Part -5

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Am so sorry I keep doing this to you . I k am such a girl it's hard to write how a days and my grand PA died recently I think it effected me. And good news is manan is back
Am so happy and oh I love you all.
PS - can you keep supporting my story only if u want? I need some help with cover ppl some new idea.

A star falls from the sky and into your hands. Then it seeps through your veins and swims inside your blood and becomes every part of you. And then you have to put it back into the sky. And it's the most painful thing you'll ever have to do and that you've ever done. But what's yours is yours. Whether it's up in the sky or here in your hands. And one day, it'll fall from the sky and hit you in the head real hard and that time, you won't have to put it back in the sky again.

C. JoyBell

I woke up late in night and was thinking about raghav for the first time after long time I was thinking about another man other than manik. It felt weird. It felt wrong to me. I didn't like it I wish it was manik. I wish it was manik who was trying to make me smile like before. But things changed we drifted apart I still don't understand why we fell apart when we did a love marriage. My parents they don't know that I am not with him otherwise of course they will tell me the same lecture more than 90 percent love marriages fail. Oh mom I know that's the fact but I am sure my manik and I come into he left over 10 percent. It's kind of true isn't it. God I hate the fact that I'm still calling him my mine when he isn't mine. Why is this happening? Why did he do that with sneha? Why is he close to diya ma'am?

Few questions don't have answers. We don't get any solutions to few stupid things. I have absolutely no idea what kind of wife I'm after speaking to Raghav and his flirting skills reminded me of Manik. I took my laptop enough I won't think.
such stuff now it's driving me crazy.

I opened my blog and continued writing a story. Who I'm i lying? I was writing our past story. He knows I write a blog I wish he sees am still writing about him that means I still love him. I love him even after all he has done to me why the fuck I love him I don't know but I love him like I always do. i wish things get back to normal. love is pathetic i heard but now am sure it is . i need to win him back and i will. I hope I will. God from when did I become so pathetic. I loved myself . But now am thinking why did I ever love myself? Why will even manik love me? Am nothing at all. Just a fat girl with a ugly smile. Now this is self loathing. Shut up I wanted to yell to my mind in silence.

I need to get us back. I need him. It like I need him like air. He makes me feel so safe yet he is so cocky. I wish he misses me like I miss him. I kept thinking about him. Till I lost myself in a long dreamless sleep. I woke up with a jerk it's 6 . I have a lot of time to go to college. Am fat I need to become thin. May be he left me because am fat? May be if I get thin like before he will come back to me. May be? Why do I hope when he left me. Am pathetic. But however after arguing with myself after five minutes I did yoga using YouTube videos and did planks. I was sweating like pig after my exercise. I needed a bath I stink. I went to take a shower and I found his body wash it smells of him or he smells of this body wash. O quickly grabbed it and washed my body. Great job now I smell like him. May be if I keep doing this I won't miss him anymore. Forget manik I shouted at myself. Pathetic i can't forget someone who made me what am.
I was hungry but I drank from tea with honey and rushed to take my ride that arrived (ola 😜 ). I wanted to eat I didn't eat dinner but I feel I need to stop eating much am already fat. Home and food were my favorite things. But after he left me, i didn't like home. It didn't feel like home. It felt like a big Villa. No emotions attached just some asset to me. It's nothing without him. Food if I eat more he will not even see my face if I get fat. I think so. When we were together I used to be exited to reach home but now it's so heart breaking to come and see its empty just like my heart. My heart is empty of his love.

I hear the soft music played on cab radio. I feel sleepy. I mustn't sleep. I mustn't slept I keep telling this to myself but without my knowledge I dozed off. I woke up after five minutes only to get panicked that am. What???

Cliffhanger I k such a writer am. I come back even after running after hissing with my books and imaginations. I love. You all. I hope you like this chapter. P
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 Now that's whom I choose as raghav imagine we'll

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Now that's whom I choose as raghav imagine we'll. Isn't he hot and no am not drooling are u?

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