Chapter Twenty Nine: Dinner Goes Crazy

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Chapter Twenty Nine: Dinner Goes Crazy

Mackenzie's POV:

After a long walk we headed home and found Harry and Gabby running around the house tickling each other. I grinned as I watched them.

"Aren't they a cute couple?" Niall said.

"Niall they're not a couple yet." I said laughing.

"What about us?" He smiled.

"Not yet." I smiled back.

"Ouch! Why?" I saw the hurt in his eyes.

"You haven't asked me yet." I laughed and headed to the Kitchen and found Nicole and Zayn talking to each other.

"I'm seeing hearts in this room." I said grinning while looking for something in the fridge. I heard Zayn and Nicole chuckle.

"Bye love birds! Ta ta!" I said while raising my hand up in the air with the apple I found in the fridge.

It's 30 mins early before 7. We decided to take dinner at 7.

"Guys! Harry's gonna cook!" Gabby shouted while laughing.

"No I'm not!" Harry shouted back laughing while he's chasing Gabby. This house is really crazy.

"Gabby, chill! We can't let Harry cook. The whole house will burn!" Louuis joked. We all laughed.

"Harry's cooking might be good. We should try it. Maybe it's delicious." Niall said smiling.

"Oh God Niall! Everything tastes good to you!" Zayn said and we all cranked up laughing.

After a long wait, we've all decided to just call Manchester Pizza & Grill to order. Gabby called the grill because her family knows the owner and they sell the best pizza in town!

"Hello? Alexander? This is Gabby! I want to order five large pizzas. Umm. I'll take, Pizza Reggiano, Pollo Gorgonzola, White Clam Pizza, Bianca & Clam Casino." She said smiling. And wow! That's a huge order.

"Gabby! Order me some Giant cheese burger." Niall said.

"I'll have Chicken Burger w/ cheese!" Louis said.

"You heard it right Alexander. 111.45 it is. Bill that to me. Thanks." She smiled and hang up.

"The oder will be here in 30mins." She said smiling.

"You're gonna pay for it?" Louis asked.

"Yeah." She said while she's munching my apple.

"Heyy! That's my apple! I shouted. I chased Gabby all around the house until she gave me back my apple and it was all eaten up. The guys laughed and started shouting bravo.

"Gabby! Wait, you don't have to pay for the Pizza." Liam said to Gabby. Gabby gave me that are-you-kiddin-me-why-is-he-talking-to-me look. I just raised my shoulders.

"It's okay. No big deal anyway." She said and sat beside napping Harry and began to blow one of his ears. Harry stood up, frightened. "Gotcha!" Gabby shouted and Harry began to ran after her. We all laughed as Niall placed his arm in my waist. I felt a sudden goosebump.

"I told you they're a couple." He smiled.

"No, Niall. They're just dating. Gabby's way not too over Liam yet." I said.

Then our laughing was interupted by the doorbell.

"I get it!"

"Not until I get it!" Gabby and Harry ran towards the door. We all laughed and went to the kitchen.

After a minute or two, Gabby and Harry came back.

"Pizza's here!" She shouted.

Niall dumped in first. He grabbed his giant cheese burger and so did Louis. I looked at Niall and he looked back. We both smiled.

"Oh guys! I forgot something!" He shouted. We all gave him a confused look except for Gabby. He winked at Gabby who's giving Harry his pizza. Gabby stood up and went behind Harry. Niall knelt infront of me.

"Mackenzie, will you be my girlfriend?" He said teary eyed and handed me a necklace. I nodded and he stood up.

"This was my mother's. I'm saving it for someone so special and it was you. I know it is so fast but it's love at first sight. Mackenzie, you changed my heart. You covered food in it." He joked while placing the necklace on my neck. He faced me and kissed my forehead and I hugged him. God! I'm so thankful for this man. And it's a dream come true. Before we came here, I just wanted to meet them. But now, one of them is my boyfriend and it's the one I like the most.

There were 'awwe's' in the room. Louis and Niall switched places so that he can be seated beside me. Nicole's always seated beside Zayn. Who knows maybe they're together. Gabby's always sitted at Harry's left bothering him in everything he do. Gabby's such a child. I smiled as I watched everyone digging out. I looked at Niall. My man. He looked back and smiled at me and we all ate our dinner peacefully and happy.


A/N: Sorry if it took too long. My head ached so bad last night. And sorry if the Niall-Mackenzie dating is fast. But don't worry! There's still sweet moments from them on the next chapters. :)

I'm really shocked that I already have 700+ reads. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy! :)

Thank you guys! I really appreciate it a lot. :)

I posted Mackenzie's Necklace! :)

Don't forget to Comment, Vote & Fan.

P.S. I won't be able to update tomorrow because we'll be going to Manila Ocean Park but I'll try to update 3 chapters today and this one's the first. :)


Kristine ♥

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