Chapter 3

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Mr. Bower moves his face away from mine, staring into my eyes. He doesn't move. I button my dress without looking away from him.

"Alright," he says as he sits on his desk, not moving his gaze from mine. "The job is yours if you want it." He stands up, fixes his suit and walks around his desk to take a seat.

"What? Why? How!?" I was mad and confused.

"Because I said so. Be here monday at 9 am sharp. That will be all." He looks at his desktop and beginning gs to type.

I stand there with my mouth open trying to say 'okay' but nothing comes out. I turn slowly to leave when he calls my name.

"Jasmen. Please make sure you wear business appropriate clothing. Don't need you popping out in front of employees and clients." He doesn't bother even look up. I take my right hand and quickly cover my left hand. It wanted to flip the bird at him so bad.

"Popping out?!? Who does that dickhead think he is?!"

"That dickhead is my Boss, unfortunately."

Of course, I called my sister to tell her exactly what happened. We didn't think anyone was worse than her husband. Bower took the cake!

"Isn't that harassment or something? He got way to close to me. On the plus side, he smelled yummy."
"Okay I don't care if he's Gods gift to Women. He's an asshole. Everyone obviously does what he asks. He probably chose you because you aren't like the rest. You're a project to him. He's going to make it his mission to get you to blow that smoke up his ass!"
"Yeah, with the help of smoke from a Flair gun."
We both started cracking up.

I hang up the phone and went to wash the day away. This weekend was going to fly by.
I'm dreading Monday. I really am.

Before I knew it, my alarm was going off. It was already 7 am Monday morning. I got up and took a shower. Walked into the Kitchen deciding I wanted home made pancakes, but I was too nervous and somewhat lazy. A Bagel and Cream Cheese would suffice.

I brushed my hair, put a little makeup on and decided I looked very nice. Even thought I knew my Boss was an asshole, I was really excited. A new environment, new friendly faces. Working for this guy would eventually open doors for me in the Corporate World. I was only 27 but I somehow thought I was starting late in life. I needed this job to steer me in the right direction. I felt like being in that Tower would change my life forever. Where that was exactly, I didn't know.

I got to the building fifteen minutes before 9am. The Security Guard escorted me to the Security Office where I would get my Badge and thumb print scanned. I hated my Black hair. But today it looked great. My picture would turn out half decent. Thank Goodness.
I was then told to go to Human Resources to fill out paper work.

"Excited hun?"
I happily shook my head. I never met Ms. RoseMary. She was an older, short, round woman. Had the prettiest teeth I had ever seen. I kept looking at her teeth while she spoke.
"Can I give you some advice?"
"Oh," she caught me off guard. "Yes, please!"
"He's seem like a Brute but he's a pillow. Do what he tells you but remember you are Human, you're going to make mistakes."
Was it her place to give me advice like that?
"Thank you. I'll definitely remember that." 
I signed the last document and handed it to her. 

She accompanied me to the 90th Floor. She relieved a lot of my anxiety making me laugh the entire time. She would point at someone on the Elevator and give me the juiciest gossip on them.
"...and over there is Jake Ryan. Watch it,'" she whispers, "he will try to get in your skirt by the end of the Month. Mark my words."
"Oh my god."
I hadn't laughed this hard in forever. And trying to suppress it made it worst. Everyone kept turning around to look at us. So embarrassing.

We made it to the 90th Floor. She walked me to Mr. Bower's Office, who I noticed was fuming through the Glass. He was sitting at his desk looking right at me. If he could burn a hole through my head at that moment, consider me dead.
He motioned for me to come in, got up and walked to his massive window; which took the entire wall. I have never been more terrified in my life. Ms. RoseMary opened the Door for me and ushered me in. I think she told me 'Good luck,' but I didn't hear it. I was too nervous to move. He was pissed and I knew it was my fault. All I saw was his backside and knew he was seeing red.  I didn't do anything and I made it on time. I followed everyone's directions. As far as I knew, I did nothing wrong.

"Jas, what time is it?"
I looked down at my watch.
"It's 10:06 Mr. Bower."
Why was he asking for the time? The wall behind his desk had 6 Flat screen TVs. One of them had the Time on it.
"And what time was I expecting you?"
Oh shit.
Wait. Really!?
"You told me 9am but-"
He cut me off. "So why are you strolling in here an hour late?"
"Well you didn't tell me that I had to get Badges made and fill out a ton of paperwork!"
He turned around to face me. Walked towards me to close the gap and stopped about 3 feet from me. Then he started to size me up and tilted his head slightly to the left.
"Do I look like a Ringmaster? Are we in Kindergarten? I said 9 am, sharp, MY Office."
He started to get mad again. I huffed. The way he walks around here, I'm sure people are close to calling him Master. He took one step further. Seething almost. The look he gave me, you would've thought he heard my thoughts.
Shit. I think I did say it out loud.
He was a o close that I felt his breath on my forehead. I was about 5 feet 7 inches and he had to be about 6 feet 3 inches. 
"I'm not here for the back talk. I know it's the American way back home, but not here. Not in my Building!"
"You are such an-"
"Seriously? Are you fucking trying to get fired!?"
I don't think it's customary for you and your Boss to get into a fighting match on the first day of the job. However, I wasn't going to let anyone talk down to me that way.

Right when I was going to open my mouth yet again, he walked over to his desk and pushes a button located next to his MacBook. I hear a swoosh behind me. I turn and can no longer see into the Lobby or his waiting area. Instead of see-thru Glass, it looked like a thick layer of foggy ice. It was the coolest thing I had ever seen. Of course I had to walk over and touch.

I walked hypnotized. Put both hands to the glass and realized it wasn't cold or anything.
"You like it?" I jumped and felt his chest on my backside, completely forgotten who I was with.
"Yeah." I backed away about a foot from him.  "Does it look like that from the other side?"
He put his hands in his pockets. "Yeah. Privacy."
It was the first time I agreed with anything he said. "I was starting to think no one cared for Privacy here. Oh my God, are the Bathrooms-"
He started to laugh.  It was the first time I noticed he hand dimples and perfect teeth.
"Red wood. And I believe I would be sued left and right if I could see you urinating."
Mr. Bower sighed and smiled at me.

"Now can we start over and finish on a good note?" He extended a hand and I grabbed it. A Nice firm handshake.
I smiled. "Yes, Master."
Couldn't help myself. He laughed, put his head down and said, " yes, Master BOWER."
We both laughed.

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