3 - Invitation

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Su Ju's POV

I walked to the hospital, tired and unsatisfied. My shoulders ached from carrying my heavy guitar. For the last week, I have been working my butt off trying to find another job, but since I only have a High School Diploma, it's been pretty tough. I've been getting a lot more money from my singing, but it's not enough. I sit outside, day and most of the night, trying to earn all the money I can. But the most I've earned was 153.89 dollars. And I've done the math. Life support does not cost 926.76 dollars.

Today...today felt different though. Despite the desperate need for money and the constant growling sound emerging from my stomach, today felt...nice. It felt bright and different. I had a feeling something good was going to happen today.

As I walked to the hospital, I noticed how everything felt looser. I greeted the always-angry nurse at the hospital, waved to a few of the surgeons that performed on my mother, and everything just seemed so...!right.

I saw that my mother was wide awake, watching the television. I knocked lightly and smiled.

"Good morning!" I chirped.

"Su Ju. Take a look at this." My mother demanded. She pointed he tv remote and the television and made the volume higher.

I peered at the small television in the corner of the room. My mother was watching a news report by one of the popular Korean channels.

"Recently, the SM Entertainment Boy Group, EXO, has lost another member. This time, the member is Yixing Zhang, who has left the group in order to be a solo artist in China. There are rumors that SM Entertainment is already looking for another Chinese member!

In other events, there has been several different videos posted online that involve in a boy singing and playing a guitar. He has been named 'The Soul of Seoul.' Recently, he has been seen with a guitar on the streets of Seoul, preforming quite a show! The boy has an incredible voice-listen to a clip of him singing!"

My eyes widened when I realized that in the video, it was me who was singing.

"Su Ju, doesn't that look like you?" My mom asked, squinting her eyes

"Eomma...it is me!" I shouted excitedly.

"WOH!?" My mother's eyes widened and her mouth hung low.

"Su Ju...I'm so proud of you! Your music is more beautiful than other!" She said.

I smiled at my proud mother. We then continued to watch the clip of me singing. All of the songs that I had sung were composed by me and sung from my heart, as cheesy as it sounded. I quickly went on my flip phone and searched up more videos of myself. Nobody knew my identity, but there were sure a lot of theories on them. Almost all of the songs that I had sung on the streets now had covers by other artists. I smiled as I read the comments, most of them being positive.

"I'm so happy for you, son." My mom told me. "Why don't you go out and play some more?"

"But I'm supposed to be with you today..."

"Please? This is such a large opportunity for you, Su Ju. Just imagine if a large entertainment company comes to see you! Now go!"

I quickly nodded, adrenaline now pumping through my veins.

I walked to the same place I'd been preforming for a while now.

I felt the energy flowing through my body as it traveled to my fingers while I strummed my guitar. This time, I physically felt my passion through my playing.

It wasn't long before a large crowd gathered around me, one of my largest crowds in fact. My loud vocals had drawn attention. I preformed for a while, singing several different songs that I surprisingly made up along the way- I was a major improviser and I improvised almost everyday. Seeing all of those people around me made me feel confident and optimistic. I smiled even larger when I saw the amount of money being put into my guitar case.

Eventually I had to stop, for my fingers were red and sore from strumming the guitar so much and my throat was killing me. I smiled at my audience and bowed down. I felt myself blush as they clapped and cheered for me, I still wasn't used to all of the attention. I quickly made my way out of the crowd and began to walk home.

I counted the amount of money that I made as I walked.

365,520 won.

I smiled in triumph.

As I was walking back to my house though, I couldn't help but feel someone's eyes on my back. I turned around, and there, was a very obvious photographer hiding in a bush with a camera, taking pictures of me. And then two photographers came. And then three. And then four. AND THEN A NEWS VAN CAME OVER.

"What the-!?" I exclaimed. What was going on!?

"My name is Selena, you're live right now! Everyone has been talking about you, the unknown boy with a voice of gold, a.k.a. the 'Soul of Seoul!' What's your name, sir?" The news reporter asked.

"O-Oh! My name is Su Ju." I mumbled, stuttering. I rubbed the back of the neck. There were so many people around me and I couldn't help but feel slightly attacked. I mean...I just wanted too home and eat a nice bowl of cheap ramen.

"Su Ju! And that's his name! Well Su Ju, your songs have inspired so many different people around the world! You may not know it, but you were actually Trending #4 on an website called YouTube! Your songs are just so beautiful. What made you want to create them, or what inspired you to create these specific lyrics?"

"Oh w-well, I usually sing just to get out my emotions, but I also need the money." I answered honestly. I mean...what was I supposed to say? I didn't like lying...

"Well I have the perfect opportunity for you, Su Ju." A new voice entered the scene. I turned and saw an important looking man with a suit. He took out his hand and gave me a firm handshake.

"I work for SM Entertainment. Have you ever thought about trying to audition?" The man asked.

Everything happened so fast.

"Well, umm...not at the moment."

"Well you certainly got the talent to join us. I'll have someone call you ask you for an audition." The man said, taking my flip phone from me and punching in a new contact. "Go on our website and see the requirements! I hope to see you again, Su Ju. Keep up the good work!" The man said. I bowed down respectfully.

Could I really revive my dreams?

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