38 - Hints

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"...Hot." Kai whispered.

Su Ju blushed as he walked into the room.

"Okay, let's get this filming started! You guys begin to practice your lines. This will be shot throughout the week, and this is how it'll go. Today is Wednesday. We'll be working on understanding the story of this mini drama and beginning to memorize lines. Tomorrow, we'll continue to memorize the lines and incorporate the stage directions. On Friday, we'll have our first rehearsal, but it appears that your outfits are either to tight or loose on your guys. Xiumin and D.O., your outfits got messed up in the process of making them, so they're a bit on the small side around the waist." Jessica said.

"Tell me about it, I can't breath." Xiumin said. Su Ju glanced at him and blushed after noticing how his abs bulged through the shirt.

"Su Ju, your outfit is way too big. I can't even see your hands through the sleeves of the shirt! We'll take yours, Xiumin, and Kyungsoo's measurements. The other members' outfits appear to be fine. Anyhow, on Saturday we will have more rehearsals, and on Sunday we will film the real thing! Now, let me explain the concept."

"As I said before, we are advertising a large Pocky company and a few other food products. We're going to be filming a romance comedy drama! So basically, Su Ju has a pack of Pocky. Being the nice boy he is, he shares it with three of you. But eating the pocky causes the three to fall in love with him! And so Su Ju has to fight the three off and find out how to reverse the curse. BUT THEN HE FALLS IN LOVE WITH ALL THREE OF THEM AND HE IS ALL CONFUSED WHAT HE SHOULD DO AND AT THE SAME TIME, THE OTHER FIVE ARE TRYING TO GET THE THREE BACK AND THINK THAT IT'S SU JU'S FAULT AND EVERYONE LOVES EACH OTHER AND IS A PAIR, BUT NOW THST THE CURSE HAS BEEN PLACED, THE THREE ARE SEPARATED FROM THEIR CHOSEN LOVED ONES—"

The nine EXO members stared at the director in horror and confusion.

"*Ahem*Apologies. Basically, when three of the EXO members eat Su Ju's pocky, they fall in love with him. The other EXO members become angry at Su Ju because they care for their three friends and think that Su Ju is blackmailing them or something. In the drama, Su Ju is pulled into a love nonagon!" The director said, excitedly.

"She can't be serious..." Baekhyun groaned.

"Wait so which three of the members are going to be the ones that fall in love with Su Ju?" Chanyeol asked.

"It's up to you guys. We couldn't choose three, so you guys can choose!"

Everyone became silent.

"I'll be one." Sehun said, sighing. The other members stared at him in shock. He shrugged his shoulders. "If no one else is going to do it, I can be the only one who "falls in love" for Su Ju."

"I'll do it too." Baekhyun said. He crossed his arms and flared at Su Ju. "It wouldn't be fair if only Sehun did it. Plus, it would mean that the entire script would have to change."

"I'll do it too." Jongdae volunteered. That's all he said. 

"Alright, then it's settled! Let's give everyone a tour, go more into depth into the cast and story, and then you should start memorizing those lines!"


Su Ju's POV
"Okay! How much have you guys memorized?" Jessica asked.

It was the second day of filming, and I was exhausted.

Last night was yet another sleepless night, so I decided to make use of the time and memorize the entire script.

It was pretty...interesting.

I had several questions...or rather, requests for our director.

"I got through the first half of the script." Suho said, rubbing the back of his neck.

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