Chapter 45 - Rewind

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"I'm sorry Su Ju...I found out that she passed away peacefully in her sleep."

"Su Ju..." Taeyong walked towards him.

"Please...just for a second, leave me.."

"Alright. Call us if you you need anything." Eun Jae said. She walked out, followed by a hesitant Taeyong.

And Su Ju broke down. Loud sobs and endless streams of tears.

"It's's okay, Su Ju. Everything's going to be okay..." He told himself. He wiped his tears on his sleeve and turned onto his side, staring out into the skies, to the heavens.

"Su Ju? You okay?" Eun Jae asked, entering.

"Yeah..." Su Ju said, back facing Eun Jae and Taeyong.

"A-Are you sure?" Taeyong asked.

Su Ju turned to them with a bittersweet smile.

"Yeah. She doesn't have to suffer any more."

The EXO members sat quietly.

They couldn't even stare at each other.

The guilt was eating them alive.

"You are EXO, right?"

"Ne." Junmyeon answered.

"He's awake."

And like that, all of the EXO members stood up and started to run to the room.


They all stopped and turned.

"I must tell you...he has amnesia."

"It appears that he only remembers events before his 19th birthday."


"Can we go in and see him?"

"Sure, right up ahead and the third door on the left."

The EXO members walked slowly to the room, knocked and then entered.

"Su Ju?"

His sweet face looked up and saw EXO. He broke into a smile of shock.

"Y-You're EXO!!" He shouted, pointing at them.


"Don't be excited, Su Ju. These guys treated you terribly. They're the ones who drove you to suicide." Eun Jae said, narrowing her eyes and glaring at all of the remaining members.

"But they seemed so nice in their interviews...I'm sure mother's death probably had the biggest impact on me. You couldn't have been so bad, right?" Su Ju asked EXO.

They couldn't say anything. And that was because they were terrible, and they had treated Su Ju like crap for the entire time he was in EXO.

"Oh." Su Ju said, disappointed.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Jongdae asked Eun Jae coldly.

"Su Ju's one and only girlfriend." Eun Jae reached over to Su Ju's face and kissed him on the lips.

"I thought that Taeyong and Su Ju were dating." Chanyeol said.

"Nope, just a lie. Su Ju and I got together after Su Ju ended the relationship. He found out that Taeyong was cheating on him!"

"I-I didn't cheat on him! It was just from that certain angle that made it look like I was kissing—"

"Don't make silly excuses, Taeyong. We all know that Su Ju wasn't happy in that relationship. After all, you kept everything a secret for your own selfish reasons! 'Oh, it would put a damper on my reputation, blah blah blah' and all that stuff."

"There's more to the story than just that. And besides, where'd you get this information from?"

"That's none of your concern! So what if I do a little research when I go looking for the perfect guy? Are you judging me?"

"Guys...stop arguing please." Su Ju meekly said.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Seven faces peered through the tiny window in the door.

"suuUuU jUuuUuUUu!!!!" Taehyung yelled, bursting into tears and running forward to embrace Su Ju.


Taehyung was a blubbering mess. "W-Why!? Why didn't you tell me! I could've helped you!" He was obviously hurt.


"Baekhyun texted me to let me know the news and, and—"

"Taehyung." Baekhyun put his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"He has amnesia. He doesn't understand what you're saying...he can only remember events before he was 19."

"Oh." Taehyung said, his disappointment clear.

"I'm sorry if I don't remember you. You are Taehyung from BTS, yes? Nice to meet you." Su Ju gave Taehyung a warm smile and that was when Taehyung cried even more. Jungkook took him and held him in his arms as he sobbed.

"It's okay, it's okay." He soothed Taehyung.

After a good hour, everything was clear.

EXO had treated Su Ju like crap,

His mother passed away due to brain cancer, making his desires to escape this hell stronger,

BTS and NCT were friends of Su Ju's, (Eun Jae opposed keeping NCT to Su Ju for obvious reasons, but she didn't mind BTS. Hanging out with them would give her more popularity, and plus none of the members were after her "boyfriend.")

and Su Ju was to do physical therapy for a few months (he had shattered a few of his ribs from the impact of the fall) and then after that everything would be up to him. (And Eun Jae, of course.)

Su Ju of course would receive countless numbers of visitors.

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