44 - Awaken

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(Note: Teasers 2 and 3 came after Su Ju woke up. Teaser 2 was during Su Ju was simply asleep and still in the hospital, but out of his coma. Teaser 1 was beforehand.)

Before Teaser pt. 2

One Month After the Attempt.

"Where am I?"

His soft, beautiful eyes looked around, tracing everything, looking for answers to why he was here.

"Ohmygod! I'll go get a nurse! You're awake!" Eun Jae said. Eun Jae ran out of the room and then ran back in with a nurse.

"Eun Jae? What's going on? It hurts to speak...ah..."

"Ohmygodyou'reactuallyawake!" Eun Jae ran over and hugged Su Ju.

"Mr. Su? Hello, my name is Isabelle. I've been taking care of you while you were in your coma."

"Coma? What!? What happened!? I don't remember..."

"Y-You t-tried to commit suicide Su Ju...you jumped off a bridge..." Eun Jae broke down into tears and sobbed into Su Ju's arm.

"How come I don't remember any of this??" Su Ju asked the nurse.

"Well it appears that you suffered from a serious concussion from water impact from about a 200 feet drop. You also broke a few of your ribs from the impact, so you'll need to do some physical therapy."

"Aish...suicide...what happened...?"

"It...It was t-their fault..." Eun Jae whispered.

"Whose fault?"

"E-EXO's fault..." Eun Jae burst into tears again.

"The K-Pop band? What do they have to do with anything? Hey, calm down...it's okay. I'm okay."

"Su Ju...what is the last thing that you remember?" Eun Jae asked.

"Everything's a bit blurry...I think the last thing I remember was checking my mother into a hospital...ah, she was pretty angry at me."

"Su Ju, how old are you?" The nurse asked, scribbling furiously on a notepad.


"Oh my god..." Eun Jae said, clasping her hand over her mouth.

"Su Ju...you're twenty two. Over the past two years, you've joined EXO, befriended BTS, and...and..."

"Amnesia." The nurse said. "He has amnesia. I suggest that your two friends explain everything to you, Mr. Su. I'll give you some time, I need to go inform the doctor of this information." The nurse left the room.

"Eun Jae. Can we catch up later. I'm actually exhausted...my entire body hurts and aches.

"Of course, of course! I'll tell the nurse!"

Su Ju fell asleep, and Eun Jae stayed with him all night.

That Night

Taeyong walked into the hospital room. He set a bouquet of flowers on Su Ju's bedside and kissed his forehead.

"Finally awake...The world has become duller without you."

"Aish...Su Ju..."

A tear slipped from Taeyong's eye.

"Why did you do this to yourself?"

"Was it me?"

"Did I make you like this?"

He held Su Ju's cold hand and laid his head on his arm.

"Mianhe...Mianhe.......forgive me...." He sobbed.

The door suddenly opened.

"Who are you?"


"Yah! Who the heck are you?"

"Su Ju's...boyfriend(?)"

"That's impossible."

"What do you mean?"

"Because I'm his girlfriend."

Eun Jae smirked to herself.

"I swear, I go out for a few minutes for a cigarette and when I come back, there's some boy all over my boyfriend. Geez."

"You know that Su Ju's gay, right?"

"That's where you're wrong. Su Ju's actually bisexual.

Get your goddamn facts straight."

The Next Day

Su Ju opened his eyes to see a beautiful vase filled with different flowers. He smiled to himself as he inhaled their scent.

"Awake, cutie?"

Eun Jae kissed Su Ju, who turned a little red.

"Yeah, I feel a lot better. Sorry for last night, I kind of just needed some rest."

"It's okay. Anyways, the nurse suggested that I explain everything that's been going on for the past three years. First of all, I need to tell you something really serious. Your mother—"

"Su Ju?" Taeyong knocked on the door. He came in and smiled. He sat on Su Ju's bed and held his hand. "Good morning." He couldn't stop his tears from falling.

"Long time no see, how are you?" Su Ju asked Taeyong, smiling.

"Su Ju..."

"How's NCT? Is Jeno still the little adorable kid he is? Have all of you guys been eating properly?"


Taeyong brought his forehead to Su Ju's and held his cheeks in his hands. As his tears fell down Su Ju's cheeks, he breathed loudly.

"Why...why are you like this Su Ju? Why do you worry about us when you're like this...why are you so unconcerned for your own health? Why are you still kind me even when I..when I cheated on you?"

Su Ju clasped his hands around Taeyong's neck and smiled.

"Because I care about you. I care about NCT."

Taeyong's face became flushed as Su Ju's warm, brown eyes stared into his own.

"Ahem." Eun Jae cleared her throat. She pushed Taeyong away lightly so that Su Ju wouldn't notice it. She then shot his a secret glare and shook her head slightly. "We should probably explain what happened...Allow me."

"You started college and I pursued my acting career. We were distant with each other for a little bit because you were busy working with your job and schoolwork. I was busy filming a k-drama at the time, so we didn't see each other very often. But our love was strong enough to keep on going. But then you lost your job and then dropped out of college in order to make money for your mother's life support. When you were playing your guitar, a SM employee scouted you. Since you were so experienced, they actually put you in EXO! And...and that when everything started to go downhill."

"The day before you committed suicide, you had a live interview in America with EXO. And you revealed that all of the EXO members had been treating you terribly. I think that was one of the factors that led you to...suicide." Taeyong grabbed Su Ju's hand. "I-I'm sorry for not being there for you. I didn't know anything..."

"Taeyong, it's okay. It's not your fault. Knowing myself, I probably would've tried to deal with such a problem by myself. But was I really being treated that badly? Would that really drive me to suicide?" Su Ju asked.

"I-I guess...I mean there is always the problem with your step-dad and uncle...perhaps something happened?"

"That's definitely a possibility..." Su Ju said.

"Su Ju...I discovered something during the month that you were in a coma...it's about your mother. I think that what happened led to a final decision for you.

Su Ju, your mother... she died."

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