19 - Chogiween

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Four Hours Ago

Su Ju's POV

"Su Ju! Let's go trick or treating!" Chen said, flopping onto my bed.

"Chen, how many times do I have to explain this to you? You guys are EXO! You're idols! You'll be kidnapped by some crazy saesangs or something!" I said, patting Chen's head.

"But Su Juuuuuuu. I want candyyyyy." Chen complained.

"No means no, Chen. I'll buy you some candy from a store for you."

"AH WAE!?!?"

"Sorry Chen."

"But we even got costumes!"


"The other members!"


"Come on, come with us!"

"You're not gonna stop asking, are you?"

"Nope." Chen smiled at me with his signature cat like grin.

"Fine. But these costumes better cover you guys up, I don't want to be attacked."

"Here, I got you a costume!" Chen said, running out of my room.


Chen returned a few seconds later.

"No. Chen, I am not wearing that. I AM NOT."



I waddled to the living room in a gigantic panda suit where all of the EXO members sat. I felt my cheeks turn red. I felt ridiculous.

"Ask Chen." I said with a muffled voice.

"Let's go already!!" D.O. said. "I want candy." He pouted.

D.O. was dressed as a penguin, Suho was dressed in the infamous Red Velvet dress, Kai was dressed as a wolf, Baekhyun was dressed as a vampire, Xiumin was dressed as a gingerbread man (?), Chanyeol was dressed as a pirate, Chen was dressed as a doctor, and Sehun dressed up as a gigantic bubble tea.

Yep. We were totally going to be able to hide from all of the fans.

"Chen...why is Xiumin dressed as a gingerbread man? Isn't it Halloween?" I whispered to Chen, who giggled.

"I honestly don't know." He replied and shrugged.

"Let's go alreadyyyyy!" D.O. complained again.

"He really likes candy, doesn't he?" I asked Chen.


The moment we took a step out of the dorm, we were instantly swarmed by a mob of girls.

"I TOLD YOU THIS WASN'T A GOOD IDEA!!!" I yelled. Luckily, there were security guards who protected us from the crazy screaming girls and led us to two different black SUVs. I got into one with Xiumin, Kai, Chen, and Suho. D.O., Sehun, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol got in the other car.

"Where are we going?" I asked Chen.

"No idea. I thought we were going to go trick or treating, but I think Suho may have planned something for us."

"Guys, what do ghosts eat for dinner?" Suho asked. We stayed silent.


The car was dead silent. Even the driver pulled over and just looked at Suho for a few seconds.

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