43 - broken.

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"We tried contacting you, but you weren't answering..."


"Sir, are you okay?"





Su Ju ran out of the hospital.

He didn't cry.

He was just...numb.

He ran to his motorcycle.

He got onto the highway as fast as possible.

40 miles per hour.

He ripped off his helmet and threw it into a tree.

60 miles per hour.

He ignored the honks and angry yells from the car drivers.

90 miles per hour.

He got onto the familiar bridge.

120 miles per hour.

And then he stopped.

He stared off into the starless sky.

And that was when he broke down.

He screamed as loud as he could at the heavens for taking his mother.

He cursed, and yelled, and screamed.

He cried, and sobbed, and gripped his hair in frustration.

"Why...Why my mother?" He asked.

He fell on his knees.

"ANSWER ME!!!" He shouted to the skies.

Su Ju weakly hung onto the railing, as the angry winds almost blowed him away.

"Why not me instead?"

"Why...couldn't you take me?"

Su Ju didn't look up to the heavens like he did for his mother. He looked down to the ocean, searching for hell.

"Su Ju, come here..."

"Follow us."

"Come here, you'll be safe."

"You'll be happy."

"Okay." He whispered.

And as he jumped, the waves welcomed him.

broken |exo x male|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ