Preference 22*Your favourite physical feature of theirs

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Jace: His chest. You like it when he holds you too his chest and you can hear his heartbeat.

Clary: Her hair. You think she is the cutest ginger even if you tease her for it.

Alec: His arms. Have you seen those things? He has strong arms and when he holds you in them it makes you feel safe.

Magnus: His cat eyes. They are enchanting. You could stare for hours too try and see where one colour ends and the next start.

Isabelle: Her eyes. You can tell they hold so much emotion that she refuses to show. You have learned what they look like depending on whatever she's feeling.

Simon: His glasses. You think his glasses are cute. You will sometimes steal them and put them on yourself. Even though vamp Simon doesn't need them he will wear fake ones.

Maia: Her afro. She was bullied for it growing up and you are so glad she didn't straighten it. You love how carefree it makes her look. Even though she could easily look serious.

Jordan: His height.


You love being smaller than him. He makes you feel safe and you finally have someone to reach the top shelf for you!


You like waving things over his head so he cant reach them. You purposely put things too high up because you like him needing you to get them.

Camille: Her fangs. You think they really suit her. She will run them along your neck by accident or accidently scrapped your teeth when making out and you love it.

Raphael: His complexion. Although he's a vampire, he is Latino so he isn't completely paper white. You think he looks beautiful.

Tessa: Her stomach. You like laying your head on her stomach when she's sitting on the couch. You will come home and see her on one side of the couch so you'll lie down with your head on her stomach while she runs her fingers through your hair, while reading of course.

Jem: His face. Before he was silent brother his face was slender and sickly. Even though it was strong and mysterious with his silvery eyes. After he was a shadowhunter again you liked to try and memorise his face. His eyes were now brown and his hair black, you loved him both ways.

Will: His body. He was a shadowhunter so as you can imagine he was quite  muscular. He made jokes that you were only with him for his looks and body and you always said it was just a nice perk.

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