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Sorry I haven't done them all yet. These are just Jace's but I'll answer more and update this chapter tomorrow. Don't forget you can still ask questions :)


1- ideal date?

Jace-"I love going out to do something active. Maybe a hike or going swimming and then getting some food afterwards."

2- what's the best way to be kissed?

Jace-"Passionately, like it's the last kiss for a while."

3- what makes you blush?

Jace-"I don't blush"

Alec-"Lies. He always blushes when someone brings up him and (Y/N)"

Jace-"I hate you"


4- what's the most important thing that a partner needs to have?

Jace-"Honesty. Im sick of people lying and I really hate when people lie in love."

5- deal breakers?

Jace- "Laziness. Sometimes its ok but I want to be with someone who wants to do stuff. Lazy Sundays or weekends are fine but lazy everyday is a no go."

6- favourite date food? And drink?

Jace-"Burger and fries and a beer. If it's a non-alcoholic drink then 7up."

7- stay in or go out for Valentines day?

Jace- "Stay in. its more personal and we can do whatever we want."

8- do you think Valentines day is stupid/important?

Jace-"At first, yeah. I thought it was just some chick holiday but its actually good when your dating someone."

9- do you like picnic dates?

Jace-"No. Too much risk of ducks."

10- what's more important in a s/o: humour or intellect?

Jace-"Humour. I can deal with someone being kinda dumb but humour is a must."

11- favourite colour for a partner to wear?

Jace-"White. It makes them look angelic."

12- favourite thing for a partner to wear?

Jace-"Nothing 😉"

13- whose your biggest ship?


14- when should you go public with a relationship?

Jace-"When you trust the person. Obviously I would tell my parabati straight away. You also need to know if its safe just encase someone wants to use them against me."

15- best love song?

Jace-"She by we the kings."

16- best break up song?

Jace-" Hallelujah by panic! at the disco"

17- how important are looks?

Jace-"Im not going to lie, I do like when the people I date are attractive but whats hot is different for everyone."

18- black, red, or white lingerie?

Jace-"Black. Its sexy"

19- have you ever written someone a poem/love song?

Jace-"No. I might be able to play piano but that doesn't mean I can write music."

20- best thing someone could give you for Valentines day?

Jace-"A new stele or weapon"

21- do you like pda?

Jace- "Love it. It also winds up Alec which is a plus."

Alec-"Screw you too."

22- kinks?

Jace-"Impact play or role-play"

23- what do you like in bed?

Jace-"I like to try new things. Oral is always good but rough is great."

24- turn on?

Jace-"When they wear my clothes."

25- turn offs?

Jace-"Bad hygiene."

Who are you jealous of?

Jace-"Pff, I don't need to be jealous"

Me-"He's lying,"


Me-"It's Simon."


Me-"He thinks Simon would be a better boyfriend for (Y/N) since how close they are."

Jace-"I hate you. You made me spill all my secrets and now embarrassed me. And for the record, Simon isn't as cool as me."

Me-"Is that why you threatened him when he got too close to (Y/N)?"


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