The Mating Ceremony

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Running through all the trees and bushes I could feel my head spinning, what the hell was going on? Why was I running? What happened to Tamlin? Deciding to trust Elias I dropped down to the ground. Grabbing a fistful of mud I coated it onto my face, my hair and my arms. He would have a lot harder time getting me then. Next I found a nice, safe cave. I even made sure that I was the only one to fit in the cave. It was perfect. Leaves and vines covered the front of the cave, even though Tamlin wouldn't be able to come in anyways I felt safer with the vines there. 

Curling up into a ball I found myself super cold, but if I changed into my wolf form than Tamlin would most likely be able to find me. Our scents were much stronger in our wolf forms. Which sucked. It was probably about ten degrees outside and if I wasn't found soon I could get frostbite. 

Hearing a howl in the distance I knew right away that it was Tamlin sounded different. He sounded scary. As if his whole world was ripped from him and he wanted revenge. Like he would kill ANYONE to get it back. That's when I realized.....that thing was me. Holy shit I was screwed. Is this what he had planned to do tonight? Oh god. What would happen when he did find me? Not anything good. 

That's when I heard another noise. A branch being snapped. "Where are you Clarke?" His voice sounded like death himself. My breath hitched and I didn't dare move for he would hear me, "I know your here somewhere..." he was getting closer...dangerously close. "I need to see you please, if you come out in the next five seconds I promise not to hurt least not tooo bad" he added as an afterthought. "Clarke. Where are you Clarke?" Then there was silence. It made me even more afraid. ten minutes passed, nothing happened. twenty minutes happened, nothing. Peeking my head out of the cave for a second I let out a breath of relief. Until I saw him. 

Pulling back into my little hiding spot I saw him peek his head in, "hello Clarke" his eyes were blood red and claws were out. Trying to fit himself in the cave he ended up pulling back, "nice spot you got here, good idea to find something so...comfy for us to enjoy together" My eyes widened. Now I knew what was going on. He was going to mate with me. Tonight. And I don't think that he would take no for an answer. 

"Tamlin please, I'm not ready yet. Don't do this" he growled, "you said you would bear an heir remember. Now I'm just making sure you fulfill it" That's when I noticed it. Tamlin's hands were literally BREAKING the cave walls. Soon enough he'd be able to get inside. "Tamlin don't! You have no clue what I've been through. This is just a reminder of that! My pain, my suffering!" He roared, "I am nothing like them! I love you!" 

"Then show it to me. Fight it! Don't do this" I pleaded. "Too late" then part of the cave's wall was broken into tiny pieces from Tamlin's grip. Getting inside I backed myself into the corner, "Stop it!!!" He didn't listen. Instead he grabbed my arms pinning them to the ground, then he got his belt and wrapped it around my hands, tying me up. Kicking him in the stomach I tried to get up but it only made things worse. Taking his legs he pushed them in between mine and shredded my underwear with his claws. Repeating the process with my dress. Then his clothes. 

Screaming at the top of my lungs I begged for someone to come save me but that was highly unlikely. Lining up with me he didn't say a word. Then he was in. Thrusting into me with as much force as possible, I cried and cried but nobody would hear me. Pulling my hair out of my face he kissed me, "I love you. I love you so much" he whispered in my ear, his teeth grazing my neck. My spine curled up towards him. For some reason my body was enjoying this but my mind was not. It was torture. 

His tongue licked up my insides and he growled, my heart beat outside of my chest. I shouldn't like this my mind thought. I can't like this. 

Throughout the rest of the night all I could remember was blurred images of him and me and darkness. But most importantly.. those red eyes.  

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