Magnus*Foster Kid Pt 4

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Trigger Warning - This contains racist and homophobic comments. It also talks about abuse.

None of these things are okay. I don't stand behind any of the comments in the chapter but they're needed for the story.

Also, the address in the story is completely made up so who knows, maybe I guessed where you live.

"For the record, this will be incredibly boring," Magnus warned me as we walked up the steps to the institute.

"Duly noted," I say but my eyes are too busy wandering the place to care. It's just some old cathedral. That doesn't mean Magnus turned down his outfit. If anything it's turned up to annoy the shadowhunters. A shiny blue shirt with only a few buttons done up, white ripped jeans, and covered in jewels isn't really a business look. Unless your Magnus.

Since I've been living in my original outfit, PE kit, and one of Magnus shirts for the past few days I don't look as put together like him. Just some black leggings and a white shirt that one of Magnus's 'friends' had left. Luckily it's not stained and my size. "Well if your taking notes remind me to get your clothes. Not that I don't appreciate a...simplistic look, but I know you can look even more...fabulous?" he tried.

I shook my head "I look a mess. Don't lie."

"You said it not me," Magnus said before stopping, "Just wait. They come to us," I nodded and double checked the bag Magnus gave me "Don't talk unless you need to, stick by my side, and don't touch anything with runes on it."

"Cool," I said. The bag he gave me was black, not helping my 'simplistic' look, and had a notebook, pen, and a bottle of water in it. Well and glitter. "Can't you use magic to take notes,"

"Probably," he shrugged.

Before he could reply some people dressed in all black walked out of the cathedral. "Who is this?" They asked.

"Hello to you too," Magnus rolled his eyes. They glared in response, "This is my assistant,"

"No one said you could bring an assistant," The woman crossed her arms, her eyes scanning over me.

"No one said I couldn't," he countered. "And I do believe you asked for my help since you were incapable of doing it yourself,"

"I wouldn't say incapable," she scoffed. I really get a bad feeling off her.

Magnus smiled "Well in that case my services aren't needed," He turned to walk away.

"I suppose we need your help," she forced out. "We will let this assistant business slide for once. Follow me,"

The lady led us in the cathedral. I hid my shock as we discovered the cathedral wasn't run down but in fact filled with tech and antiques. I mouth damn to Magnus who just winked at me.

Honestly, I have no clue what's being said. I'm not even going to try to make sense of it. Luckily schools the same so I still know how to take notes.

I flick to the next page of the notebook to start writing about some demon thing I can't even spell when I hear an annoyed sigh "Does she really need to take all this down?" An older man asked, cutting Magnus off mid-sentence.

Magnus glared "My assistant is just doing her job. Like I and everyone else in this room is trying to do."

The shadowhunter scoffed "Well I believe you're very familiar with the demon so why doesn't she go get coffee while we talk about him, "Magnus' eyes flickered to me, we shared a nervous look, "What type of assistant can't make coffee?"

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