1 - Meeting Su Ju

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"You have to be kidding me." I groaned.

I walked in the pouring rain to the bus stop, fiddling with my broken umbrella. I eventually gave up, accepting the fact that the rain would soak me. As I got onto the bus, people made way as they saw me, a completely dripping mess. An old lady even got up and offered me her seat after seeing how done with the world I was. I politely declined and explained to her how I was getting off at the next stop.

I watched the rain pelt the windows of the bus. It was currently September 1st, 9:32 a.m., and Physics 101 had started at 9:00. It was the first day of school. Of all the days, today was the day that my 42 year-old uncle decided to take my bike and use it without warning. This bike happened to be my one mode of transportation.

I had spent thirty minutes digging my room out and searching for any coins and fortunately, I had enough for one ride. Unfortunately, I missed the bus stop near my house and had to run behind the bus in order to get on it at the next stop.

As the bus came to an abrupt stop, I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and shot out of the bus. I ran another block until I got to my college campus. Then, I spent another ten minutes determining which building I was supposed to go into and then another twenty to actually get to the building.

I climbed up the stairway to the doorway of the large, modern building. And then I tripped on my cheap, wet Nikes and fell face first onto the hard, moist concrete.

Rubbing my now bruised forehead, I practically crawled to my classroom, trying to calm down my fast beating heart.
I did my best to fix myself up and slowly turned the handle. As I opened the door, everyone stared at me. I bit my lip as I felt a warmth fill my cheeks and adjusted my glasses.

"Would you like to tell me why you'd even bother to show up at the end of class, Mr..." The teacher began to say with his eyebrow lifted.

"Su Ju. My name is Su Ju." I managed to say in terrible Korean, avoiding eye contact with the teacher.

That's right.

My name was Su Ju.

Like "Super Junior."

My father was drunk when I came into this world. My mother had been recovering from the 'magic gas' as the doctors had put it, and my father would have to name me without her judgement.

He had intended to name me "Soju," a Korean alcoholic drink, but he had extremely sloppy handwriting and the doctors mistook the o as a u.

My mother is Chinese and married a Chinese man. They were never really good parents- they simply didn't care about me. They were always out, drinking and making love.

One night when I was five, my father went out to get some soju and apparently couldn't find it for 16 years.

My mother got remarried to some random Korean dude, who was actually decent at first. He taught me Korean and we shared some pleasant memories. However, everything changed when I entered High School. My step-father began to slowly disappear more and more and come back later and later.

After high school, I was accepted into one of Seoul's best colleges. My entire family - my step-father, mother, my biological father's brother, and I moved all the way to Seoul in order to obtain an excellent education. Just having that education could mean a job, wealth, and ultimate success.

Too bad I was late on the first day.

"Mr. Su Ju..." The professor pronounced it slowly, making me gulp. "Why do you bother to arrive when this lecture ends in twenty minutes?"

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