10 - Sehun

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Su Ju's POV

I looked in the mirror, breathing heavily once again. Beads of sweat slid down my neck. My white shirt was drenched in sweat. I was alone with the music. The other EXO members had left me to work on the dance moves for all of the dances on the Album. Today was Thursday and we worked on NCT's Limitless. But when the members left, they told me to stay at the dance hall and continue to work on the album dances. I had been pretty good when dancing to Limitless; I just need to work on singing it while dancing. I really had no lines in the album because Lay didn't and I was supposed to replace Lay. So, I was a backup vocal. I would just dance to the song but I would have to know Chen's, Baekhyun's, Suho's, and Kyungsoo's parts for all of the dances just in case they were absent. On the days that they weren't absent, I'd just sing in a quiet voice behind the main vocals. All in all, I had a lot to practice. For the past few days, I've been working my butt off. Every night, I'd stay up and practice by myself. Chen gave me his key to EXO's dorm so that I could enter without the other members waking up.

I feel that Chen and I have grown extremely close over the less than one week. We talked to each other frequently about each other. It was more like I knew him rather than he knew me. He would always save some leftovers for me from Kyungsoo's cooking- he would only make eight servings, for eight EXO members. Sometimes Chen would even stay up and wait for me, making sure that I got home safely. Tonight was one of those nights.

As I opened the door, Chen was on the couch, bundled up in blankets with the television on. A tear slipped down his cheek. He was eating a plate of spaghetti, his salty tears hitting the paper plate. Salty spaghetti.

"Chen! Are you okay?" I whispered-shouted.

"N-Ne....actually no, I'm not...he's so mean Su Ju!" Chen quietly wailed.

"Who is? What happened?" I asked, bringing Chen's head to my chest as I hugged him.

"The protagonist's dad!" Chen said.

"What?" I moved away from Chen.

"Oh. I'm watching a movie about a dude who has a small restaurant and he enters a tournament going against a really fancy dude who has a really fancy restaurant." (I love you if you know what movie (NOT ANIME) I'm talking about)


"I saved you some spaghetti on the table. I'm going to go to sleep now, goodnight!" Chen chirped before going upstairs.

I sat alone at the table, swirling around on a swirly chair, eating my spaghetti. I was a tad bit lonely, but at least the spaghetti was really good and tasty. I was throwing the paper plate away when I heard the refrigerator open. I almost screamed. I stared at the open refrigerator door before someone came out from behind it and closed it.

"O-Oh...hi Sehun, you scared me..." I stuttered. Ever since I joined EXO, Sehun has been completely silent. I didn't know how to take this in- was he angry at me? Sad? Sehun had just been an emotionless man ever since Lay left EXO. I heard that he hadn't been close with Lay but that Lay's leaving reminded him of someone else.

That's when something in my brain clicked.

"Luhan..." I whispered. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth, my eyes wide. I'm such an idiot!

Sehun looked up and stared at me, his dark brown eyes piercing into my soul. He slowly walked towards me, and I continuously stepped back until my back was against the kitchen counter. As I leaned back, Sehun leaned forward.

"What...did you say?" He growled.

I gulped. I felt my heart beating at an irregularly fast rate.

"M-Mianhe..." I squeaked.

"No, what did you say...I want to know." Sehun said.

"I didn't mean it, I'm so sorry, please forgive me..." I said. I am so stupid. Why did I say that one name!? Especially since he and Sehun seemed to have a really deep connection. (And because I was a lowkey HunHan shipper.)

"What...did...you...say...?" Sehun repeated, leaning in closer. I felt his breath on my neck as he leaned over and put his hands on the side of the counter. I saw his hand gripping the edge, his knuckles turning white.

"L-Luhan..." I whispered. I could barely hear myself. I sucked in my breath. Sehun then lowered himself so that his mouth was almost touching my ear.

"You don't have the right to talk about him, let alone say his name."

Before I knew it, Sehun was gone and replaced by the sound of footsteps going up the stairs. I let out the air I'd been holding in my lungs and just stood there, in the dark.

Third Person's POV

At 9:00 a.m., Su Ju was with the other EXO members, practicing the usual Ko Ko Bop when his phone rang.

"Ne?" Su Ju talked into the phone.

"Mr Su Ju, your mother has asked us to take her off of Life Support and we need your confirmation. We need you to come to the hospital and fill out some forms." Someone said.

"What!?" Su Ju yelled. The other EXO members and staff members slowly stopped what they were doing and listened onto Su Ju's conversation

"Please don't take her off. I will come as soon as possible, is there any way I can talk to her right now?" Su Ju asked.

"Please give me a moment, sir."

A few minutes later, a weak voice entered the call.

"Su Ju?" Su Wei asked.

"What are you thinking!? There is no way that's going to happen, not in a million years. Why would you attempt to do such a thing, do you know what-"

"Su Ju. I won't talk with you about this on the phone. Come to the hospital and I'll talk more with you." Su Wei said. Then she hung up.

Su Ju hit the wall.

"Excuse me, I need to leave." Su Ju said, grabbing his jacket.

"Woah, woah, woah. We still have a lot of dancing to do, you can't just leave now." One of the staff members said.

"It's am emergency." Su Ju replied.

"Fine, but if you leave, don't come back." Suho said, taking a gulp of water. That made Su Ju stop.

"Yeah. If you're that quick to leave, then you really don't deserve to be in EXO. Not that you did before." Baekhyun grumbled.

"But it's really an emergency!" Su Ju said. He couldn't believe this. They weren't going to let him leave?

"I agree with them, Su Ju. You need to show them that you really want to be a part of EXO." Manager Hyun said as he came out of nowhere.

"B-But aren't I already a part of EXO?" Su Ju asked shakily. Manager Hyun snickered.

"Why don't you ask your fellow bandmates?" He said with a smirk as he put air quotes around the word ''bandmates."

Su Ju looked to the eight exhausted EXO members, all of them glaring at him except Chen, who only had pity in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, eomma. But I'm doing this for you." Su Ju mumbled so that only he could hear what he said.

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