9 - Eomma.

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Su Ju's POV

"Well look who it is."

I grit my teeth turned to see my lazy uncle sprawled all over the couch. The six foot, 240 pound man got up and walked towards me.

"You haven't been paying the rent, boy." He said, breathing all of his bad breathy breath on me :(. My uncle gathered up a stack of envelopes and harshly threw them at me.

"Your pa is looking for you by the way." My uncle laughed. "And he sure is angry."

"You bet I am."

I turned around and gasped.

There, was no other but my step father. My terrible, horrific, disgusting step father. The one that I once aspired to be. The one that at first, took care of me. The one who replaced my biological dad.

"A-appa, mianhe I forgot to pay the rent..." I muttered. He pushed me against the wall. His breath smelled like the usual soju he was always drinking.

"Get...out..." he growled.

"W-What?" I felt frozen, like I couldn't move at all. I was shaking in fear. My father always scared me. He would occasionally physically abuse me with slaps, but that was not the worse part. The worse part was the mental damage to me, the mental abuse. He would torment me and my mind. He'd say things that he knew would make me break down, and he would make me feel completely useless.

"GET OUT!" He yelled, spitting in my face. I winced at his booming voice, but for some reason, I couldn't move.

"GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!!!!!" He yelled, now pushing me to the ground. I sat there, shriveled up into a little ball.

I got on my knees and begged my father.

"Please, appa...I have no where to go, please let me stay here, I am sorry for existing, I am sorry for everything, I am sorry for ruining your life, I am sorry..." I begged as tears fell from my face.

"You're disgusting."

My father took some coins from the change bowl sitting in my living room and left the house, slamming the door shut.

"Pshh. Pathetic." My uncle said. He sat down back on the couch and continued to waste our money by watching a show on our tiny television.

I quickly dried my face and made my way to my mother's bedroom. The bedroom where my step father left my mother crying, begging him to stay home and to stay with her. She knew that he was cheating on her with some prostitute, she knew that he was spending and wasting all of our money. My body collapsed against the side of the bed where my mother would lay.

"Eomma..." I'd cry the entire night.

Third Person's POV

Su Ju made his way back to EXO's dorm the next morning, where D.O. opened the door.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" He yelled.

"Mianhe, Kyungsoo-sshi. I was locked out and I didn't want to-" Su Ju began.

"Yeah, yeah whatever just get inside." He said, rolling his eyes.

Su Ju entered the kitchen, to see the EXO members sitting around a table, eating breakfast. As soon as Su Ju entered, Baekhyun got up and left.

"G-Good morning..." Su Ju said.

"Ah! Su Ju, where were you last night? I came to check on you but I couldn't find you!" Chen said, motioning Su Ju to come over.

"I was locked out and everyone was asleep." Su Ju said.

"Oh, mianhe! Here, take my phone number just in case this happens again. Where did you go?" Chen asked, taking Su Ju's phone and entering in his number.

"Just back home." Su Ju said, looking down.

"You should go take a shower." Chanyeol said, getting up. He left, and was soon followed by Xiumin, Sehun, Suho, D.O., and Kai.

Su Ju sighed.

"Hyung, why do the others hate me so much?" Su Ju asked Chen.

"They're just very stressed. Lay was a part of our family...and we all loved him. When he left on his own choice, we were all very sad. And now we have this very rude manager. I'm sorry that they're harsh to you, but please understand their situation." Chen told Su Ju, handing him his phone.

"I'll try." Su Ju said before going into his bedroom. He took a steaming hot shower before getting dressed in some decent clothing. He tried to look his best, but some of the EXO members still looked at his attire in disgust.

When the arrived at the dance practice room, Suho spoke up.

"Okay, we should probably start observing NCT Limitless's moves first. Then we can transition to breaking down the lyrics.

For the next few hours, all nine boys tried their best. Choreographers came in and taught the EXO members how to ace each move. Surprisingly, Su Ju was the one who did the least amount of mistakes. He was able to catch on to the dance moves quickly and danced with a certain flow. The EXO members wouldn't admit it, but he was probably the best dancer in this dance.

"Kai, can you help me with this move?" Xiumin asked.

"Ah. I've been having trouble with that one too. The footwork is a bit challenging." Kai said, groaning.

"Do you want me to help you?" Su Ju asked, hearing the conversation. Xiumin and Kai glared at him.

"Do not try to act like Lay, Su Ju." Xiumin said coldly.

"And mind your own business." Kai added.

Chen patted Su Ju on his back.

After getting down the basic moves, the EXO members went on to learning the lyrics. They studied for a long time and had their lines distributed. They were soon practicing and helping each other out with their parts. The only one who wasn't singing was Su Ju.

"Su Ju, practice." Chanyeol said.

"M-Mianhe...it's just that I'm a bit embarrassed to be singing in front of EXO..." Su Ju replied honestly.

"Why? Are you that bad at singing?" Baekhyun asked.

"I-I don't think so but-"

"You don't think so? If you don't think so, you probably are terrible at singing." Baekhyun said.

"But I'm not! I swear, I'm at least decent." Su Ju stuttered.

"Then sing your part."

Su Ju took a deep breath in before releasing the notes of NCT Limitless's chorus. And he aced every single one of them. His breathing was even, his notes were at the perfect pitch, and altogether, Su Ju sounded like an angel. As soon as he finished his part, everyone went silent.

It was like that for a while.

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