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A/N: Now its Jace's turn to try tame the Malec child

Alec passed around his living room, thinking of a way to break it to Magnus. "Alexander you're going to burn holes in the carpet. Please stop. It was from the 1500's and the weaving technique is no longer used." Alec froze for a second. "Whats the matter darling?" Magnus walked further into the room.

It was currently 10 at night and (Y/N) was finally asleep. Who knew an 8-year-old would be so much a bother. "Alec?" Magnus snapped his fingers. "Whats wrong?"

Alec sighed "We need to go to Idris." He managed to stumble out "Tomorrow. The clave are concerned that you're on the verge of exposing the downworld to mundanes."

Magnus cocked an eyebrow "And why is that?"

Sheepishly, Alec avoided his gaze "I kinda showed everyone our holiday pictures. Apparently touring the world with a child warlock is risky. Plus, your...flamboyant? Attitude for life." Magnus rolled his eyes "And mundanes have kinda maybe had saw your flying carpet."

"That was your carpet!" Magnus almost yelled.

"Shh. You'll wake (Y/N),"

Magnus put a hand on his hip "Oh I'm sorry. I'm just a little concerned for life because my fiancé decided, no insisted, I show him my old magic carpet, only to assist my child to steal it and ride around India. Truly, I'm sorry."

Alec's neck began to go bright red. "Sorry. I was a bit curious."

Magnus hummed, squinting at him. "Well if I must go then have fun with (Y/N). I hope you enjoy her recent magic mood swings."

The Shadowhunter grimaced "About that. I've been summoned to testify on your behalf. Shadowhunter word means more than yours in their eyes. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault you come from a long line of ignorance. So, what about (Y/N)?"

"I was thinking Tess?" Alec suggested, sitting on the couch.

Magnus joined him "Nope. On honeymoon with Jem. Raphael?"

"Claves all over the Dumort. Some Mundie found out about yin fen. Izzy?"

"Date with Simon."

"What!?" This time it was Magnus who shushed him. "Since when?"

"Since forever. Accept it. He's gonna be your stepbrother. Izzy?"

"On the Dumort mission." The pair groaned and leaned back into the plush sofa. "My mum?" Alec said exasperatedly.

Magnus gave his fiancé a look "Do you want to traumatize our child?" Alec smiled at the word ours. (Y/N) had been calling him Dad lately and he was over the moon. "I guess maybe biscuit could?"

"Nope. Not the redhead." Magnus raised an eyebrow "I don't hate her. She's got an art festival she's been waiting to go to for ages. She can't miss it."

"Since when did this friendship blossom?"

"We never speak of this again," Alec told him, flinging his head back to think who else could do it.

"Oh god." Magnus sounded as though he was dying "I think it might have to be..."

"You called for a babysitter," Jace all but yelled when he made his entrance into the apartment.

Alec looks up from his fresh mug of coffee "You just can't enter like a normal person, can you?"

"Nope," he grinned. Magnus walked in, dressed in pyjamas, a robe, and no makeup. walking past Alec, he grabbed the mug out his hand and sat on the sofa without a word. "Magnus without makeup is...strange."

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