Dating Jace Would Include...

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*Training Sessions

*Make out sessions

*Neck kisses

*A lot of flirting

*A lot of PDA

*Izzy walking in on you two

*Having a lot of inside jokes

*Being close with Izzy, Alec and Clary

*Him being the big spoon

*Alec being suspicious of you at first

*He comes around when he see's how much you care

*Izzy loving your style

*Clary liking your mundane side

*Movie marathons even though he doesn't like movie's too much

*Him playing piano to you

*Stamina runes... ;)

*Sass, sass, sass

* Calling him blondie

*People question if your actually dating

*Date night each Thursday

*Insisting his hairs dyed

*(TV) loving his abnormal eyes

*Being worried when he's on missions

*Him being jealous

*Cuddling on the couch

*Being their no matter what

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