Chapter Twenty Four: Gabby's Confession to Louis

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Chapter Twenty Four: Gabby's Confession to Louis

Gabby's POV:

I don't know what to play. Until Niall suggested.

"Give her the music sheet, Paul! Let her play More Than This in acoustic." Niall said excitedly.

"B-but. I d-don't ha-have any idea what it sounds like." I said. Nervously.

"Liam, sing with her." Paul said.

"What?" Harry shouted.

"Let them, Harry. He won't steal your girl." Paul smiled. He doesn't know everything. I'm getting hurt. Really.

I walked inside the studio and fixed the piano's tunes. Then they gave me the music sheet. This one's real hard. I requested for a guitar instead. They're all shocked because they know that I can only play the piano.

"I didn't know you can play the guitar." Liam said. I looked at him and he smiled at me.

I started to play the guitar.

"Let me sing first." Liam said. I smiled as a sign of "Okay."

I'm broken

Do you hear me

I'm blinded

Cause you are everything I see

I'm dancing, alone

I'm praying

That your heart will just turn around

Then I sang.

And as I walk up to your door

My eye turns to face the floor

Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say

We both sang the chorus then I sang the next verse then we both did the chorus then the both of us until the end. It turned out so well, Liam said sorry right after the song. I just smiled and went outside to check on Harry. He's my first priority starting today. Paul clapped and shouted "Bravo" and hugged me. I smiled. I walked towards Harry and smiled. He hugged me.

"I got so Jello." He whispered. I looked at him and smiled.

"Don't be. You're my first priority from now on." He smiled back. We were together until the recording was done. Everytime he walk towards me or I walk towards him, Liam's looking furiously and I'm scared. What if he walk towards Harry and beat him up? What if they fight? What if the group break up because of me? I can't stand being the main reason for all those negatives. I just wanted to feel happy even though I'm broken.

"Hey. You okay?" Louis sat beside me. I am sitting at the roof of their house. I've found the way to it at the room they gave me.

"Sorta. How did you get in here?"

"I'm searching for you because I want to borrow your pocket book then I saw your window open and tadah! I found you here." Louis smiled.

"What pocket book? My First Heartache?" I smiled at Louis.


"It's on my bed. Under my pillow."

"Oh. Thanks. Mind if I stay? You look so sad."

"Sorta. Lou Lou, what are you going to feel if someone cheated on you even if there's nothing going on between you. But, you're dating." I asked Louis. I call him Lou Lou because I'm way so childish and I love making fun of names.

"I'll be mad. First because, we're already dating. Second, because there must be feelings involved already. Third, she couldn't be trusted and lastly, she broke my heart." Louis said.

"Why? Liam cheated on you?"

"Like what I've said, I don't want to ruin the friendship you guys have." A tear started to fall.

"Hey. Gabby. Shh. You can tell me everything. There's nothing wrong in sharing what you feel to someone you trust. Unless, you don't really trust me." He said, patting my back.

"I-it's not like that. I trust you Lou Lou but I just can't stand seeing you guys mad at Liam." I cried harder.

"Nothing will change between us. I promise you, princess. I'm here to make you feel better and not to make you feel bad about everything." He smiled at me.

"Thanks. Okay. Umm. Harry and I went to Liverpool, right?" He nodded.

"I saw him and Danielle together. On his bed.........Naked." I looked down and closed my eyes. Trying to forget what I saw and cried harder.

"F*CK LIAM! He did that? To you? God! We believed him that he already got over Danielle and he loves you so much." Louis said furiously. I looked at him.

"You promised me, Lou Lou."

Louis hugged me and told me that everything's gonna be alright.

"Just stay away from Liam, Gabby. I can't stand seeing you hurt again." Louis said.

"Why do you all care for me like this? I'm nothing. Liam just met me somewhere." I'm still crying.

"Gabby you're special. You bought us back together." He smiled.

"I did?"

"Yeah. Before Liam met you, we're all having a hard time talking to each other because of a small misunderstanding. But because of you, we all patched things up. Just make you feel at home and we decided to be your older brothers. Gabby, you're just sixteen. You can still search for the right man." He smiled. I smiled to Louis and thanked him.

"You know what, I love little girls like you. I have five sisters. Four from my step dad and one from my real dad." He smiled at me.

"You do?"

"Yeah. And I miss all of them. That's why I'm being a brother to you. Seeing you is like seeing my sisters too." Louis smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Hey! What's going on between you and Harry?" Louis smiled at me teasingly.

"Well, I'm giving him a chance to prove himself to me. And he's doing a great job." I smiled.

"That's good. But he must be approved by Me and Niall first, okay?" He said jokingly.

"He has to?" I laughed and Louis nodded. I look like a freezing tomato now. The wind blew into my face and I started to chill.

"You're freezing. Let's go inside. You're eyes are swelling and your nose has already turned red." Louis said. Worried. We went inside and Louis helped me to bed. He was like my two brothers. They all care for me so much. He gave me a quick good night and left my room. My confession to Louis helped me a lot. It decreased the pain I'm feeling inside. My phone beeped and I looked at it. It was Harry.

From: Harry :)

Louis went to your room? What the hell the two of you do? I've been replaced? That fast? :(

To Harry:

I just talked to him. Nothing more and nothing less. Good Night, Harry. :) <3

From Harry:

Really? Is that true? I'm texting Louis.

To Harry:

Go on and ask him. I'm sleeping. Bye. :) <3

From Harry:

I'll ask him. Really. Good Night, Beautiful. Sleep Tight. I love you! <3 :* :)

That's it and I went to sleep.

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