Chapter Fourteen: A Mother's Love. (A chapter dedicated to moms)

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I made this Chapter dedicated to moms because it's mother's day. In this chapter you'll see how much love and care a mother can give to her child. Specially when she knows that one of them are badly hurt.


Chapter Fourteen: A Mother's Love. (A chapter dedicated to moms)

Pamela's POV: (Gabby's mom)

After singing my little angel her favorite lullaby, I sat beside her. I know she's hurt. I know she's in pain. I can tell it through her eyes. I don't know what it is but I can risk everything just to see her smile. Even my own life. My love for her and her brothers is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path. I will do everything just to make her smile. I wanted to talk to her but I can't she's still not in a good condition. I touched her brown and curly hair and smiled. She really looks like me. My hair and hers are the same. Our eyes. Our facial figure. Everything is the same. I'm glad that my only girl is the one I look like. I love her so much and I'd give up everythign for her happiness. I grabbed a pen and a paper in my bag and left her a letter.


When times seem too hard to bear and I feel like giving up, I vision your beautiful face, the twinkle of your eyes and things of such. The bond we created from my womb to the day you were born is a mother and daughter bind that can never be torn. With the strength and guidance of God and the blessings He pours down from above, I want to be the best mom I can be to you and embrace you with all my love. You are as precious as a flower and as gorgeous as a rose. You have been specially made to the very tip of your nose. You are as sweet as honey; such an innocent young child. You are brighter than any star in the sky every time you smile. I want you to be proud of who you are and strive to be the best. Put forth your efforts to achieve your goals and let God do the rest. I will always be your mother first, but I'm also your friend. Your are the most precious gift, that I've ever been given. I hope we can talk to each other about your problems sometimes. I want you to know that I'm here to listen. To help you in everything. I can be your bestest friend. I nkow you're hurt. I can tell that. I love you so much Gabby. And I'll always will.



I placed it in her side table. Under her bracelet. I walked on the couch on her room and laid down. I'm very hungry but I can't leave my daughter alone in her room. So, I decided to just sleep with her.

Gabby's POV:

I woke up seeing my mom sleeping. I smiled. She's still there. She never left. I grabbed my phone and called Keith to bring us some pizza. I know mom is starving. I noticed that there's a letter under my bracelet. I grabbed it and read. After reading it, tears ran down my face. My mom is amazing. She really is. She has given up too much for us. Specially for me. Sh erisked her life just to let me life in this world.

I'm an early baby. I came out before my due date. My mom knows that she'll probably die if she forced herself to let me out but that's what she needs to do to let me live. She and the doctors

 tried their best to let me out. They're all looking out for my mom's health. Especially mine. Mom was about to let go before the doctor decided that they will perform cesarean. She's dying. Mom's face has mixed emotions, happiness, pain, sadness, agony and everything. When I came out, She heared me cry and passed out. The line went flat. I kept on crying and crying. My dad paniced inside the delivery room and so is the doctors. They all tried to survive mom and they succeed. I cried as I remisced what my daddy had told me. I tried to get up and looked at my phone's calendar. It was mother's day today. I walked towards my mom and hugged her. I told her how much I love her. I sat beside her and looked to her eyes.

"Because you are my mom you loved me before I was ever seen. You thanked God for this miracle, this little human being. So exciting, yet fragile it all must have seemed to you then. Hearing my little heart beat inside you, now life begins. Because you are my mom no pain was too great for you to bear. Now you’re a mother and I your child with joys and pains to share. And so into this world my life began each breath now on my own. One day we will look back at just how much I’ve grown because you are my mom you worried for me within your every bone. You finally let go of my little hand to take my first steps on my own . Because you are my mom you showed me through the years to care about others and their feelings and the things that they hold dear. Because you are my mom you taught me right from wrong. Understanding that my faith in God will forever keep me strong. Showing me that being my own person is the only tool I’ll need

When morals and values are your foundation to succeed. Because you are my mom you loved me enough to also be my friend. You would be right there in ways that no one could see or ever comprehend. When there was no way I thought you could ever understand, there you would be, non-judging and willing to lend a hand. Because you are my mom, God’s gift to me was you. As your daughter, I will always love you and promise to be true. I thank you for so many things and will try to never make you sad or blue. Because you are my mom, and one-day I will be a mother too. I pray I never forget all that you’ve been through. I am your daughter and in your image I am proud to be. By the grace of the Lord you were created, and then I came to be." I hugged my mom after telling her that. She cried and hugged me tight.

"Happy mother's day mom! I love you so much!" I hugged her back. My mom was so proud of me. Of what I've become. I'm glad she made me grow up like this.

Pamela's POV:

The one I'm hugging now is my daughter. I'm proud of this girl and so are my boys. While she's hugging me, Fred and my two sons, Keith and Sammuel came in with a box of pizza and cake. They shouted happy mothers day and hugged me tight. This is my family. The ones that I care about. A husband that I cherish and three sweet and kind children to treasure forever.


Author's note.

To be a mother is not an easy task,

yet you do it proudly everyday no matter what is asked.

You have turned your baby into a beautiful young lady.

You were there for me since the very beginning and saved me countless tears.

The pushy and wise advice you gave will carry me through the years.

With my every mistake or wrongful deed,

you were always there to understand.

You put no limits on my dreams or anything else I wish to do.

You never forget to say you care or that you love me to.

The smile and tears upon your face when I achieve provides me with more value in my heart then you’d ever believe.

There is no other person that will shape my heart the way you’ve done,

your job finished perfectly for your precious daughters and son.

We have had a rocky road through triumph and catastrophe, hard time and despair,

but not a single moment of time of not having a wonderful mother there.

You have always put in your last with love and my whole life is not enough time for me to repay you.

We always put our disagreements to the side and manage to make it through.

I know that my teen years have driven you crazy but you have guided me with assurance along the way.

You have given me comfort and certainty with every breath I take within the day.

Your little girl is growing up but your baby girl will always remain deep inside me.

There are not enough words that can thank you for everything you have helped me emotionally and physically.

I have my whole future ahead of me and you are the women that has leaded me and guided me towards the proper path.

How can one simple day prove that much thanks and love to someone who has pushed this far and still is working her way?

No other person deserves a more wonderful Mothers Day.

Thanks for reading guys! Till next chapter. :)

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