Raphael Santiago*Babysitting

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This isn't romantic or anything, the reader's a 7 year old so it's completely platonic.

Magnus had adopted (Y/N), a young warlock when she was 5. She had almost killed her family with her magic which was strong and the family had basically dumped the child on his doorstep. Magnus took her in and for the past 2 years he hadn't thrown any parties or had her stay over at anyone's house.

Yes, he had had drinks and had people over to hang out but he didn't want to leave (Y/N) behind. Tessa had helped him sometimes with her and stayed over but Magnus was scared to let her out his sight. He was worried her magic might come out and hurt, or kill, someone like it almost did years before.

Though after 2 years her magic was better under control and only flared during a tantrum. Magnus still was slightly nervous about leaving (Y/N) with one of his friends so chose not to. Well, until the clave had summoned him.

He was to attend Idris for some hearing or trial, he didn't really care so forgot, and he didn't want to expose (Y/N) to the cruel shadowhunters. Tessa was also going to the thingy, Catrina was rushed off her feet with being a nurse, Ragnor wasn't answering his letters and all his other friends were party animals Magnus wouldn't trust to look after (Y/N). All but one; Raphael Santiago.

Magnus knew Raph had had little siblings but he also knew Raphael's personality was cold and sarcastic. Even still he was the last option.

It's not that Magnus didn't trust him, he did, but its that Raphael isn't someone who looks like they like little kids. He seems like the one to steal their candy.

When Magnus phoned Raphael to ask if he was busy he said he wasn't though he was sceptical when Magnus asked him to come over to his apartment. Reluctantly Raphael went through the portal Magnus sent for him.

Magnus had cleaned the apartment, put meals and snacks in the fridge and laid out (Y/N)'s clothes for the next day. The only thing he hadn't done was told Raph why he was coming over.

Raphael stepped through the portal clearing annoyed. "What is it, Magnus?"

"I need a favour." Raphael lifted an eyebrow at that. His gaze was drawn down to Magnus's legs as (Y/N) stepped nervously out from behind her dad. Raphael knew Magnus had a daughter but hadn't met her. "Can you look after (Y/N) for the night? The clave called me in."

"Why can't you ask one of your friends?"

"Cat's busy, Tessa's in Idris and Ragnor has gone off the grid," Magnus said in one breath.

"No, he isn't. he's been answering my messages, you're just annoying."

(Y/N) pointed at Raphael and said in a high pitched voice "He's being mean papa." (Y/N) faced Raphael and said in the same tone "You're not allowed to be a meanie beanie!"

"Says who?" Magnus shot him a warning look.

(Y/N) crossed her arms and walked over to him. "Me. You cant insult, my papa. Or else."

"Or else what?" Raphael crouched down to her level.

They stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds. Magnus swallowed the lump in his throat. "Or else Santa won't get you anything for Christmas."

Raphael smiled when she said that. She was so innocent, she still believed in the jolly old fat guy. "You're right, princessa."

Raphael stood up but (Y/N) wasn't done. "You need to apologise."

Raphael rolled his eyes and looked at a smirking Magnus. "My apologies, Magnus." He said in a dead voice.

"Better." She chirped before running off.

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