42 - Shattered., Part II

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"You...you said that?" Kyungsoo asked.

I couldn't move. I just stared at the faces of EXO.


I what?

I'm sorry?

But there's no point of saying sorry...

If I'm not sorry.

"Yes. I said all of that. He's telling the truth." I stared at my feet. I couldn't bear to continue to look at that familiar, disappointed look.

"Why?" Jongdae asked quietly.

"Because I'm sick of this! I'm sick of being treated like crap! I hate this job! I wish I could quit! But I can't! I just can't! Do you think I like this? That I like being targeted? Sure, there are some times when I'm happy, but they're quickly overcome by times of anger and sadness! I've kept my emotions in for so long no have faked being happy. I'm done. I'm just done. I can't do this any longer. I finally understand why ZiTao, Luhan, and Yifan left. Because they were treated like crap! And so was I! But my situation was even worse, I was treated like crap by YOU! THE EXO GROUP ITSELF! PLUS, MANAGER HYUN HAS BEEN TARGETING ME! I DON'T REGRET MY CHOICE. I DON'T. I'M NOT SORRY. DON'T ACT LIKE THE GODDAMN VICTIM HERE, BECAUSE IT MAKES ME SICK!"

I had enough. I was crying for frustration, and I needed to calm down before I said anything else. I was in enough trouble as is.

I got out of the place. And of course, there were just hundreds of fans waiting outside of the interviewing center.

I blocked out everything. I covered my ears.

But I didn't miss their angry faces. I could tell that they were yelling at me. And it hurt.

It was painful.

I pushed through the crowd. I was kicked, punched, and slapped.

I was grabbed, pushed, and hit some more.

Everyone grabbed whatever they could. By belongings, my clothes, my hair.

I was ripped apart.

I was shattered.

I got out of the crowd eventually, an angry mob of fans chasing after me.

I ran through the streets as things were repeatedly thrown at me.

I ran until a taxi noticed me and called me in. I ran inside.

And that was when I had a breakdown.

I began to hyperventilate.

I took in too much oxygen.

And before I knew it, everything went black.


Third Person's POV

I was greeted by a white ceiling. A light glow from the windows illuminated the room. 

I looked around and saw nothing.

And then all of my memories hit me.

"Mr. Su?"

A nurse came into my room.

"Oh my! You're awake!"


"You've been asleep for quite a long time. It appears that you were so stressed out and under so much pressure, when you fell unconscious from too much oxygen, you remained in an unconscious state for a much longer time than usual. How are you feeling?"

broken |exo x male|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя