How you/they wake them/you up

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This only has Jace, Clary, Alec, Magnus, Izzy, Simon, Maia, and Raphael. If you want any of the others comment and I'll supply.

Jace- Jace is normally up first leaving him to wake the sleeping dragon; you. Normally he would turn the lights on and blast some music in hopes of stirring you but it rarely works. Instead Jace normally has to result to brute force. Either dumping water on you if you need to be somewhere early or simply dragging you out of bed. This can go a few ways;

1) He pulls your feet and tries to pull you off the bed long way. You normally grab the bed posts though

2) He grabs your arms and starts to pull you off the side of the bed. You normally end up laying on the floor.

3) He scoops you up bridal style and carries you into the living room. Sometimes he'll go a step further and put you in the bath tub before blasting the shower on.

Not fun.

Clary- You both use alarm clocks. She's normally worse at getting up meaning when it goes off you'll get breakfast and coffee ready will Clary starts to wake up. She'll walk in the kitchen while your cooking/preparing breakfast and hug you from behind before getting her coffee. You don't want to see Clary without coffee.

Alec- Alec likes a long lye but doesn't normally get one. He's used to getting up early though so if you need to be anywhere he'll gently wake you up. Playing with your hair, whispering things in your ear to make you start to wake up. But Alec likes to look at you sleep. He knows it sounds creepy but he likes seeing your peaceful face. This has lead to you being late before.

Magnus- Magnus is impossible to wake up if he doesn't want to. He could be up all day and night and only get an hour sleep but will be fine. It's really irratating. However if he's tired or lazy you know you can't budge him. It's like trying to read in a car; you'll only get a headache. But if it's the other way and Magnus is waking you up he will either be nice and fluffy, whispering complements to you and making you breakfast, or start flicking the lights on and off. Couple that with some loud music and you don't really get a choice.

Izzy- Izzy likes sleep but also likes to look flawless so gets up early to get ready. Normally she gets up half an hour before you. After half an hour she will starts to wake you. At first she tells you to get up. Then if you don't she'll yell. Then scream. And if all that doesn't work she'll start poking you all over. Nowhere is safe. She'll poke your check, face, stomach, arm and then move onto tickling you. It's not the worst way to wake up.

Simon- Simon is used to waking up to alarm clocks. He can get up quiet easily. Normally he would think he was an early bird. Till he moved in with you. You are up, dressed, washed, and wake by 6am. Everyday. You tell him its becuase in LA their are so many Blackthrons that if you don't get up early you don't get any hot water.

Maia- She sleeps like the dead. Your honestly surprised she is a wolf and not a vampire. You have to shake her awake. And that normally doesn't work so you have to steal all her duvet. You pretty much have to put it on the other side of the room then steal her pillows. This kinda wakes her up but she's still tired. Then you remind her if she doesn't get up she can't have any tea (A/N: I feel like she's a tea person).

Raphael- He was turned at 15 and still acts like it in the morning. You have to scream in his ear to get him up. That doesn't always work though. You'll try wake him normally at first. You'll tell him to get up then go for a shower. After your shower if he isn't out of bed you yell. Then after you get breakfast. If he still isn't up when you get back you resort to the big guns. Threaten his suits. As soon as you start to riffle through his wardrobe he shoots out of bed after remembering the first time. He thought you were joking and his favourite Itallian shirt is now sleeveless.

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