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According to the Oxford, dictionary vampire has 3 definitions
1. a corpse supposed to leave its grave at night to drink the blood of the living by biting their necks with long pointed canine teeth.
2. A small bat that feeds on the blood of mammals or birds using its two sharp incisor teeth and anticoagulant saliva, found mainly in tropical America.
3. (in a theatre) a small spring trapdoor used for sudden disappearances from a stage.
And I'm not in a theatre and I'm not a bat. I'm a corpse. The shadowhunters consider us as diseased and broken; cast offs. Mundanes are-well were terrified of us, till a certain film franchise. But still, if they would get scared if they saw us in real life.
The one thing no one seems to see us as is human. We were born human, raised human, turned vampire. If you had cancer that doesn't make you cancer itself. You're a person with an illness. You can still feel things.
Sure, we're closed off by nature, but we have reasons. A, we literally died which is traumatic enough, B we know we'll outlive our families, C shadowhunters hate us, D we're forced to be nocturnal. And that's the short list.
Due to our sleep schedule and the sun we're kinda forced to be friends with our own. Mundanes are dangerous to befriend as a vampire, shadowhunters hate us, Werewolves despise us, Faeries hate everyone. That leaves us with warlocks I suppose but they're not nocturnal.
Being alive for so long and not aging hurts. It does. You see people around you age and die and you can't help since you don't want them to suffer as you do. That takes its toll on you.
I make the best of a bad situation. Or I try. I've made a few warlock friends and a few more vampire ones. A lot of vampires become closed off though, so those friends are only so good. Raphael was always closed off but he's still one of my closest friends.
Magnus Bane is another. He's a peculiar person, to say the least. We met at his parties and since he's a decent person if a vampire visits him he puts up enchantments, so the sun doesn't leak in.
Our friendship was a fun one. Parties, a similar humour, and a carefree life. He'd seen a lot in his time but never made you feel less of a person. He was like a brother who wouldn't leave me.
I had the option to stay in the dumort, but it was grim, to say the least. Sure, I could move into an apartment but it's hard to rent a mundane one due to our odd hours and downworlder landlords always have another tenant waiting for every room. Magnus had seen my predicament and told me I could stay with him for the time.
Being roommates with Magnus was great. He could conduct his business in the day without me disturbing him and I could help at night and hang out. Originally Magnus said he would look for a place for me, rent it in his name, and I'd pay him, but honestly, we had so much fun together we decided to just be roomies.
Well, it was fun at first. Our friendship was always strong, but my mind wasn't. part of the reason Magnus was reluctant to let me move out as he was worried. I couldn't blame him.
I'd lived the length of an average life with the same amount of pain if not more. But I was still alive and still suffering. Sometimes when warlocks get old they become emotionless or crazy. Although not a warlock I think us vampires get the same thing.
Mundane medicine doesn't work on vampires and therapists don't often see clients after dark. Magnus had helped, so had Raphael, but it still hurts. It's no one's fault but that doesn't mean theirs a cure.
I was still alive however and I did my best. I would put on a face if I had to.
Somehow Magnus befriended a group of shadowhunters. It was during the day they normally met so our paths never crossed. When Magnus started dated one of them I had a mix of feelings; nervousness, happiness, and curiosity.
It wasn't till then I began to get to know them. I got on fine with Alec, Isabelle, and Clary. Jace and I had a strange hatred yet friendship, swapping insults but not hits. He was okay, to be honest. Then there was Simon.
Simon wasn't Magnus' friend but he was Clary's friend who was Jace's girlfriend, who was Alec's parabatai. Sometimes it's like living in a mundane high school.
It's not that I didn't like Simon, it's that Simon didn't like me. According to Raphael, he didn't really click with other vampires, viewing us as evil or bloodsuckers. I can't blame him, I was the same at first.
Simon would never sit next to me, never talk to me, never even really look at me. When I talked to Magnus about it he said I was paranoid. We were never left alone so it was okay.
Till now.
It was daytime and everyone had decided to go to Magnus's for lunch. The apartment was enchanted so the sun didn't affect vampires unless a window was open. While everyone was talking amongst themselves Alec got a call. You could see him holding back a groan.
"Okay. We'll be right there," He sighed and hung up, "Some Mundanes went into an old vampire den. They're okay but apparently, we need to survey the place first,"
Jace groaned but forced himself up of the couch. "How long do you think it'll take,"
"Not long," Alec said, "We'll be back in like 20, 30 minutes," They said a quick goodbye before going.
When 30 minutes had passed there was a slight bit of worry, but we all knew despite Jace's antics you could trust them. When 40 minutes past it was worrying. Clary decided to phone Jace. When he picked up he didn't say anything, but you could hear them.
There was clearly commotion going on. "Hey!" Jace yelled before the phone call ended. The group looked at each other.
Isabelle was already on her feet, grabbing her stuff. "Come on," she told Clary. But Magnus also got up. "Magnus-"
"He's my boyfriend. I'm coming with you," He said.
Isabelle nodded in understanding and they all began to rush out, Simon following. Isabelle turned and stopped him, "It's daylight outside. You stay here."
"Stay," It was final. The door closed behind them and it was silent.
Simon walked back to the sofa and sat far away from me. They'd be fine. They always were.
10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes. Nothing.
Simon was pacing, "Aren't you worried!?" He lashed out.
I looked up from my phone, "Yes,"
"You don't look it." he crossed his arms and glared at me, "They could be dead for all we know,"
I held back an eye roll, "They're not," I told him, going back to my phone.
"You know this is why I can't stand you, vampires. You just don't care about anyone but yourself do you?"
"News flash Simon, you're a vampire," I lash out.
His eyes narrow on me, "Not like you,"
"Enlighten me, Simon," I say, standing up. "What did I do? Huh? What did all of us vampires do to piss you off so much?"
The look on his face is incredulous, "For starters turning innocent Mundanes! Killing them for blood! Not caring about anyone! You are all monsters,"
I shake my head in disbelief, "Wow Simon. Wow. Guess what? We were Mundanes once. We weren't born like this! We didn't ask for this! I don't like blood, but I don't want to die, again! For crying out loud you're mad at us for existing!" at this point I'm yelling. "We were human too at some point,"
"Doesn't seem like it. Your friend could be dead for all you know!"
"You think I don't know this! He's over 500 the fact he isn't dead already is amazing. Simon, it's not just parabatai who know if someone's in danger. if Magnus dies then the wards here go down meaning we will be toast. So, get off your high horse and see other people's side!"
Simon sits down, still glaring, "You all don't get it. I'm not like you. I didn't want this. You're all-"
"Monsters?" I cut him off. He nods, "Simon you don't get this, we're all the same. We all went through it. I would do anything to go back to that night and tell myself to turn left and not right. Not to fall into that trap." I sit down on the other end of the sofa, he shuffles away, "You can't even sit on the same sofa as me. Do you realise how bad that is?" I shake my head in disbelief and begin to walk to my room, "Vampirism is a disease. It doesn't make you less human unless you let it,"Silence echoes through the apartment, deafening me. Laying on my bed, I just stare at the ceiling. Am I human? Am I a bad person? Is it my fault? Theirs a knock at my door. I glance up as Simon walks in.
He's looking at the floor turning his phone over in his hand, "Clary called. There okay but they're going to the Institute for treatment. Magnus is okay but he wants to stay with Alec,"
I nod from my bed, not looking at him. He doesn't leave so I turn on my side away from him. "I'm sorry. I know you didn't ask for this," I hum in response, "It's just all the other vampires are so...cold. I-I'm sorry,"
He goes to walk away. "Simon," I say, and I hear him stop, "You are right. We are monsters. But I'm still human enough to feel pain,"
"I know. And I'm sorry. I really am,"
"It's okay. Your scared, I get it,"
Simon scoffs, "I'm not scared"
I sit up to look at him, laughing slightly, "Yes you are. We all are. Especially when were first turned. It's a new world to adjust to. It's okay to be scared,"
"But I'm not,"
I roll my eyes "Simon you are. I still am. You need someone, we all do. Just don't burn all your bridges with immortals and vampires. We're all you'll be left with,"
He nods but doesn't leave. This silence is somewhat awkward. Simons eyes dance around my room, inspecting it. it's not the tidiest but it's cosy? His eyes land on a poster and his eyes light up, "You like that show too?"
Somehow Simon and I manage to have our first proper conversation and its on my bed geeking out for angel's sake. When Magnus gets back I check him over myself, not trusting the shadowhunters. When he sees Simon still here when the suns down he gives me a look. "I'll explain later,"
Alec had come back with Magnus but had gone to bed not long after. Simon left with an awkward goodbye. Once the door was shut Magnus looked at me, "Okay you gotta explain,"

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