Magnus*Foster Kid Pt 5

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A/N: This was longer than expected. Enjoy all 2345 words. 

"What the hell do you mean I'm a Lightwood? I thought your boyfriend was a Lightwood?" I throw my hands in the air.

Magnus sends me a look "First, Alexander isn't my boyfriend," I roll my eyes, "Yet. And second, I mean you're a Lightwood. This is their emblem. Look,"

I sigh but take the locket out of his hand. He holds the monocle for me to see. "It's an older piece. Typically, Shadowhunter families have a Lightwood ring they'll pass through generations. More are sometimes made for more family members. Locket came into fashion in the 1900's. around 1920ish."

"So? Maybe my parents got it in a pawn shop or something," I suggest.

He sighs and takes the locket back, "Shadowhunter's don't do pawn shops. Or anything else mundane in fact. If you have this locket it was either stolen or passed down. And not even the lowest Shadowhunter steals a family locket,"

I groan and flop onto the couch. Why does life have to be so complicated? "Is there not some spell? You know to test if I'm a lightwood?"

Magnus sighs and looks down, "Not without taking blood from them. It's the same as all the other spells,"

My head cocked to the side as I looked at him, "What do you mean the other ones?" Magnus looked even further away if possible "You've been injecting me with downworlder blood!?" I yell, standing up. "And you didn't tell me!?"

Magnus gave me a look, "So you're telling me you would've done it if you'd known?" He crosses his arms.

I throw mine in the air "Hell no! Is that even legal?"

He went to walk away but I followed. Magnus didn't snap his fingers but made his own martini for once, "Define legal," I huffed at his words, "Look I'm sorry. But I thought it's what was best for you."

"You don't get to decide what's best for me. I'm my own person,"

Magnus sighs and grips the bar "No. You're a child of unknown blood. You need to be protected or who knows what will happen,"

"Protected my arse," I grumble. As I walk to the balcony I feel something fluffy brush my ankle. I pick chairman up and don't look at Magnus, "Let's go somewhere were wanted,"

I heard Magnus groan as I went onto the balcony but shut the door anyway.

Sitting on a deck chair on Magnus balcony, I looked out over the city. The hustle and bustle, no one noticed anyone but themselves and the slow walker in front of them. I hear a purr beside me but don't turn to the Chairman, "Hey," I say glumly.

He walks closer to me, tail swiping against my shoulder, "I'm not going back yet," I tell him. He meows in protest but sits next to me. "He should've told me," I justify myself. He purrs in agreement, "I should have the right to say no,"

He cares about you,

"He's not my dad," I pout, crossing my arms and leaning against the balcony rail. "My dad's dead,"

Ever heard of a found family?

"I know." I whisper, "But every other family kicked me out. Why would he be different?"

He's had hundreds of years to mess things up and learn. Mundanes only have a few short years they spend wasted on moving pictures and strange creatures with big buts.

"Their called Kardashian," I laugh lightly.

Whatever. He always watches them. I don't particularly care.

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