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Brady's POV

I continued to walk after the kiss. My body ached to turn around and get her but my mind begged to differ. I'm not good for her. With me in her life, everything would fall apart. I would ruin her just like everyone else I once cared about.

I knew I would be late going home, but I made a pit stop at the cemetery. My mom was buried in this town. If anyone knew what was best for me, it was her. I sat and spoke to her head stone, hearing the answers I believed she would say. Soon 8:30 turned to 10. I left quickly knowing I would get hell when I got home.

When I reached my house I took a deep sigh and unlocked the door. It was a little too quiet considering how my foster Dad was always on my back. He beat the shit out of his wife, the only person who's been good to me in a long time... And when he got tired of her, he beat on me. I couldn't help but be suspicious as I climbed the steps to the attic. Normally if I arrived home this late I would be subjected to his fists.

I was up two flights of stairs when a voice stopped me from the lower landing.

"Brady get in here." Michael called from the bathroom.

Reluctantly I dragged myself back down the steps to accept fate.

"Yea?" I said stopping near the steps.

"Do you know what time it is?" he asked calmly.

I glanced at my watch.

"It's 10:30." I responded avoiding eye contact.

"Are you aware that it is a school night?" he asked cracking his knuckles and coming closer.

"Well yea, but I was studying, I have a tutor now." I justified

"I don't care what you have. School nights you are to be in at 9 o'clock." he said before back handing me.

I stumbled backwards.

It took everything in me not to swing back. I clenched and unclenched my fists as I stood straight to face him again.

"Go to your room." he said after a moment of silent observation.

"Don't you mean my cage?" I whispered under my breath.

I was glad he didn't hear me and I escaped to the attic. I closed my eyes knowing that my cheek would be swollen in the morning.

What a great first day....Not.


So sorry for the wait guys I've been extra busy with school but its almost over so I'll push myself to post more bare with me

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