Chapter 46 - New People

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"Omo! You're the famous model from China!"

"Didn't you just come from a trip visiting America?"

"Can I have an autograph!?"

"I'm so sorry, I'd love to take pictures with you but I really have to visit someone."

"Oh, it's okay! Who are you visiting?"

"Su Ju."

"Ah, what's your relation?"


" mean, right this way!"

"The skies are so beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as me."

Su Ju laughed lightly as Eun Jae laid in his arms on the hospital bed. A sharp knock caused Eun Jae to jump off and walk over, aggravated.

"Yes?" She asked, swinging the door open harshly.

"Excuse me, miss. Su Ju has another visitor." The nurse said.


"Su Ju's brother."

"Excuse me? Su Ju doesn't have a brother."

"This man is claiming to be so."

"Well send him away!

"It's okay," Su Ju said, smiling. "It's always nice to have more visitors. Especially with all of my friends stuck with work."

As he came in, Su Ju's eyes widened and Eun Jae's mouth dropped.

There, was standing the most drop-dead gorgeous guy standing in the room.

"THE Ye-Jun Mae!?!? Can I get a picture with you! We should have a photo shoot together!"

"Sorry Miss Eun Jae, I have business to take care of." The man's eyes narrowed.

"He knows my name!"

"You have quite the...reputation."

"Thank you!"

"Wasn't really a compliment but okay."

"What brings you here, Umm.. Ye-Jun, was it?"

"Su Ju, I'm your step brother." The guy said straightforwardly.

"Huh...WAIT WHAT?" Su Ju's eyes widened.

"I was your step father's son. But then my mother divorced him.

"Oh, I see. But why are you here?"

"I...I want to protect you." Ye-Jun said. He squatted down next to Su Ju and whispered into his ear.

"I know everything. That asshole father, your real brother, your mother, EXO, BTS, everything."

"But what do I need protecting from?"

"The world. You're so precious, like a little kitten that needs to be shielded away from darkness."


"I'm sorry, that came out a little weird. Let me start over." Ye-Jun straightened out his shoot and stuck out his hand.

"My name is Ye-Jun, I am your step brother. I'm here to protect you and bring you somewhere safe."


"Now who is this...girl?" Ye-Jun asked.

"This is my girlfriend, Sun Jae." Su Ju smiled happily.

"She reeks of perfume. And not the good kind." Ye-Jun said in English.

"Yes, she can go a little overboard sometimes." Su Ju replied back in English.

"Su Ju! We're back from practice, Manager Hyun allowed us to come visit you as long as we brought his along, but he's looking for parking." Jongdae chirped, walking into the room. He eyed Ye-Jin suspiciously. "Hello, who are you?"

"I am Su Ju's step brother."

"Wot" —Shocked EXO members.

"We brought you cake!" Minseok exclaimed, giving a small box to Su Ju.

"Thank you!"

"How are you feeling?"

"Is it boring here?"

"When will you able to leave?"

"Wait first, who is this Manager Hyun?" Su Ju asked.

"That would be me." As if on cue, Manager Hyun walked in and gave Su Ju a smile. I am EXO's Manager, your past Manager. It's so great to see you in good condition, Su Ju. But allow me to cut to the chase. I would love to get you back into the music industry and debut as a solo SM artist, how about that?"

"Really!?" Su Ju asked excitedly.

"Actually, he can't do that." Ye-Jun said, coming into the conversation.

"Why is that?" Manager Hyun said, glaring at Ye-Jun.

"Su Ju is coming to live with my mother and I, back in China."

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