Chapter Nine: Running Loose

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Chapter Nine: Running Loose

Liam grabbed my hand and we ran as fast as we could. My long curly mousy brown hair is all over my face. I can't even see a thing. I accidentally tripped and my ankle hurts so bad so, I shouted.

"Ouch!!!" I cried.

Liam was shocked. He turned around and saw me sitting on the floor holding my ankle.

"Liam! Leave her there!" Shouted Harry.

"Are you crazy, Hazza?! This girl's my life!" Liam shouted while he's helping me stand up.

I got mad at Harry. Really. A girl got near us and started pulling Liam. He tried his best to carry me. Niall came back and helped us. Liam ran as fast as he could while carrying me.

"Quick! Open the door!" He shouted. Niall then, opened the door of their car. I am still in massive pain. I'm still crying. I'm hurt. Really hurt specially when I know the fact that one of them doesn't really like me.

"Are you okay?" Liam said while touching my face with his warm and shaking hand. I'm still shocked, scared and hurt. He then took my left foot. He took off my boot and saw that I really did sprained my ankle.

"Shit!! That's a massive swelling, Gabby!" Louis said. Shocked. They decided to take me to the doctor but I refused. I told them that I want to go home and let my mom take good care of me. Liam is so worried. He never took his eyes off of me. Harry just sat there in the front seat. Listening to music. Never minding us. Never minding me. I'm starting to hate him. What did I do for him to hate me so bad.

There's so many questions in my mind like, why did the girls chase them? Why did I do for Harry to hate me? and Why am I so attached to Harry? I didn't mind that. I just looked at Liam and told him not to worry and I'll be alright. They dropped me off our house.

"Wow! You lived right beside us. Looks like I'll be visiting you everyday." Niall said. Smiling.

"I don't actually live here. We're just on Vacation. I live in Atlanta." I smiled at Nialler.

"Okay. I have to go. Bye guys." I smiled. Liam doesn't want me to go but I told him to let go and I'll be fine. I waited for them all to go inside their house before I go inside mine. I carefully and slowly walked towards my Gannie's home. I rang the doorbell and mom opened it.

"Oh my God! Gabby, what happened?" Mom looks so worried.

Just So You Know (Harry Styles FanFic) {EDITING}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora