You Don't Exactly Fit In*Izzy

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A/N: Sorry I didn't post a written part yesterday or one on Monday. My laptop broke and I only just managed to get my brother to let me 'borrow' his. He made me pay him £2 an hour! This litralley cost me £2! I mean I'm going to steal my money back but still! 

Pic above is Izzy's outfit. Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes since this laptop doesnt have word or grammarly.

Also i was looking through the comments on my old prompt list and realised I've not done them all yet. Sorry it took so long.

"Lets face it, you don't exactly fit in"

(Y/F/N) = your friends name

(Y/F/B) = your favourite band

Meeting Izzy was probably the best thing that has happened to me. She's my best friend now. All I need to do is keep her out the kitchen and everything's perfect. Except for the fact I have a massive crush on her. Yup, call it cliche but I fell for my best friend and now I'm in the friendzone cause I'm too lame to admit it to her. Yay.

The only issue is we run in different circles. Aka she's a shadowhunter and I'm a downworlder. The only reason we even met was because I was wrongly thought to be involved with demons.

"Sorry I'm late, mission ran over." Izzy snaps me out my thoughts, taking a seat across from me. "Were you waiting long?"

"Nope." I popped my p. "But I did have time to get you this." I nodded to her food. We like to meet at this little mundane cafe. No drama, no fuss, no mess.

"Did you get a-"

"BLT sandwich with turkey bacon, not regular, on wholemeal bread with pinch of salt, extra lettuce, tomatoe sauce on the bacon not the bread with a glass of diet lemonade, no ice." I grin "Same as last time, the time before, and the time before that."

Izzy laughs, grabbing her sandwich. "Wow, its almost like your obsessed with me." She jokes.

"What's my coffee order?" Without thinking she lists it off perfectly "And you say I'm obsessed."

"I need to be observant. Part of the job." She shrugs.

"Sure." I roll my eyes.

We continue our lunch, laughing, talking, and gossiping. Its always interesting to hear shadowhunter relationship drama or how Alec was totally checking out the new transfer.

"Hey, some of my friends are hosting a party if you wanna come." I mention.

"What for?"

I shrug "To get drunk? Its on Friday night so everyone just wants to chill. Its only shadowhunters who have to force themselves to have fun."

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes "What time?"

"Any time after 8." I shrug. "I'll text you the address. Oh and if you want to bring your brothers theirs a strict no weapons policy. Their already annoyed enough I'm bringing nephilim."

"We all know I'm the life of any party."

The week goes on and suddenly its Friday. I told Izzy the dress code was casual but who knows what she'll wear.

I knock on my friends door, 6 pack in hand. "Hey (Y/N)!" Clearly he'd already started drinking.

"Hey (Y/F/N)." I go in and see its only me, him, and two others so far. "How many are coming?"

"Don't know, don't care." He flung himself onto his couch. "Did you invite that girl you fancie?"

I roll my eyes despite my blush "Her names Isabelle. And yes, her and her brothers." He groans.

"How can you fancy a shadowhunter?" Some stranger asks. With great effort I eventually get them off the topic.

The night goes on and more people show up. At around 9 their was already around 20 people in this crappy flat. If it wasn't for the half empty six pack id be more worried about were Izzy was.

The whole party fell quiet when the door opened revealing three shadowhunters. You could hear a penny drop. "Izzy!" I grin, downing my drink before walking over. "What? Do you lot have nothing better to do?" I ask the rest of the party. The music turned back on and chatting continued. "What took so long?"

"Had to convince Alec to put a shirt with no holes on."

I look at the archer "Alec! Your wearing dark gray. Have you no control?" The other two snigger at my sarcasm but Alec rolls his eyes.

"Why are we friends with you?" He asks in his usual monotone voice.

"Love you too bud." I roll my eyes. "Jace, I trust you have no weapons?" I ask. He shrugs. "Jace" I say in a warning voice.

"Don't worry. I checked before we left." Izzy said. I looked at her as she took her coat off. "Where should I put this?"

"Back on." Alec's said when he saw her outfit. My mouth hung open. I knew Izzy was extra but I expected it to be a little toned down. Everyone here is in jeans and hoodies. Some girl wore a button up and everything thought it was fancy.

Iz had decided on a black suede mini dress as casual. "You did get my text saying it was casual? Like jeans and a tee?"

"I don't do casual." Izzy told me with a smirk.

Somehow the shadowhunters were accepted by the downworlders. Jace was sitting on a couch with 3 girls around him, typical, Iz was learning to play beer pong, and Alec stood in the corner texting someone. When I looked over his shoulder I managed to see it began with Ma but he turned his phone on standby when he saw me. Matt? Matthew maybe?

I decided to go over to Izzy. Somehow I managed to get her away from beer pong "Everyone staring at me." She told me.

"Lets face it, you don't exactly fit in"

"Because I'm a shadowhunter?" She pouted, clearly tipsy.

"No," I laughed "Cause everyone wearing jeans and your a beautiful girl in a mini dress."

"beautiful ?" she asked with a laugh.

"Shut up." I blushed.

"You think I'm beautiful ?" SHe persisted. I looked at the ground "Can we talk outside." It wasn't much of a question as she grabbed my hand and dragged me out the apartment.

It was quiet out here and I refused to look up. "You know normally I get hot or sexy. Your one of the first to call me that."

"Its true." I mumble. Despite all the alcohol I lost any confidence I had.

She sighed "Look do you like me or not? I hate these small flirty gestures that make me more confused than before. I just wan-" I didn't let her finish before I suddenly looked up and kissed her.

"Yes." I breathed out, pulling away "I like you. I like you more than waking up to breakfast in bed. I like you more than a hot sunny day. I like you more than (Y/F/B). I don't just like you, I love you." Izzy stood there in silent shock. "And now I've just messed everything up."

Izzy walked towards me and I expecred a slap or something. Instead she kissed me again. Everything felt perfect but I pulled away "Your drunk."

"No more than you." she rested ehr forehead against mine "Now either kiss me again or get out of my head." it wasn't hard to decide which.

Suddenly I was yanked back and shoved against the wall "What the hell are you doing to my sister!?"

"Hi Alec." I squeaked. 

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