18 - The Show

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Su Ju's POV

"Omo! Su Ju, are you okay!? What happened!?" Chen came rushing towards me, obviously worried. He no longer seemed to be mad at me, which made me happy.

When I explained to everyone what happened, everyone was silent.

"Su Ju, you should tell the police." Suho said.

"Yeah, this is a serious case." Chanyeol agreed.

All of the EXO members agreed with nods. Except Baekhyun. Meanie ;(

"I-I'm fine. Let's just start." I replied with a weak smile. They were actually...concerned for me?

"Are you sure?" Kai asked.


The EXO members were silent.

"Alright, let's start." Baekhyun said, clapping his hands, eliminating the silence. "Let's work hard today. Su Ju, just do...whatever you want. Just don't be a burden to us."

I nodded and we started to stretch before dancing. While stretching I kept on thinking on how when the EXO members were stretching each other out with their legs spread.

Oh my god that sounded so perverted BAD SU JU. BAD SU JU.

Please thoughts get out of my head now.

While dancing I put a lot of strain on my muscles, especially my legs. But I really didn't want to be a burden. I wanted to be the perfect member. I wanted to be...Yixing. But I couldn't be Yixing. I could never be Yixing.

I would forever be an outcast to the EXO members.

I wondered to myself...if I know this, why do I try so badly to be what EXO wants?

As we drove to the show, the members were actually talking a lot. I started thinking about Sehun and his words.

"You don't have the right to talk about him, let alone say his name."

Why was he so sensitive about me saying Luhan's name? I mean, yeah they seemed to have a deep connection but was it really necessary to say that I don't deserve to say his name? The more I thought about Sehun the more I realized how much he changed over the past years. He used to be some bubbly, happy, and energetic man. Now he seemed so...unhappy sometimes. He seemed to be sad, if anything. I bet Yixing's leaving didn't help this. Hmmm...I wonder if Sehun was close to Zitao or Yifan. I think he was close to Zitao...maybe he's just sensitive to the members who left. I should probably stay away from the topic for as long as I can.

"We're here." Xiumin announced. We got out. We were filming a showtime episode and we were going to separate interviews and then one gigantic interview as a group. We took our separate interviews first. I was the first one to take the interview out of random, and the others were sent to another room where they could watch my responses, making me slightly uncomfortable.

"Okay...go." The director said.

"Introduce yourself."

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Su Ju, the newest member of EXO." I said, bowing down before returning to my seat.

"What did you think when you first heard you were joining EXO?"

"I was really surprised. I was also worried, because I thought I wouldn't be able to handle the pressure. It's a lot of work because I'm joining them in a somewhat random moment."

"What's your favorite song from EXO, overall?"

"Hmmm...EXO's Hurt? Sweet Lies perhaps? There are so many different options, I cannot choose one."

"What are your thoughts on Zhang Yixing?"

I tensed up for a moment. Was I supposed to say the truth? If I did, would SM get mad at me?

"I believe that Yixing was a very important piece of EXO. His leaving had a great toll on EXO. However, I believe that if he wants to go pursue his dreams as a solo artist, then he has the right to."

"What would you say is your personality?"

"Well I guess aI can be slightly awkward and tad bit shy...oh! I'm mentally sensitive and I guess I can be narrow minded sometimes. Now that I think about it, I don't have many likable traits, do I?" I said, laughing lightly.

"Do you have a specific liking to any of the members?"

"I'd have to say Chen. This Hyung has been wonderful to me and really accepted me as part of the family.

"What are your favorite things? Hobbies? Foods?"

"Well my favorite hobbies are probably fencing and swimming. I also really like painting. Preferably watercolor. My favorite food...lollipops. I'm addicted to them. I used to carry them around everywhere! Unfortunately I haven't had the time to buy any recently."

"Did you look up to any idols before joining EXO?"

"While I had heard of EXO when I was younger, I was a really big fan of NCT actually. I knew a lot of the members because at the time I was a SM trainee. But I stopped being a trainee when I had to move to Seoul and started to focus on college."

"What were your best subjects in school?"

"I was really into literature and poetry. However, that wasn't my best subject. My best subject was definitely math."

"Any family members?"

I just smiled for a while, thinking of what to say. Should I include my uncle? Should I even include my father?

"I have a mother and a step father." I said. "I also had a little brother that my biological mother and biological father gave birth to.

"What do you mean by had?"

"My little brother had brain cancer and passed away when he was five years old and I was ten."

Jeez, these questions were personal.

"Would you like the EXO-L's to know anything about you?"

"Ne. I cannot be as good as a member as Yixing and I don't believe that I'm anywhere close to being as talented as he is. But still, I am working hard and so please take care of me."

The camera stopped filming and I hopped off the chair. I was led to a room where the EXO members sat. They were unusually quiet. Probably because I just opened up.

"Xiumin you're next." I said. I sat down, replacing Xiumin.

One by one, the members all went and did their interviews until we all finished. They all gave the same phony generic answers when asked about me. We finally went to one big room where we all sat down once again. We were given one prompt: What was your favorite moment with Lay?

We were all super awkward. Why would these people pose such a...depressing or personal question? The members were super sensitive about Yixing..couldn't these people at least respect that? Nobody wanted to really answer first, and I couldn't really answer because, well...I hadn't even met Yixing or interacted with him.

"My favorite moment..." Chanyeol started. "We were on our guitars, and we were making a parody of the showtime song. That was...really fun."

"We were on another show, and Yixing kept on saying Jurajil. That always makes me laugh." Baekhyun said. All of the other members laughed at the memory.

"Omo! What about the time Lay was singing 'Jingle Bells' and he kept on pronouncing it 'Dringle Bell?'"

The members started opening up their memories with Yixing and they seemed genuinely happy.

I wished it stayed that way.

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