Chapter Thirteen: My mother's lullaby.

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Chapter Thirteen: My mother's lullaby.

Gabby POV:

I woke up seeing Harry sitting beside me. Sleeping soundly. I searched for Liam, Nialler, Mom, Louis and Zayn but they're not around. No one's around except for Harry. I stared at him and smiled. I never thought that this guy smiles just like my mom. Their sweet smiles makes people's heart melt. I was shocked when he moved. I pretented to be asleep. He held my hand. I don't know if he can feel that my hand is shaking.

"Gabby? Are you awake?" He said. I didn't opened my eyes. I still pretended to be asleep.

"I never thought it will turn out to be this way. I like you the moment I saw you. It was love at first sight. I know it has been three days since Liam found you but I know met you first. Back there at the airport. I told my self that whoever owns the bracelet that's in your wrist now is the one I'm going to marry." His voice started to shake. He made a promise to himself. A promise that's just like mine.

"I kept on being rude to you because I'm scared to fall for you even more because I know LIam likes you and you like him too. I didn't asked for too much. I didn't even asked for your love and pitty. I just want to see you happy. That's my wish. I'll forget about my promise to myself. I'll forget about the bracelet just to see you smile. Be happy with Liam. I love you." He kissed my forehead and he didn't let go of my hand. He touched his face with my hand and I felt his tears. His warm tears. Harry is crying. But why him? Why can't it be Liam? I don't know what to do. I really don't know. My heart and mind is in panic mode now. Whenever I say a promise, it must be a promise. I never broke a promise before. And now, I'm doing it. I love Liam. I love him. I really do. What I feel for Harry is just a friendship feeling. I kept on asking myself. Harry? Why Harry? It must've been Liam. No! I should be Liam! A tear started to fall. I don't know if Harry saw it. He just left. When he closed the door, I opened my eyes and started crying like hell. I held my bracelet in my hand and I threw it in the door. Someone must've heard it because the door opened. I didn't see who it was because my hand is on my face and I'm leaning on my knees, crying. The person who came in hugged me and asked me what's wrong. It was my mom.

"I want to go home mom. I really want to go home now." I hugged her and begging her.

"We still can't honey. You still have to rest here. Don't be scared. Mom's here. Mom's going to protect you." She hugged me tight. It feels like I was five again. Specially when mom said those words. Mom's here. Mom's going to protect you. I felt like I was a baby again and my boo boo just got hurt. My mom's hug makes me feel protected. I stoped crying, I closed my eyes and laid back down. I've had too much stress this past few days. Stress because of my bracelet. Second is Liam and third, Harry. I heard my mom walk towards the door and she picked up my bracelet. She placed it in the side table. Hoping that I'll wear it again. I don't know if she knows what's going on but I know she knows that her baby girl is hurt. She kissed my forehead and sat beside me. She sang me my favorite lullaby. The one that she keeps on singing when I was a baby and a kid.

My precious one, my tiny one, lay down your pretty head.

My dearest one, my sleepy one, its time to go to bed.

My precious one, my darling one don't let your lashes weep.

My cherished one my weary one it's time to go to sleep.

Just bow your head and give your cares to me.

Just close your eyes and fall into the sweetest dream, cause in my loving arms.

Your safe as you will ever be so hush my dear and sleep.

And in your dreams you'll ride on angels wings.

Dance with the stars and touch the face of god

And if you should awake I'll send you back to sleep.

My precious one, my tiny one, Ill kiss your little cheek

And underneath the smiling moon Ill sing you back to sleep.

After that song I fall back to sleep.

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