Chapter 17

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It had been a little over two weeks since we heard anything from Sam. It had me so paranoid. I took comfort in knowing everywhere I went, Dayo was right behind me. He still wasn't talking to me and I didn't care. As long as I was protected that's all that mattered. He knew it too.

I was allowed to return to work a week ago. Pretending I wasn't watching my own back was harder than I let on. I stopped using the Women's Public Bathroom. I would go in and check every stall just to make sure the tall, evil Jensen Ackles look-alike wasn't hiding in one of stalls. Instead, I would go use the Private Bathroom in Luke's Office. He said I could walk in, even if he was in the middle of a meeting. He understood my paranoia. And there was always a guard in there. Even when Lucas wasn't in.

"Because of your two week vacation with Bower Power, you missed so much."
I had told everyone who asked that I was sick with the Flu. Cindy knew I was lying. She said she knew I was on vacation with Luke and didn't want to hear otherwise. I caved and just let her think what she wanted.

"So, Barbara caught Matt and Rumi in one of the Janitor closets. Fully naked. And she pulled him out into Hallway! Everyone in the Office got an eye sore. We told her he was scum before she started dating the guy. She didn't believe us. Man, I wish I was there! I would've loved to see what he was working with."
I just shook my head and laughed. I seriously had to meet this Barbara chick. There was always drama surrounding this woman.

"So Listen," she says jumping off my desk, "are we going to get lunch?"
Lunch did sound good. I was starving and didn't eat anything for breakfast.
"Yeah," I grabbed my bag and jacket. "Let's go!"

"Do we really have to bring Gruffy guff with us?" Cindy whispers as were sitting in the Cafe, waiting for our food.
"Yep. You'll get used to it. I have."
"Yeah right. I mean, he's not that bad looking. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever heard him speak."
Did she just swoon, I thought to myself?
"Yeah he doesn't speak to women. It's his religion or something."
"That's so weird! What if he and the woman, you know, are doing it and she wants him to talk dirty to her?"
"I don't know, maybe he Gruff's at her."
We both start to laugh.

10 minutes pass by and the server finally comes with our food. I was starting to think we were forgotten.
"You have to take a bite out of the Tuna Sandwich," Cindy says taking a bite. "It's so good!"
"I believe you, but no thanks." I look down at my Plate and my mouth salivates at my Egg Salad. Toasted bread, boiled eggs mixed with Mayonnaise, salt and Pepper. I use to eat this all the time back in College. I was surprised when I saw it on the menu.

"Miss Gibson?"
The same server hands me an envelope.
"This was left for you."
I smile and nod.
"Secret admirer?" Cindy whispers.
I ignore her and open the envelop. There's a letter inside. I had a bad feeling but I open it anyways:

You have exactly 5 minutes to exit the Cafe. Do so without the Blonde or the Guard. Make a Right onto Russell and then a Right onto Fairfax. There will be a black limo waiting for you. If you don't do as instructed, Lucas will die. If you are doubting me, he is at a Meeting at the Bordeaux, wearing a Dark Blue suit.


My heart sinks. But I have no time to think it over.
"Hey," I try to give Cindy the best smile I can act out. "Can you do me a favor? Actually, a huge one."
She nods.
"I need you to stand in front of Dayo. Block him, if you will, from seeing me leave through the back. I need you to do it. It's important."
I dig threw my bag, throw cash on our table to pay for our food and tip, and give her a pleading look.
"Do you promise I can raid your closet and borrow some stuff?"
I grab her hand and laugh.
"You can have whatever you grab..."
Her smile fades and I know she's sensing something is wrong.
She is about to ask me when I cut her off.
"Please," I beg her. She see the neediness in my face. "It's important."
She looks back at Dayo, nods and gets up.

I take my compact out and watch Cindy as she nears Dayo. She starts acting like her bubbly self and within seconds, you can tell he's annoyed.

"So anyways, do you have a girlfriend?"
She says as she inches closer to him, blocking his view of me completely. I get up and walk as fast as I can to the kitchen.
"Hey," I grab the first cook I see, " wheres the backdoor?"
The dishwasher points me in the direction and I hurry out the door.

I make the right onto Russell and then onto Fairfax. Two blocks up I see the Limo. I walk as fast as my heels let me. I didn't know if anyone was following me.
Did I dare turn?
I decided not to. I just prayed Dayo didn't find me. As I got near the Limo, panic started to sink in. I was so scared but the only thing that mattered right now was Lucas.

Once I'm standing in front of the Limo, the passenger back door opens. I hesitate then grab for the door. I get in slowly, holding my breath.
"I love how you follow orders! Job well done!"
Sam says smiling, then takes a sip from his glass of wine. He was seated on the chair directly across from me. He had on a black tux and his hair was slicked back.
"How do I know Lucas is fine?" I just wanted to make sure he was okay.
"Oh that's easy, let's go to the Bordeaux!" He snaps his fingers. His driver gets out and closes my door. He then gets back in and we drive off.

We sit in silence as we make our way to the Bordeaux. I felt his eyes burning holes through my entire body but I just kept looking out the window.
The Limo slows down. I immediately stop breathing.
"Ah, you should see him right"
I looked out the window.
Sam was right.
Lucas sitting in a table outside with his Lawyer, that I've met before, and some Clients. They were all laughing. Thats when I realized I made a huge mistake. Lucas was never in danger. If I would've called him, I would've known to ignore the letter and gone straight home.

Once we pulled away, I sat back and closed my eyes. What did this nut job want with me?
My phone started to ring.
"Please give me your purse." Sam moved and sat right next to me, making me jump.
I hand it to him and he pulls my phone out.
"Let's see who's calling. Ah, Cindy... is that the Blonde you were with? Very pretty."
It's stops ringing and I close my eyes. Please god. Let's this be over with.
The phone starts ringing again.
"This time it's Lucas."
He shows me the caller ID and I try reaching for the phone.
He grabs my hand and his facial expression turns cold.
"Don't do that. You'll ruin everything."
He slides the Answer button and I hear Lucas calling my name.
"She can't come to the phone right now. I'll be happy to take a message for you."
Lucas goes quiet for a second. "Where is she? What have you done to her?"
"Nothing, yet." Sam looks at me from top to bottom and licks his lips.
"If you touch her-"
"What Luke!?" Sam cuts him off. " What could you possibly do to me that you haven't already done?!" Lucas stays quiet.
"I beg you, I'll do anything you want. Just leave her be. I'll meet you wherever you want. Take me, please, just leave her out of this." I started to cry when I heard Lucas begging.
"See, but where would all the fun be in that? I could smack you around, take away your fancy cars, and you'd be fine. But if I do this-"
Sam grabbed my finger and pulled it backwards. I started screaming.
"No, please Sam stop! For fuck sake, please!!"
Sam stopped. I pulled my hand onto my chest shaking, feeling like I was going to throw up.
"See what I mean. This beautiful doll is your Achilles heel man. And you won't like it, she won't like it, but I am going to enjoy this next part."

Sam hangs the phone up, rolls the window down and throws my phone out. He then reaches to touch me but I move towards the door. I was so scared. What was he going to do with me?
"I need to blind fold you. Just for a little while." He takes out a green handkerchief. I move my head away.
"Don't touch me!" I say through gritted teeth.
"Fine," he backs away pulling out a gun, " we can do it the easy way or the the hard way. Your call."

I look up trying not to let new tears spill over. He started to tap the gun on his knee. I was mortified to think what he had planned for me. I slowly bent my head down and shut my eyes, letting the tears fall onto my lap.
"That a girl!"

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