be my friend. "(Y/B/N)?" Jess asked.

My mouth went dry, but I could feel a cold sweat start to form. Magnus looked at me, which didn't help, confused. "Do I know you?" I lied.

"It's me, Jess. C'mon we sat next to each other for 4 years. Remember that prank we played on Mr. Horan on the last day? We hide his keys in a balloon then filled his room with balloons?"

If it wasn't for that story, I would've tried to keep it up. I'd told Magnus that story, minus the me being a girl part. "Oh yeah, Jess. You've...changed," she hadn't.

She smiled a fake smile I had also seen for 4 years, "Yeah everyone wondered what happened to you. Guess you," she thought of what to say, "Never really changed? Well good for you. You were always stubborn about your...strange habits."

I don't think I'd seen Magnus look more confused even when I explained to him the mundane school system. "Thanks, Jess," I mumbled.

"You're welcome," she smirked, "And hey look you finally found someone just as...interesting as you," Jess said, turning to Magnus, "thanks for taking care of our (Y/B/N). she always was a handful. Well, goodbye," her fake smile was sickly sweet and as she walked away, I still felt dread.

"(Y/B/N)?" Magnus asked.

My eyes were glued to the table. "I-I don't feel too well. I think I'll go home,"

"Okay," Magnus said gently, "I'll walk you,"

The conversation was non-existent as we walked. I'd left where I had grown up for a reason. Brooklyn gave me a fresh start. There was reason Magnus and I had never gone too far together. Magnus would jokingly call me a tease when I called a make-out session short. It happened whenever his hands began to explore under my shirt. I wasn't ready to tell him.

Magnus walked me up to my door. I opened the door, standing on the inside, "Thanks for walking me home," I didn't look at him.

"(Y/N) you know you can tell me anything? I won't judge you," His words made me look up and unlike Jess, I could tell he was honest.

A thousand thoughts seemed to rush through my head. Just because he's bi doesn't mean he'll support it, but he had also never said anything transphobic. Magnus was nothing but kind and accepting but you never know. But could I date someone who didn't know? Was it fair to not tell him? It felt like spitting sand, but I said it, "I'm trans," Everything seemed to go silent. The birds weren't singing, the sun was dulling, and I felt clammy and trapped. "Jess knew me before I was (Y/N)."

Magnus was quiet for a moment, "Is that why we've never been...?" Magnus trailed off. With a sigh I nodded, "(Y/N), I love you. Even if it took you a few more steps to get to be you," When Magnus looked me in the eye, I felt myself tear up. He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around me. His hand rubbed my back and I burrowed my head into his neck, "You'll always be (Y/N) to me. Never be ashamed of who you are."

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