Preference 26 PT1*They hurt you

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Part one has Jace, Clary, Alec, Izzy and Magnus. The rest will be in the next two parts.


You were visiting an old vampire friend in Pennsylvania. It was a small clan right in between New York and Pennsylvania and wasn't really known about. You had been in your friend when you started smelling blood.

"Why do I smell blood?" Your friend, Julie shifted slightly.

"Must have some hungry members." As you got up to investigate Julie sped to the door. "I am a bit peckish aren't you?" Her fingers clicked as a man walked in. A mundane subjaget.

"Those are illegal, Julie!"

"That shadowhunter had really made you frigid, hasn't he?" She ran a nail across the man's neck down to two puncture marks, "Just a bit. A tiny sip." She stared dreamily at the man, blood lust in her eyes. She was right Jace had changed you. As you sped to her and staked her through the heart, though not without struggle, you rushed down the first floor. What you saw was horrendous. Mundanes layed across couches as vampires you had once called allies drank them dry, in pure extacy.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Your words fell on deaf ears as that's when the shadowhunters burst in.

"You traitor!"A young fledgling screamed over the noise of chaos. You had to get out. You were a traitor to the vampires and a criminal to the clave although you were innocent. You then noticed a silver whip crack through a vampire. Izzy. As you ran in that direction you were knocked to the ground with a seraph blade about to slice your throat.

"Jace!"You could only hope your boyfriend was here and understood. The person dropped the blade when you noticed what the blade looked like. And it was Jaces. You were harshly turned around with a boot on your throat, looking up at your golden haired boyfriend.

He gasped and in surprise pressed harder into your throat. You screamed in agony and a shadowhunter ran over your nose and Jace yanked you up. Jace roughly dragged you out and held the blade tip to your throat.

"I thought I knew you." Those words killed you.

"Of course you do, I was visiting Julie, you know that." You started to cry blood. As a vamp it was all the tears you could shed.

"Go. Before they get the wrong idea." As you ran you put your hand to the boot shaped bruise would be on your throat if your blood was still pumping.


You and Clary had been training for around an hour before deciding to do one last spar.

"I'll go easy on you, damsel." You smirked as she made a frustrated face. All of a sudden she started. You quickly caught up to her punches and kicks, blocking them. You didn't got to hit her once.

"Come on then!" You smiled as you pestered her, even though your muscles began to burn. She kept getting quicker and driving you closer to the wall. As she sent a kick square to your chest, your back was on the wall and it made you fall. She jumped in joy before realising you were slumped against the wall, hunched over.

"Babe, Im so sorry I-I" You put your hand over her mouth and pulled yourself up. She instantly helped you as you struggled slightly.

"Don't fret Clary, Im used to you knocking the wind out me."


You decided to go visit your archer boyfriend at the institute. What you hadn't realised was you weren't the only one.

As Jace and Alec looked at the screen inside they saw two things out of the ordinary. A downworlder and a demon at opposites sides of the institute, slowly getting closer.

"We better gear up. They might be planning something." Alec took the lead and Jace nodded. Jace took the right side and Alec the left, with his bow in hand.

As Alec walked he had his bow drawn back. He surveyed the area for any noise or living being when he heard it. A branch snapped near the edge of the trees. He fired his arrow and ran over while loading another. As he got closer he noticed he had hit their shoulder. He looked down at the half seelie with tears as he realised who he got.

"Alec?"You whispered, clutching your shoulder. Damn it! Why did he have to pick up the iron arrows.

"I've got you." And with that a new patient was admitted to the infirmary.

Magnus: You had went out on a mission today and had left Magnus home, alone and bored. He had decided to try improve his martial arts and magic combo. As you walked in the door you were too tired to jump out the way of his spell and got knocked back out of the door. Magnus ran over to you and saw you slouched against the wall with cuts and scratches. Terrified they were his fault he began profusely apologising.

You gave him a soft kiss on the lips before telling him. "Calm down, Voodoo man. They're from a mission."

"That doesn't matter! Wait I can heal you!" He resiled and picked you up, running into your flat and lying you on the couch.

As he was healing your minor injuries you mumbled "At least I get a nice view." referring to his shirtless state to which he just rolled his eyes.

"Shame your vocal chords aren't hurt."


You deciding to scare Izzy wasn't your best idea because of her blood.

You hid behind the door, waiting for your victim. When she opened the door you jumped out yelling too which she instantly punched you in the nose.

"Ahh" You clutched your bleeding nose as she realised who was on the receiving end of her right hook.

"Oh my angel, (Y/N)!"

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