What's Going On Here?

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For the rest of the day Tamlin and I just walked around the house and talked. Both of us even held hands which made everyone smile when we passed by. There was going to be a lot of gossip that the maids would spread tonight. But it didn't matter to me. They were nothing. 

Tamlin told me that in a few weeks he would be telling the public about me and ask if I would take the mating ceremony, the ritual that was required when you were a royal. That same day I would be pledging my life to all werewolves, telling them that I would be doing the best I could to become a Queen and a leader. So far I kinda knew what would happen during the pledge but with the mating ritual....not so much. Apparently the mating ceremony wasn't known to the public, just the Royals and I've never lived to actually see a pledge ceremony. Every time I asked Tamlin what it was he would either ignore me or say not to worry about it. That scared me even more. Because he decided that we would have to set it up in two days.

Every person inside the castle needed to get ready one way or another. The maids needed to clean the ballroom and the huge dining room. Then the cooks had to make all the cupcakes and food. Which would literally take up all their time so I needed to stay out of there. Then the garden had to be trimmed to perfection. Tomorrow Tamlin said that I was going with his most trusted guard to this store where I would pick a dress. He also said that I can't let him see it until I actually wear it which was weird but whatever. 

Right now i was in my room, cause I was still afraid to sleep with him. Of course he agreed, saying it was pry a good idea and that our wolves shouldn't accidentally gain control over us. That would be bad. Very bad was my last thought before I fell asleep. 


I was in the middle of the forest. The moon was out and stars were shining, Tamlin was next to me, holding my hand. Several people were around us, clapping, smiling, I was so happy. Suddenly all that faded away, instead I was running. Nothing mattered except getting across the Royal border. I could feel HIM getting closer, faster, that made me lose my focus and trip over a root, the next thing I knew Tamlin was lunging for me, his eyes black and fangs extended.

Jumping from my bed I could feel beads of sweat roll down my face, it was just a dream I told myself. Getting up from the bed I decided to take a shower and get ready. Today all  I'd really be doing was go to the library, eat in the main dining room and go back in my room until I needed to pick out a dress. Tamlin didn't want me in the ballroom, kitchen or outside. It was weird. Getting out of the shower I put on a black tank top, pink shorts and a jacket. Then I braided my hair and went downstairs, Tamlin was already there, waiting for me at the table. He was reading the paper and eating some of his toast. Without looking up at me he spoke, "your late" I groaned, "what's wrong with getting a little extra sleep? Besides..how can i sleep when you won't tell me whats going to happen tomorrow?" Glancing at me he shot me a glare, "All the girl Royals aren't allowed to know what happens. Its tradition." 

"Then can you at least tell me what time it will be happening tomorrow?" Setting his paper down he took a deep breath, "the pledge will be taken at twelve tomorrow and the mating ceremony will be at ten. Anything else?" I shook my head and finally started to eat my breakfast, "good". For the next few minutes we ate in silence until Tamlin stood up and looked at me, "for the rest of the day  I must....you need to stay in your room, that also accounts for tomorrow...not including shopping and the pledge alright? Not unless it's very important. " I nodded. And with that he left.

Going to my quarters I saw my guard at my door, "Aaron will you be nice enough to get me some video games, if I'm going to be stuck in this room all day I need something to keep me busy" he nodded and was about to leave when I stopped him, "lets see how good you are at video games too" he nodded again before trudging down the stairs. 

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