No Tea Tonight*PT5

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Isabelle wanted to die. Not only had she put her neck out for a mission they hadn't even fully completed she also now had to rush off to Jace and Clary's aid. She just wanted a nap.
"C'mon," Alec nudged Izzy, "Just leave that thing here,"
Isabelle remembered the money box. She sighed and tossed it onto Magnus' couch and ran out behind Alec, Magnus following up the rear, summoning a jacket.
Alec led the way to the old coffee stand with ease. It was a popular spot for demon and Downworlders alike to meet up since it had shut down in 2011. For whatever reason, no one dared take it down or buy the spot. It was technically a building but was more like a shack.
"Somethings not right with Jace," Alec said as they ran, "it's like a tight feeling around my chest. Not pain, just not right," he shook his head, thinking. He'd never felt this sort of thing.
Isabelle and Magnus offered no help. Neither had had a parabatai and no one was going to argue with him. They were glad to get to the coffee stand in a reasonable time. They slowed down to a jog.
Magnus slowed to a walk, panting lightly. 1985, Rosie a newly turned werewolf borrowed a sum from (Y/N) under a loan agreement for Downworlders trying to get back on their feet. The money had managed to open a small coffee shop. (Y/N) insisted on going weekly to see her 'investment' as they joked.
The outside was a pale eggshell blue, the inside pale pink. The cups were mismatched but charming none the less. Friday had a deal on, cake and coffee for half off. He and (Y/N) visited nearly every Friday for 14 years until (Y/N) went missing. The coffee shop shut only a few months later. He hadn't seen Rosie since.
The cake and coffee sign were still hanging in the window, faded and marked. "C'mon Magnus," Alec snapped him out of his daze.
"Sorry," he mumbled, following the shadowhunter
No one was there. "Can you feel him?" Izzy asked her brother.
He screwed his face up. "It's all muddled," he looked towards the shop. "C'mon," Alec elbowed the window, causing the old glass to shatter. Magnus cringed.
The shadowhunters quickly jumped through, Magnus going slower trying not to tear his coat. "Well that's new," Magnus muttered when he almost misses stepped and fell down a hole where the bottom couldn't be seen.
"You've been here before?" Isabelle asked as she inspected the hole.
"This place was open once." He rolled his eyes, "It looks like someone punched a hole in the floor,"
"Or a demon tore one up," Alec said, sitting on the floor, legs dangling into the hole.
Isabelle's eyes widened, "Alec!"
He rolled his eyes. "Fine," he grabbed an old discarded mug and dropped it down the hole. A couple seconds passed but they heard a smashing sound. "Good Enough," Alec slid forward.
Isabelle didn't hesitate before she followed. Magnus quickly magicked a rope and attached it to a chair (with magic to secure it) before climbing down. He wasn't a shadowhunter and these legs were too nice to break.
Magnus reached the bottom and dusted himself off. He felt the shadowhunters glaring at him, "I never made you jump," he said before snapping his fingers and bringing a ball of light to his hand.
Now able to see Magnus saw the shadowhunters were both laying on the floor, pushed up on their elbows, "Let's just find Jace," Alec said, standing up. He hauled his sister up onto her feet.
There was only one way, forward. Not as optimistic as it sounds, more like dirt. The trio walked through a dirt tunnel type thing. Isabelle glanced at its walls and couldn't tell what or who had dug this space out.
A slight smell hung in the air as if the air itself was stale. There was no sound down here bar their footsteps through they were quiet along the dirt. Isabelle and Alec both pulled out a witch light so Magnus dropped his spell.
Isabelle was gently running her hand across one of the walls, feeling for a hidden opening, Alec doing the same on the other side. Magnus was walking slightly ahead. The corridor seemed to have no end.
Magnus stood on something hard. He paused, the transition from dirt to wood obvious. He stepped forward again but quickly stepped back, feeling the wood start to move. "Guys," he said.
They turned to see Magnus just standing, staring at a patch of dirt, "What?"
The warlock began kicking away at the dirt. The dirt flew off with each kick until he saw the wood. Isabelle walked forward and crouched down. She began pushing the dirt off before she saw the edge of the wood. Magnus took a step back and she lifted it up.
Any remaining dirt on the wood fell of and scattered down a hole beneath the trap door. "Why another hole?" Isabelle grumbled.
She stood up and turned the wood over in her hand, inspecting it. it was roughly a three-foot square of a somewhat thick wood though probably not strong enough to take someone's full weight for long. As she was turning it more dirt fell off and down the hole, "Hey!" someone yelled.
"Jace," Alec said, instantly jumping down the hole, grabbing his seraph blade.
"Not again," Isabelle groaned while jumping behind them. Magnus followed with no hesitation this time.
Alec had put his witch light away, but Izzy's revealed everything. It was a small dugout dirt chamber with a wooden door on one wall. The room itself was tiny with only a couple small candles to light it. but it revealed enough. Jace was tethered to an uncomfortable looking metal chair.
"Are you okay?" Alec rushed over to check Jace over. There were a few more scrapes than usual over him. It looked like his lip had burst but he'd healed it but there was still some blood on his chin. Dirt was scattered across him and in his hair. His whole arms were tethered to the chair and his hands had been covered with a small sack and tethered at the wrist. A tether wrapped around his upper body, attaching him to the chair. His legs and been tethered to each chair leg and his feet too. It was professional, to say the least.
Jace shakes the dirt out his hair, "Do I look okay?" Alec said nothing but pulled out his stele and began getting Jace out, "We went to see Cadleact at his manor in Idris but once we walked something grabbed us. I don't know what. We didn't have any weapons. Every time we tried to look it slithered away," he said. Jace groaned as the tethers dropped. His t-shirt had been torn halfway down and fell open to reveal harsh red lines were the tethers had been. The pressure.
"What about Cadleact?" Alec asked.
"He wasn't there. No one was. Not that we saw anyway," Jace was finally able to stand. "But that guy with the horns was there. He was just watching. But I don't think he's a warlock,"
"He has horns," Izzy said. Magnus glanced down, grateful no one noticed.
Jace shook his head, "There was a warlock with him. He made him summon the portal that brought us here. He's not used a bit of magic. It was pitch black when we got here, and he made me use my witch light. I think he's an infrit,"
"That could explain Clary's theory that (Y/N) was trying to protect them," Isabelle said. "Where is she?"
"She's not with you?" Jace froze, "That son of a bi-"
"What do you mean?" Magnus cut him off. "What happened?"
"He forced us through that portal and separated us. I don't know how long for. But they came to me and told me to phone you, told me exactly what to say,"
"They know we're here," Isabelle's face dropped.
"I didn't have a choice. She was all cut up. Literally. They held a knife to her throat. The agreement was she would go after. She was meant to go stop you,"
"Did you see her go through?"
"Yeah. As soon as I hung up he made the warlock summon one and shoved Clary through by herself," Jace ran a hand through his hair, "Oh angel don't let her be trapped in a portal!"
"She'll be fine," Isabelle said, "It's Clary. If she can adapt to our world this quickly she'll manage a portal. She's probably at the institute,"
"Not all portals let you choose where to go," a voice said. Isabelle grabbed her whip, Alec tossed a spare seraph blade to Jace and grabbed his own having not brought his bow, and Magnus summoned a fireball. "There's no need for that."
One of the walls faded out to reveal a room. The man in all the photos was there. The room was roughly furnished like an office and the walls and ceilings were all concrete. A boy stood a few feet behind him, a large cloak covers his identity. There was a cage in the corner, rattling in the background.
"Nice of you to join us," he said, walking into the dirt room, "But I only need you," he pointed at Magnus with a grin. "Long time no see,"
Magnus didn't say anything. The shadowhunters stared at him. He'd been adamite he hadn't met him when he knew he had. He lived with him for a time. The Caleb he knew dressed in baggy clothes and had a voice like fragile glass. This Caleb was in a tight black shirt and dress pants with his horns seemingly polished. Jace had been right though, he was an infrit, but that made Magnus nervous. Why was he so confident?
"Come along Magnus," Caleb said, turning and walking back into the concrete room. Magnus stood still, "Come kitty." Caleb smirked. Magnus suddenly felt his cat eyes flash without him trying.
Magnus dropped the fireball and slowly approached the concrete room, stopping shy of it. "Warlock," Caleb said. The boy raised his hand but said nothing and a door appeared along one of the concrete walls. Caleb opened it before a force seemed to push Magnus forward.
The boy.
Once Magnus was close enough Caleb grabbed his arm and dragged him through. "Release," was Caleb's last word before shutting the door which disappeared into the concrete.
The shadowhunters shared looks. They thought they were being released until the boy walked over to the cage and held his hands over it. the cage and the thing covering it disappeared and it seemed like Pandora's box was released.
That slime demon Izzy faced was one of many. Though the cage had seemed small it had been dug into the ground and demons spilled out. They had no time to think.

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