24 - Z.Y.

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(This is going to be a short chapter but it'll be a good one ;))

I ran away from everything.

My problems,

My fears,

And myself.

Life is cruel.

Third Person's POV

Su Ju didn't know where he was going.

He was just...running.

He ran for a few minutes until he slowed down and just began to walk.

He realized that he ended up at the one place that he hated somehow.

Joe's Bar.

"What the hell?" He whispered to no one. His thoughts were all messed up. He couldn't think properly.

And so, he went in.

He was greeted by glares and stares.

He sat down at the bar and ordered an entire bottle of soju.

"A bottle of soju for Su Ju." Su Ju whispered to himself, raising the bottle to no one. 

Su Ju's POV

I woke up with my head throbbing. It hurt like hell. My eyesight was blurry...where were my glasses?

I groped the nearby nightstand before finding them. I rubbed my eyes and then put them on.


I was dressed in some stranger's clothes, and even though they were really soft and comfortable, THEY WERE NOT MINE.

I didn't remember anything from the previous night except the entire concert fiasco and me ordering a bottle of soju.

"Dumb Su Ju, dumb Su Ju!" I groaned, hitting my head against the bed-frame. And that hurt like hell.

I crept out of the soft comfy bed I was in as silently as possible.

Oh god...


I began to freak out. I mean...I was in a stranger's bed...and a stranger's clothes...

I quickly walked out of the room and still got no sign of anyone in the house.

When I got to an elegant looking dining room, I noticed that there was a large piece of paper with my name on it.

"Su Ju,

You were very drunk last night and I didn't know what to do, so I brought you to my house. I am out getting groceries, so just make yourself at home.

So I made my way down the long staircase, and found myself in the kitchen somehow. I peaked into the fridge and took out two eggs. I searched around before finding a frying pan. I poured some oil on to it, spread it, and then cracked the eggs.

I decided to make breakfast for this random stranger as well...I don't know why, but I just did.

I took out four pieces of bread from a table and then lightly toasted them. I decided to make two egg sandwiches.


Oh yeah I was hungry.

And hunger beats everything >:(

But as I cooked, I guess I calmed down. My heart rate slowed down and I began to hum and sing lightly.

I finished and ate my breakfast. That's when I realized what a nice house I was in. It was beautiful.

After I ate my breakfast, I noticed how I really smelled. Probably from drinking all of that soju- I reeked of it. So without further thinking, I stupidly decided to use this random stranger's shower.

But boy was that shower nice. The hot water on my body felt really nice. Like really, really nice.

What am I thinking!? If anything, this guy could've kidnapped me!

Or it could be a crazy saesang who wants to kill me!

And just like that, my heart began to thump.

I was in the middle of rinsing my hair when I heard a door open. The front door open, that is.

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap." I whispered. I jumped out of the shower and wrapped myself up in a towel.

I crept down the stairs, and I saw a light, the light of the outside morning!

Just a little further until I could escape this house.

I reached for the doorknob and...

"Thanks for breakfast."

I turned around and nearly dropped my towel.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Yixing."

broken |exo x male|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat